Starting Out And A Little Unsure

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  geniegal 9 years ago.

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  • Hi, I am just about to start. I am 63, overweight (73 kg & 155 cms) not fit and sick of it! My husband is 67, unfit and overweight too. We live in the Southern Hemisphere and want to do this together but I am unsure how to do that. Thinking about the different calorie intake for males and females. We will not be cooking different meals so we will be eating the same meal choices on the fast days hence it will either be my meals choices or his being more or less calories for one of us. Does that sound a ridiculous query? I have borrowed the Fast Diet Recipe Book from the library for inspiration. We want to be fit, happy and a safe weight to ensure we get the most out of life.

    Hi genie and welcome:

    All you have to do is follow the calorie guidelines – 500 or less on diet days for women, 600 or less on diet days for men and TDEE or less on non diet days. The ‘meal’ is unimportant. Just cook whatever and eat 5 or 600 calories of whatever is cooked.

    Here are some tips that might help:

    Good Luck!

    Hi Geniegal,
    the easiest might be for him to have just a slightly bigger helping than you, or to finish off his meal with an extra piece of fruit.
    I have friends who are doing it as a couple, and I haven’t asked how they work that out, but they do! I’ll ask.
    I’m a Southern Hemispherite too! Best wishes!

    Thank you. I am sitting here on NY day thinking we must get motivated. I feel I need someone to be accountable to for motivation. I have been reading a couple of threads and thought I might join in on them. I see “Aussie Determination” and “Southern Hemisphere” threads. Trying to get started is the hardest. We have chosen Tuesday and Thursday for our fast days.

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