Starting 5:2 This Week/New Mattson Study

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  • Or shall I say restarting! I did it successfully about a year ago, but stopped. Now I’m jumping back on the bandwagon, but doing it a little differently this time. I read about a new study that is going to be conducted by Dr. Mark Mattson, the fasting expert we read about in The Fast Diet. When I read about the proposed study, I emailed him, and he was kind enough to send me the protocol. It is 2 consecutive days of 640 calories followed by 5 days of ad libitum eating, eating as you normally do but not consciously overeating. He is confident there will be weight loss as well as improved insulin resistance and brain function. So am I, since when I last followed 5:2 I felt sharper as well as losing weight. This particular study is geared to post-menopausal women who have insulin resistance. I fit the criteria, so it’s perfect for me!

    Members of my family have done intermittent fasting and belong to forums. I guess it’s time I jumped in. I’m pleased to meet you all.

    Sorry, I don’t want to put words in researchers’ mouths! He did not actually say “confident”, but the protocol spoke of success with earlier 5:2/intermittent fasting studies, and the results are expected to be similar. What made me so happy was when I read that 5:2 has been shown to be effective, just like every other day fasting, which I just cannot do.

    I should add my fasting days this week will be Monday and Tuesday. Friday (tomorrow) will be weigh-in and kick off my week. In the study, Mattson will use 640 calories worth of Atkins Advantage shakes (I think he wrote that’s 3 of them), but since I’m vegan, I’ll make up my own shakes and stuff to equal 640 calories.

    I have the Fast Diet recipe book and will look for some nice plant-based recipes to use on my journey.

    What days do you fast?

    Hi sjoyce- read your post this morning and didn’t have time to reply- see another poster- septembergal?… I fast on Monday and Thursday. I’d very much like to hear more, so let us all know when that is available. Good luck on restarting!

    To me it sounds like all this diet really does is prolong your fasting period. It even allows you to eat a bit more on fast days, probably because people would feel too deprived eating less on fast days (al though I can’t be sure).

    Just sounds like a variation on 5:2, you just glue the two fasting days together! 😛 Good luck with it!

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