Slim girl on the 5:2 diet

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  PhilPlasma 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I have done the diet for a few weeks and it’s working really well for me… I don’t really believe in weighing myself religiously so I don’t know my exact weight loss but I know its around 3-4 pounds which is quite a lot considering I’m considered slender in the first place (I’m 5’4 and weigh around 116/7 lbs)
    I have two questions which hopefully you guys can help me with!
    Firstly I am on a fast day today, but as I have an important day tomorrow getting tests done on my heart, I was wondering if I could eat dinner and still have a successful fast day (as I haven’t eaten since dinner time yesterday at 7pm so I have technically done a 24 hour fast)?
    Secondly, for some one who does not have much weight to lose in the first place, what can I expect from the fast diet long term? Most of the testimonials I have read have been from people who have a lot of weight to lose!
    Thanks in advance to those who reply and good luck to you all!

    Hi Martha,

    1) 5:2 is basically eat normally, go to bed. Get up and eat quarter TDEE or less (the fast day), go to bed. Get up, eat normally. For 5:2, the length of time without food is not so important as the calorie restriction. So if your evening meal was under 500 calories, then it was a successful 5:2 fast. To be honest, given your weight, I don’t think going a bit (or a lot!) over 500 cals would be the end of the world though.
    2) if you eat to TDEE or under on non-fast days, and quarter TDEE or less on fast days, then you can expect to lose weight. You won’t lose weight as quickly as heavier people, but if there’s a calorie deficit then you would expect weight loss.

    There are slim people on the forum, but the reason that most of the ‘testimonials’ are by people with a lot of weight to lose is probably because 5:2 is primarily a weight loss diet!

    Hi Martha,

    I’m also not overweight, when I started the 5:2 my BMI was at 22.8 and now it is at 21.3. I started in April and have more or less maintained a new level of weight that feels to me to be more my natural weight. I haven’t yet gone under it but occasionally have gone up a pound that I then lose on a fast day.

    My purpose for the 5:2, however, was never really to lose weight. I’m doing it for the hoped for long term effects of improving my chances of having a healthy older age. I’m 42 years old now so if I make this a part of my life that perpetuates, I’m hoping that the autophagy that may be kicking in will do me some good.

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