Starting Again

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  UpTipp 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hi Everyone,
    I successfully lost weight fasting in the past and managed to get within 7lbs of my goal but due to a lot of changes in my life I stopped fasting.

    Now, in fact just yesterday, I have been prescribed Lexapro for anxiety. I need to lose a stone. I don’t have the support in my daily life so I’m looking for support here. I would also appreciate any feedback/experiences you guys might have with losing weight on lexapro. I have read a lot online about it causing weight gain which is something I really don’t need. I take my first dose today.

    Thanks for reading.

    I have no experience with lexapro, though thought to chime in here to bump your thread up into the ‘Active Topics’ section! Hope there is someone out there who can answer your query!

    Thank you Lael 🙂

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