Starting again after Hating it last time!

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  • I did 5/2 for a few months a couple of years ago with good results but vowed never again as it made me hungry, cold and caused awful insomnia on fast days! I exercise 5-6 days a week and want to lose about 5-7lbs. I’m planning to have 600 cals to make it more manageable. Any tips on getting through the days with 2 small meals (I plan to skip breakfast) and coping w the insomnia? Thanks. Oh and I used to dread fast days. I mean DREAD them. Cooking for my kids feeling so hungry. Any tips? Tia

    Hi Needhelp, good luck this time!
    I think making your limit 600 instead of 500 is a good move because the most important thing is to make 5:2 sustainable. Infact Dr Mosley says if you need to go up to a 800 cal limit, that will work too.

    You might need to keep playing around with how to make your fast days something to look forward to, rather than to dread. My tip would be to have soups. Lots of soups! They will keep you warm, fill your belly and they are nutritious too. I”d have the heartiest soup in the evening, containing beans or grains as the carbs are meant to help you sleep.

    Re getting cold. It is hard to get warm once you are cold. A bath and a hot drink (even herbal tea) is probably the best way. But try to avoid getting cold in the first place. Dress warmly (two pairs of socks?), keep up the soups and cuppas.

    Good luck, I hope others come along with good tips and you can choose what will work for you.

    Hi @needhelp, I hope your first foray back into fasting went well! I also experience insomnia and cold so I can relate.

    Thank you @cinque for the tip on not getting cold in the first place, I’m definitely going to try that!

    A friend recommended I use a heating blanket at night to help me fall asleep. After doing this 5:2 and 4:3 for the past 7 weeks, I have a new sense of compassion for the sweet children around the world who go to bed hungry! I sleep like a baby on NFD 🙂

    I know it might sound odd, but I discovered last week that exercising helped keep me warmer. I looked bizarre at the gym walking on a treadmill with my coat on, but it made the end of the day much easier. lol

    Thanks both. I actually ‘enjoyed’ my fast day and have eaten a lot less on the two consecutive days because I think I’m more mindful and in tune with real hunger. Im weirdly even looking forward to my next fast tomorrow. The hunger pangs can be challenging but drinking lots of water helps and keeping busy. I exercise every day and agree that even on a fast day it’s good as it’s less time thinking about being hungry! I like the fact that on those days you aren’t guessing about what to eat/how many calories like other ‘diets’. It’s 500. Pure and simple. I feel freer knowing I will be good the other days w one treat day on a Saturday. Just some wine etc. I even feel a bit trimmer after one fast. Here’s hoping this continues

    I really feel the cold, so totally sympathise! I would’ve thought doing the exercise would help you keep warm, I’ve noticed it does for me. Hoovering’s not much fun, but it definitely helps warm me up, any cleaning really, & it takes your mind off food… I have a hot bath in the evening, keep warm afterwards with a blanket & hot water bottle, go to bed with thick PJs, a jumper & often 2 pairs of socks!! Lots of hot drinks in the day out of your calories, & I agree that soup is good.
    As for getting hungry with the kids food, again I can sympathise! I have teens, both out at work funny hours, as they work so hard I do cook for them when they come in- it seems like I’m constantly cooking. I find it easier not to eat at all, once I start it’s hard to stop.
    If you only have a few pounds to lose, it may well take you longer than some who have lots to spare… Good luck!

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