So far so good!

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  monaro64 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone..just wanted to introduce myself. I have been on 5:2 for 7 weeks now and have lost 6kg to date. Am amazed at how easy I have found it and how it has naturally reduced my appetite and made me more aware of what I eat on non fast days. I am 174cm and my current weight is 70.6 kg…I feel great and have had no side affects…my goal is to lose another 5kg before trying maintenance 🙂

    Good morning from sunny queensland everyone…what a glorious fine day for fasting. I had a wardrobe try on yesterday and a lot of my smaller clothes are fitting now and am getting back into my bras again….so nice to have a selection and not be limited to the only 2 that fit. Hoping for another 5kg before xmas to get back to my goal….Hope you all have a magic day 🙂

    sounds good. On my 3rd fast in wet & windy Ireland.

    Hope your fast day went well bigmarie…I did mine on Monday and will again tomorrow. Wow Ireland so lovely and boss has travelled there as his daughter married an Irishman. It is so funny hearing all the different names for things on this forum with folks from all over. The world of technology …..Monday went fine and I am encouraging my hubby to give it a go. He has a struggle as is on medication that makes him want to eat the house! 🙂

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