I am very new to this. Been hearing about the diet through media and other people and liked the idea. I think it would suit me, as I fall off the wagon too often when I can’t eat foods I enjoy. I understand on non-fasting days that you can’t overeat, but just knowing that you can eat relatively well for 5 days is enough for me to stick to it.
I am a married 33 year old woman with 3 small kiddies (all under 8) I’ve gained weight since having kids, but admittedly always been a bit overweight. It’s got to the point now where I am scared about my health. I have aches and pains and I shouldn’t at this age. Weight is so tiring and restricting I need to do something about it.
I do not know where to start. Is it just as simple as calorie counting – so on your fast days you eat 500 cals and on non-fasting days 2000 cals?
I don’t drink coffee or tea, mainly water or water cordial. Should I look around and invest in a good tea to help me get through those hunger pains?
I found calorie counting in the past really hard, plugging every single thing into the computer, and if it wasn’t listed I wouldn’t know how many cals it was, so it just frazzled me and I would give up!
Can someone point me in the direction of where I go to record my cals for this fast diet?
Lastly, any other advice that you think would help me.
My weight is 113 kilos
I am about 162cm tall
33 years old
I have a sit down job and work each day (some shorter days) and don’t do much if any exercise.
10:46 am
20 Nov 14