Starting 5:2 diet but need all your help!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Bali2015 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    I am very new to this. Been hearing about the diet through media and other people and liked the idea. I think it would suit me, as I fall off the wagon too often when I can’t eat foods I enjoy. I understand on non-fasting days that you can’t overeat, but just knowing that you can eat relatively well for 5 days is enough for me to stick to it.

    I am a married 33 year old woman with 3 small kiddies (all under 8) I’ve gained weight since having kids, but admittedly always been a bit overweight. It’s got to the point now where I am scared about my health. I have aches and pains and I shouldn’t at this age. Weight is so tiring and restricting I need to do something about it.

    I do not know where to start. Is it just as simple as calorie counting – so on your fast days you eat 500 cals and on non-fasting days 2000 cals?

    I don’t drink coffee or tea, mainly water or water cordial. Should I look around and invest in a good tea to help me get through those hunger pains?

    I found calorie counting in the past really hard, plugging every single thing into the computer, and if it wasn’t listed I wouldn’t know how many cals it was, so it just frazzled me and I would give up!

    Can someone point me in the direction of where I go to record my cals for this fast diet?

    Lastly, any other advice that you think would help me.

    My weight is 113 kilos
    I am about 162cm tall
    33 years old

    I have a sit down job and work each day (some shorter days) and don’t do much if any exercise.

    HELP 🙁

    Hi mum of three

    Read through the forum. Get hold of the book. Do your calculations for TDEE. Get fitness pal app it’s fantastic.

    My advice is to pick 2 days to do your fast day. Whichever works for you. A lot of us do Monday Thursday and have weigh in day Friday morning.

    Plan your fast days plan a meal with something you love. Avoid sugar and carbs on fast days. They just make you hungry.

    An example of what I had today is one boiled egg breakfast. Homemade pumpkin soup lunch, nectarine at 5pm because I was very hungry and a chicken stir fry dinner. Drank 2 litres water 4 coffees I have black.

    The first few fasts are difficult you have to hang in there drink excess water and keep busy. The first couple if did over the between 500 and 600.

    Get your fast days worked out first and make an effort put everything in fitness pal. Believe me when you see the weight dropping you get it. I then found my cravings for sugar and rubbish food rapidly decline.

    I hope this encourages you.

    I am down 10kg in 2 months.

    I said I will do it for a month follow the plan and see. I was hooked by end of week one.

    It is not a quick fix I expect it will take me at least 12 months, but it has taken me 20 years to put on small price to pay.


    Thank you for responding. The food you said you had today, was that all under the 500 (600 if you’re male) cals? That doesn’t sound too bad..

    I am a little nervous about making myself unwell.. I previously ate a lot so it’s going to be a big jump for me.

    Do you ever have any issues with recording cals?

    Hi Mum:

    Here is what you need to know to get started and be successful on 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Hi mum

    Sorry I went to bed.

    Not sure where you are in the world but I live in Victoria australia 10 minutes from great ocean road. Our weather is great so getting outside and walking or working in garden is perfect.

    Record everything on my fitness pal it helps you learn it helped me enormously.

    Start with fast days just jump in plan your food. Then start planning your non fast days. Then exercise. I do a lot of exercise but you don’t have too. A lot of people are doing HIT with a skipping rope look on you tube.
    Kids can join in you only have to do it for a short time.

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