Something new?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  the Boissiterian 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello all my chubby new friends!! I say chubby, because I’m sure that if your not you wont be reading this! Just heard about this diet (way of life) yesterday, so I really don’t know much atall. It sounds very interesting, and I’m sure it wont be a problem the two days a week with just 500 calories. Obviously on the other five you don’t just pig out to make up for the others but one question, how about wine?? I realy do believe that a glass of wine is one of the pleasures in life that I would find hard to do without!! Want to buy the book as soon as pos, I’m sure that a lot of my questions will find a reply there. Best of luck everyone!!!!

    Good luck Bernadette – downloaded book last Thursday onto my Kindle on iPad and could not stop reading – am hooked. Book is very very informative & Dr Michael gives a lot of background research info to support this and other fasting diets, plus some receipes and lots of good advice.

    Also downloaded MyFitnessPal programme to keep count of daily calories, it is so easy to use and has thousands of pre-programmed foods so you do not have to count the calories yourself. also allows you to monitor weight & excercise so you can see what you are doing.

    Got go-ahead from GP this morning, but he was a bit sceptical. I have diabetes2 and I think it will really help keep blood sugar levels in control, so needed to tell him first. I have my 1st fast day tomorrow and am looking forward to it.

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