sick of being overweight. the time has come for me to fix it

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sick of being overweight. the time has come for me to fix it

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  lizmac 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Starting tomorrow.
    Looking for support and tips.
    Said i would lose weight for my 40th which has been and gone ….
    10 weeks till i am 42 and need to lose 2 stone.
    Bring it on x

    Don’t get to 60 before you do anything about it like I did! After years of carrying all that extra weight around I picked up (or tried to pick up) weights equalling the kgs I have now successfully lost, and wondered how I ever managed to lumber around with all that! I am now kicking myself for not doing it sooner! I feel great and so will you once you begin to get on top of it. This strategy really works. Good luck!

    Thanks x

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