Starting the diet tomorrow, but dubious

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  • I am 52 years old & have had problems with my weight since I was 20. I am currently 13 stone.
    I became disabled May 2006 so cannot exercise but I try to walk my dog most days & do hydrotherapy once a week.
    I’m determined to give this diet a good go but haven’t found any other posts by people with reduced mobility so I am really unsure how this is going to go.

    It should be fine! I’ve been doing this for nearly two weeks now, and can’t move much. I’ve lost 2 lbs so far, very proud. And once you’ve done some trial and error the fast days just sort of happen! I prepared by getting low cal stuff for the fridge. Personally I seem to feel better when I don’t eat starchy carbs on a fast day. Hope that helps!

    Hi, I’m very anctious to start 5:2 diet tomorrow, I want to do it mainly to improve my health.
    I did fasting in a past and felt amazing afterwards.
    Lately I put on a few kg due to a stress and personal problems as I am an emotional eater, so wish me good luck. 🙂

    I will be starting on Tuesday – am excited, hopeful but worried I am going to fall by the wayside as I have with so many diets before … I think as long as start seeing some results fairly soon, I will be OK and will get the ‘kick up the bum’ I need to keep going 🙂

    Hi everyone “Starting tomorrow”. My wife and I are both starting tomorrow which is of course the 19th of January,
    Perhaps we should all subscribe to a topic named MJ19 and swap our results hopes and recipes.

    Then we can all help each other to better health and weight loss.
    I have been searching the very informative posts in the forum for the best way forward also good simple recipes.
    In fact a good tip I picked up today was that M&S are selling a great range of low calorie meals.
    So for our two fast days this week, we picked up some really nice looking meals which are priced at 3 for £8.
    At the same shelf was another lady, also on the 5:2 and she said she buys them all the time as it is a lot easier and quicker than doing all the preparation yourself .
    So that gives us an easy start tomorrow and good luck to everyone.

    Hi everyone,
    I did my first day (hurray), I’m not hungry at all 🙂

    I had a 120 cal smoothie for breakfast ( handfull of rocket leafs + 1/2 banana + 1Tbs of barley grass powder + 1Tbs of flaxseed powder & water, delicious :))
    Then during the day at work I had 2 cups of herbal coffee and, two small apricots and 4 cherry tomatoes, plus of ofcourse plenty of water.
    Whenever I’m hungry I drink water. I have a very good feeling about this diet or should I say my new lifestyle – amazing. Wish you all good luck.

    Hello I’m a 19/1/15 starter today!!! Filling up on tea and herbal drinks so far.. Maybe going to have scrambled eggs soon and a weight watchers meal for dinner and veg!! Really hoping today is the start of something good for 2015!!!

    Good luck to any other 19/1/15 starters!!!

    Emma 🙂

    Yep, I’m a 19.1.2015 starter as well and so is my daughter, not sure she has found her way here yet tho!

    Between us we have tried most diets and are hoping this is THE ONE 🙂

    Poached eggs for me at lunchtime, not sure if I will eat this evening, am a little awash with water and black coffee at the moment….


    Well hope you savour those poached eggs!! Thought I would go for either Wed or Thus as my next FD (if I survive this one lol) then weigh myself next Monday!! Fingers crossed this is the ONE!!

    Hey Ho! Got to be in it to win it so they say!!


    Is it just me? I really don’t know how you can eat poached eggs without toast, I find it easier to make eggs into an omelette.
    This IS the one for me! Life changing and loving it!

    Hi all MJ19 (Monday 19 January) 5:2 starters ,
    Everyone doing well so far, except me it seems.

    We had a power off last night so freezing cold this morning, and with the best intentions to measure up and weigh, it was far too cold so main thing to get organised this morning first thing was to get the power back on which is still ongoing.
    Luckily we have have a bit of battery charge left on the IPad .
    Also we still have gas, so had a late breakfast of 3 poached eggs between two of us on one slice off dry toast and 1 cup of green tea,
    it looks like we will be too busy sorting out the electric today to get worried about not eating so we can get by with water until evening when we have our low cal M&S meals.

    So, hope everyone has a great day and begin the first day without too many hunger pains.

    Sorry, should have mentioned I will be having a piece of wholemeal toast as recommended in the book…. I’ll miss the butter tho 🙁

    How long have you been on the 5:2? What has your success been like? Do you watch what you eat on your feast days?

    Applepie, I normally have poached eggs on buttered toast, but this morning we had poached egg on dry toast and it was ok,
    I can’t work out the cals on the toast until I get my lap top back and check the web site I downloaded last week.

    I am on my first ‘Fast’ day of starting 5:2, so far ok, yoghurst, fruit and a few almond flakes for breakfast, have a box of celery, grapes and carrot sticks to nibble on during the day at work and plan to have some sliced ham and salad tonight. Seems to be going ok at the moment. Good luck to everyone else starting today.

    First day today too so I am an MJ19 too. Planning on going for just one meal today (Hummus, Tofu and Salad), but will keep a few calories aside for an apple in case I need it. Anxious and excited about start.

