Start of the new me!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  payne1 8 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Just joined up so will have my first fast day tomorrow…. Feeling depressed and really hoping to change my bad habits and get back into shape

    Hi Payne1. You have made a good start by starting 5.2 and the great thing is that it really works! Do measure yourself, some weeks you’ll loose cms/ins and not weight! Use the tracker too!
    No profile yet please let everyone know a bit about yourself!
    Did I see you have joined coda’s challenge starting the 1st July? I started on coda’s 42 day challenge and have lost over a stone since May 1st! The support, help, encouragment and advice from the daily posts has been SO motivating!
    All the very best of luck!

    Thanks Rocy65, I’ve updated my profile 😌. No I didn’t start anything other than the 5:2 and needs to start walking atleast 3x week. I thought I’ll do my first fast tomorrow but realised that I need to weigh measure and obviously figure out what to eat before just jumping on the bandwagon, so Monday’s and Thursday’s seems like the best days to do this.

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