So how often do you weigh?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  symba7 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Hi all, start of week 3 and my 5th fast day today. So far so good and although I haven’t weighed in yet a dress I wore on Saturday for work definitely felt less snug than it did a couple of weeks ago.

    I just wondered how often you all weigh yourselves. I know that in the past the time of the month for example can have a huge impact on my weight and not seeing results on the scales really can make me reach for a cream cake or 6. If this is going to take a while to kick in, I don’t want to become despondent and give up, but equally if I’m doing well it could spur me on!

    So – how often do you weigh and when 🙂


    Haha – that’s so freaky. I had to do a double take when I saw this topic as the title is exactly the same as a thread that was on here a few weeks ago. “1 post??? Surely not! – Oh it’s a new topic.”

    Look up the older thread for other people’s answers but mine’s still the same – once a month for me. Gives me plenty of time between weigh ins to get a general trend (downwards) throughout, rather than a seesaw. I weigh at the same time on the same day having eaten nothing and done pretty much the same exercise and taken in the same amount of water.

    Apparently 2 days after your last fastday is the optimal time for a ‘good result’ but I figure as long as your consistant any time is fine.

    Hi Lardilass,

    We do it once a week on a Friday after a Thursday fast day. It was hard to keep off the scales as I always weighed every day, I seem to have broke that habit!

    Good Luck

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