Starting for the first time tomorrow

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SATCLynne 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I am starting tomorrow on my first fast day, and plan to do this Sunday and Monday this week – I have read the book and articles, but am still not sure of the best thing to do. I have planned my 2 meals for Sunday and Monday, but with work, can I eat a breakfast and lunch? Or is best to eat breakfast and Dinner?

    Many thanks,

    Hello, Lynne (SACTLynne) – I hope all goes well on your first two fasts. Spread your fast day meals (and your weekly schedule) in whichever way best suits your situation and inclination – either of the possibilities you quote will give the same health and weight-loss results. It can take quite a while to discover the timetable you most prefer, so experiment if necessary – the 5:2 system is very flexible. Perhaps take a look at the faq link – frequently asked questions – at the top-right of the page, under the heading ‘Welcome to 5:2 Intermittent Fasting’. There’s a lot of good, basic information up there. I wish you much delight and success in using this new approach.

    Great, thanks Jeanius for your help. Starting today, so no doubt will be on the forum for support:)

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