Starting next week

This topic contains 15 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Pot-bellied Heron 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello all.
    Up until the age of 30 I was skinny all over. At 44 I still have the limbs of a stick figure but with an ever expanding torso. Frankly, I look ridiculous. If nothing else, the 5:2 will give me 2 days off the booze!

    Good philosophy! Welcome, and good luck with your 5:2 journey!

    I decided to give myself a head start with ADF. My reasoning being that visible results would give me the impetus to continue and I must say that it’s working. Since October 1st I’ve been consuming zero calories on my fast days (or having a banana if I’m REALLY hungry) and eating and drinking as much as I like on my feast days.
    I am neither weighing nor measuring myself, instead judging weight loss by trouser tightness and mirror misery. I can happily say that both are decreasing.
    I do feel hungry on fast days but I simply drink some more water and try to find something constructive to do instead off thinking about how hungry I am. I never realised how habitual much of my eating and drinking was.

    I’ve halved my booze intake, halved my sugar intake, almost halved my food intake (maybe 55-60% depending on how feasty I feel), increased my water intake (I never drank water before, preferring OJ) and as a bonus, I’m saving money!

    Once I achieve a more pleasing shape I aim to switch to 5:2 as a means to maintain my weight and reap the attendant health benefits.

    I’m a month into alternate day fasting and I’m noticing pleasing results in the mirror. I’m still sticking to between zero and 100 calories on my fast days and eating as normal on feast days.
    It’s so easy I’m going to do another month before I downgrade to 5:2.

    5 weeks into ADF and I’ve gone down one notch on my belt. A real notch, not a breathe in and pull notch. One whole inch.


    Congrats!!! I am starting too after packing on the weight after a recent holiday! Looking forward to hearing more and tracking progress together!

    Welcome, Holly.
    Do it properly and the weight will disappear in no time.

    This is my first ever diet (I’ve never really needed to before) and I’m glad I chose intermittent fasting as it seems to work pretty well so far!

    Job well-done, Pot-bellied Heron!

    I am starting on Monday. I just can’t do alternate day fasting, so I’m jumping right into 5:2. I feel this is something I can really stick to.

    Here’s to all of us on our “downward” journey!

    You might be surprised, ontheroad. I certainly wouldn’t steer anyone away from 5:2, especially as I’ve never tried it, but ADF isn’t nearly as hard as you might imagine. If you eat up to your 500kcals on fast days I imagine it would be positively easy.

    I’ve been fasting minimum 3 days a week and it honestly is not as intense as it sounds – in fact, I find it easier than 5:2! But I’ve had a history of bingeing so that might have something to do with it; everyone is different. having said that, prior to this I had very little willpower, so if I can do it, a heck of a lot more people can too!

    8 weeks in and the pot belly is close to vanishing. Another 4 weeks should do it and then on to 5:2 to stop it reappearing.

    I had my first ‘old man’ check up at the GP’s this week (I’m only 44!) and my blood sugar was good at 5.1, my weight was good at 85kg for a 6 foot man fully clothed and I presume my blood pressure was good as she didn’t mention it. I have to wait a few weeks for my cholesterol results.

    I’m amazed and pleased in equal measure that I’ve been able to stick to ADF this long! It must have something to do with the promise of booze the next day. I mentioned that I was on ADF to the nurse and she said that a day’s “liver fast” was a good thing if alcohol had been consumed the previous day.

    Despite having an alcohol frenzy with friends last night I have somehow lost 4 pounds this week!
    10 weeks into ADF, 2 to go until I can go on to 5:2.

    The only reason I don’t drink every day, at every meal, and hair of the dog until the next day is because of weight. The amount of calories and the way my body stores it all (I would have ruled the tribe in the paleolithic!) keeps me from hitting the bottle all the time.

    I am not ashamed of the truth.

    So I hear you when bottles pile on our scale. I don’t mind, it has kept me from having a liver explosion.

    Well, that’s me done for the holidays. My 72 hour pre-Christmas fast is coming to an end (thankfully) and a 2 week blow out will shortly be starting.

    Have a good’n, folks.


    I FINALLY got my health check results back from my inept surgery.
    This was after 6 or 7 weeks of ADF but I have no comparison to any previous levels as I’ve never been tested before.

    Weight: 82.8kg
    Height: 186cm
    BMI: 23.9
    Total cholesterol: 5.4
    HDL: 1.2
    TC/HDL ratio: 4.5
    Blood glucose: 5.1
    Alcohol units per week: standard lie of 15
    Smoker: not for 10 years
    10 year risk of developing cardio-vascular disease: 2.4%

    I’m still ploughing on with ADF but I’ve upped my fast day calories to 200/300 if I feel hungry.

    Yesterday’s weigh in was a very pleasing 11 stone 12.5 pounds! Woohoo! Not bad at all for a 6 foot male.

    Even though I’ve never gone above 34 inches in trouser size it was getting a real squeeze and, yes, men’s trousers are vanity sized too; especially Levis as my waist now measures 33.5 inches yet I’m comfortably wearing my old 32 inch pair.

    I’ve lost a bit of muscle from my chest and arms but I’m happy to get slim and then build back up from there.

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