Some support for we the old fat farts please

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  • Like a lot of older Canadians, I am over weight and have high blood pressure. I have been on this plan for a month now, lost 5 # and 2 ” of belly, but… finding it hard to control my eating day before fast day and feeling deprived fast day. From what I have learned (on-line) old farts shouldn’t try crash fast loss diets, so not looking to do it all in one month or anything.
    Mostly been sort of doing “cabbage soup” stuff on fast days, not too starving, but hungry. Getting to hate Wednesday and Saturday tho. my chosen days.
    I need support to keep on, some sympathy from other old ladies please!


    PS I’m 73

    Hi joan gilkin, Well done for shedding the 5 lb + of belly!! I’ll be 60 years old in a couple weeks and though that might sound youngish, I’ve had health issues for the past few years (Hashimotos and Adrenal Insufficiency) that accelerated my ageing. I’m on a FD today and feel hungry too, though I’m due for my soup dinner soon.

    I’m sorry to read that you’re starting feel resistance to FDs. I’m only new at this too, having commenced the program in late June. Just checking whether or not you eat a full 500 calories on your FD? I read somewhere that eating minimum 50 grams of protein on FDs is recommended and I’ve found that this helps stave off most of my hunger. Prior to reading that recommendation, I was eating considerably less protein and feeling a lot hungrier. I use a whey protein powder to give me 10 extra protein grams which contain only 45 calories per serving.

    Hi Joan,
    I’ve just turned 59 so I count myself as an old fart too, but not so fat now!
    I’m Australian and 6 years ago I was over 80 kilos, which was frighteningly overweight at 5’3″. I lost about 20 kilos by cutting out sugar, but I plateaued and then started gaining weight again.
    Luckily friends of mine began 5:2 and were finding it easy and great, so I started too, and from the first day (exactly a year ago!) I knew it was for me.

    I was like you, not needing to be fast, just needing to succeed.

    I am thinking of what you say about eating too much the day before a fast day, and then feeling deprived on fast day.
    If your overeating is sugary, or white flour stuff, many of us find that sets us off badly, and then stopping is hard and painful. So there might be a solution there.
    If it is more a psychological feeling of being deprived of food on fast days, and dreading that feeling the day before, could it be to do with something that happened in your childhood about food, or a trauma connected with dieting or something?

    After trying to eat normally on Non Fast days by listening to my body…. I have found that my body signals are still very mixed up. Even after a year of successful 5:2 fasting (I am about 52 kilos now, so not overweight at all!) I am finding I need to plan out three sensible (delicious 🙂 ) meals, eat them, and then wait until it is the right time for my next meal.
    I really look after myself, so I don’t feel deprived.
    But then, on Fast days I take pride in fasting really well. If I am hungry I can tell myself that is my body doing exactly what it is meant to do on Fast days, and I can comfort myself that a lovely breakfast is greeting me the next morning!

    The other thing that has helped me is being on the forums. I follow a few threads and have come to know the other people who post and feel like we are doing it all together.

    I hope you hang around here too! And that we fellow travelers may be good companions to you on your journey.

    Hello Joan from UK :)How are you ‘spending’ your 500 Fast day calories? I rely a lot on eggs – a hard boiled egg is a filling food – don t drink with or after any meals – let the food linger as solid food for as long as possible. Soup is a waste of calories for me – I made mushroom soup and after all the faff, realised I was starving an hour later and I could have had an egg for the same calories 🙁

    Tinned tuna in brine (drained) 120 cals in a can – if you are hungry have the full can – with counted salad – I make a dressing of 0% fat greek yoghurt, (50 ml is plenty @ 25 cals)add a stick of celery and about an eighth of an apple – poor man s waldorf salad but without the nuts!!! check the calories and weigh your apple portion – its at least 100 cals for a full apple – makes a big dent into your 500 so watch that. Some sexy salad leaves – I like rocket mix – and you have a good bowlful there of ‘need to chew’ food. Bump up your bowl a bit more with grated oven roasted/microwaved cauliflower floret (fresh not frozen) it tastes just like cous cous and I roast mine with a spray of the frylite oil. Takes five mins to cook then whack that on the plate too 🙂 Depending on your tuna portion you could get this down you for 150 cals – its very filling, healthy and you could have it twice a day plus an egg or two 🙂 I personally think it is better to have an egg at bedtime even if means you had over 500 but under 600 on a fast day. I do this and don t wake up hungry – hence I find two fast days on the trot much easier.

    Try changing your fast days around maybe? Seems you are living in fear of them and I suspect, as in my case, will overeat to compensate this fear of having little food. Swerve carbs – they make me hungry and water retentive. I do no exercise but why not grab yourself a toy boy and burn off a few calories – take your mind off food too for a while??? :):) good luck hon :)xx

    Hey ammette! Loved reading your suggestions and since I’m somewhat of a newbie too, they’re helping me! I giggled as I read about the exercise recommendation!

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