Starting Fast Diet and Fast Exercise today

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MaryAnn 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I am a 54 year old guy starting both the diet and exercise in earnest today. I weigh 13st 10 lb with a BMI OF 27.8. At my heaviest I was slightly over 17st so have come a long way with lifestyle choices. I am struggling though to get down to my target of 12st so have turned to the Fast Diet and Fast Exercise. I have also joined a running club and can now run 5k non stop in 30 minutes. My next goal is a 10 k run in September and shedding some more weight will make this easier to achieve.

    Best of luck mate, you have come a long way already. I have just hit the 50 mark myself and weigh in at 17st 01lb. I am going to do the 5-2 and couch to 5k at the same time. I managed to get to the 30 minute mark this time last year but not 5k but then I had a serious accident at work where my left foot was crushed. Taken me almost 8 months to recover from it and really want to make a dent.

    HIT is really good for improving running times. I guess the track is the classical way to go for runners, but lower impact HIT is probably also helpful.

    I’m having foot problems so I’ve quit road running. I still run a bit on the treadmill, and do HIT on the elliptical.

    Good luck!

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