    Hello traceyam! (and everyone else!)

    I am 53 and I am disabled….and am finally winning the battle with my weight! (as my weight-journey thread on this site will show)

    I cannot exercise (simple mobilising is difficult some days!)…so weight loss is difficult! BUT it can be done!

    I have been following 5:2 for some time now – and whilst my results are not as stunning as others, I think they are fantastic for someone who does little/no exercise and who is on medication that states ‘may cause weigh gain’!

    Good Luck!

    If you stick to the plan and have patience you WILL see results!

    This does work, but in my experience you will all do better by limiting sugar and alcohol as far as humanly possible on non fast days, and cutting carbs on fast days.

    I have found that overall I am less hungry on non fast days than I used to be. Hurrah. The only downside is that I find it harder to get to sleep on fast days. I think this is because I am more alert.

    Thanks for your encouragement Butonboots,
    I hope that your continued effort and weight loss will enable you to gradually get a bit more mobile.

    I always take the attitude of “If everyone else can do it, I can do it”

    Hi gang. I’m a MJ19 starter too. I had success doing this last summer but a combination of moving house and chaos of family life meant that it got put to the side. I am looking forward to regaining CONTROL. If I can control two days per week then the rest will fit in and it’s one less thing to be worrying about on a daily basis. I plan to cut carbs in the evenings of non fast days which means that I’m not permanently deprived of that buttered toast but have it at a time of day when it is most likely to be used by my body…

    Good luck everyone.

    Hi all, well the first fast day is almost over and I must say it was not too difficult.
    Although feeling a bit empty, I still had nothing to eat from a late breakfast at till a low cal meal at 7pm.
    I did cheat with one Pear about 5.30, which put me 50 calories over, but avoided headaches by drinking plain water with a slice of lemon all day.
    So, if I can do one day, which I should imagine is the most difficult, then the rest will be easy.
    I hope that the rest of you MJ19’s have survived and enjoyed the challenge on your first day, but if you did succumb to eating a bit more, no problem is it.
    I think as long as the next few fasting days are brought down to the required calorie count we will all be winners.

    Hi everybody.i too have started today. Does anybody know what a fitness pal is? I’m a bit confused about how many calories I can eat on a non fast day.2000 seems an awful lot. and surely you can’t eat just anything. I’ve started on a fast day today which has been straightforward because I’ve had just over 500 calories and that’s it,simple. But I need advice for non fast days please.xx

    Hi Carmella and welcome:

    You should eat to your TDEE or less on your non fast days. Number four in this post will explain:

    Good Luck!

    My Fitness Pal is an app which allows you to log everything you eat/drink each day. It works out the calories for you and keeps a running total. It’s great and very easy to use. Good luck everyone, day 1 for me too.

    Well survived the first day!!! Not too bad really? I did feel cold and by 9.30 pm I was a little hungry but I got through that.

    It has made me look at what terrible habits I’m doing such as just popping food in for the sake of it and it was good to feel a bit hungry instead of Heartburn and bloated!!!

    How did the other Monday 19th Jan peop’s get on????

    Emma 😉

    I did it and I feel amazing today! Had 2 eggs with loads of frozen spinach (frozen spinach is only 20 calories for 80g which is quite alot) as one of my meals which worked very well and kept me full. For me it’s a case of retraining my mind to what is actually a portion size. Back on tomorrow. Mondays and Wednesdays are the days I’m aiming for. Good luck everyone

    Well my first fast day went ok, no real hunger pangs and I enjoyed my chicken and rather large quantity of broccoli last evening.

    Stayed within 600 cal so happy. with that.

    On Thursday I will try eating breakfast and dinner rather than lunch and dinner, see how that goes I think

    Well my first fast day went ok, no real hunger pangs and I enjoyed my chicken and rather large quantity of broccoli last evening.

    Stayed within 600 cal so happy. with that.

    On Thursday I will try eating breakfast and dinner rather than lunch and dinner, see how that goes I think

    Oops fast fingers, sorry

    Hi everyone

    My partner and I decided to start the diet yesterday. First fast day today. Aiming for no breakfast, soup for lunch, tuna steak with veg and coodles for dinner.

    Already feeling rather faint, hoping my body will get used to it!!


    I also started yesterday. I’m doing back to back fasting to get it out the way, so I am fasting again today! I had a bit of a headache yesterday and felt a bit shaky 🙁 hoping today will be more positive. Looking forward to eating properly tomorrow! Well done everyone 😀 keep up the good work, we can do this! xx

    Hello everyone,

    I decided that enough is enough! I have been eating quite recklessly during the “festive” season and have put about 3-4kgs back on (after having reached my goal of 52kgs last year doing the 5:2).

    Also, I re-started yesterday with a back-to-back fast and felt exactly the same as Slimforme. In the same fashion, I am planing to do the second fast day straight through today. At least now I feel full of energy.

    Quite annoyed with myself at the moment and not getting much inspiration from this freezing weather. But thanks to all of you who post here I have regained my mojo, hope it lasts!!! (especially worried about tomorrow because I have a dinner out and hope I can keep temptation at bay!)


    Thankyou for your replies. I’ve survived day one which I’m very pleased about. I know this is probably a thick question but I’ve searched and can’t find what TDEE means. How many calories on average do people usually stick to on non fast days? Also can somebody explain to me how to start a thread as again have searched and can’t see how to do it. Sorry to appear so dense. Xx

    Keep going!!!!I have been doing the fast diet for two years. The first year I lost 20KG (to go from obese to over weight) the second year was only about keeping it off which I did! Its become such a way of life that I don’t notice it. Sometimes the fast days are 600Kcal sometime a bit more sometimes a bit less its doesn’t seem to matter that much. I have also noticed a change in what I eat on non fast days, I eat less and have reduced the simple carbs. If a drop off the wagon I start again the next day or week, its not a problem, and I keep a record of my weigh daily. I put on 3 KG over Christmas but straight back on the Fast diet and I have lost it. This coming year I am a new-bee again and plan to loose 10KG to take me from overweight back to the top of my “normal” BMI range. The fast diet works in the long run, just keep at it and start again if you stop, and add this site to you’re favourites.

    Thanks Faithful! Quite inspiring! These last two weeks I have tried going back onto it but I was knocked out after only a couple of days. I really hope this time I will keep going to get rid off the weigh gained…

    I found it took me 4 weeks to get used to it and more importantly get mentally ready. The big learn was to plan the fast day meals and weigh things out. Once I had some meal options it was much easier. I also repeat to myself, tomorrow I can eat that just wait till tomorrow.

    Yes, good tips! Thanks.

    My biggest downfall are the feeding days though. I start eating and one thing leads to another and I end up having a proper feast! As you say, I guess the key lays on planning and size control…


    Number 4 in this post will explain TDEE:

    Good Luck! 2 nearly over and I’ve only had just over 600 cals,not intentionally but just through choices of meals I’ve made today.x

    I have not got the time or patience to count calories in every bit of food I eat, it is too time consuming and boring.

    So I found a very simple site which is free, (nothing to buy).
    You just type in “Foods” in the box at the top. choose the food you require then it will give you the amount of calories in ounces cup size and so on.
    The site also has recipes and other stuff but I have not read them yet.
    This is the link;

    Work out how many Calories in food.


    Thank you for the tip re poached eggs and spinach, much better combination and left me feeling really full for very few calories 🙂


    Thanks everyone for the support. It’s now Friday, I fasted Monday & Thursday. Monday I was very headachy from the afternoon onwards & on Thursday, from the evening onwards. Really wasn’t too bad but what amazed me was how well I felt the following days & how much energy I had. Having multiple health conditions this is wonderful. I will certainly carry on with the diet just for this benefit.

    Poached egg on a bed of spinach with slivers of smoked salmon is delicious and very low calorie.
    I fasted yesterday, lovely marinated chicken breast fillet with broccoli and carrots for tea, felt really full up after. I only had 350 calories all day. I am looking forward to my weigh in on Monday, keeps me on the straight and narrow aver the weekend 🙂
    Good luck everyone, we can do this!

    Well done to everyone who survived the first two fast days.
    I tried Spinach also with Salmon, absolutely yummy. After searching a recipe for cooking salmon, I found one that says put it into a really hot pan with a touch of Butter, then turn over when the underside has cooked, then turn over.
    Add a drop of lemon juice,it tastes great.

    Only problem it stinks the whole place out.
    Perhaps I will try baking the Salmon instead.

    Strange thing is, on the day after fasting, I did not feel hungry at all after breakfast so did not eat anything until around 6pm.

    Just reporting back as just weighed in after first week. Found it brilliant! Challenging at times but very easy to adapt to the very busy week I have had. Lost 4.5 lbs but more interestingly and amazingly 6.5 inches across my whole body :). I am delighted and excited to keep going. Hope you are all still going great guns too and have made good progress.

    My weigh in this morning didn’t go as planned, I put a pound on!!! Not what I was hoping for but onwards and upwards, well downwards hopefully.
    Fasting today and tomorrow, then again on Friday.
    This fat seems to want to stay, but it IS going!
    Good luck everyone x


    I had the same problem but I know where it came from.

    I need to be more careful about “you can eat what you want on non fasting days” as I forgot the within reason bit and have only myself to blame.

    I am doing 4:3 this week as penance and making a note of the cals on NFDs

    This diet works for so many people and I don’t intend to be left out!!



    Well done BB65! that is AMAZING!

    I am not going to go even near the scales today as I had a frustrating weekend. But as Smartmart put it, I don’t intend to be left out! So, fasting today and have planned my meals for the rest of the week.

    Have a good Monday fasting everyone!


    well i am starting today so here goes, I think my main problem is going to be the non fast days I have tried this diet before fast days were fine but non fast days i seemed to make up for the days i didn’t eat so i am going to try and not eat over my TDEE

    Thanks MMP. Hope this week is going better for you. The trick for me I think has been not to overdo it on the non fast days. I am just trying to have healthy but delicious meals. Good luck for week 2 everyone.

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