Self health for 2015 and beyond

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Selfhealth 10 years ago.

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  • After watching Michael Mosley’s BBC programme on Youtube and purchasing the 5:2 Fast Diet Book, my husband and I have decided that we will embark on the journey to better health in 2015. My new years resolution is year for self; year for health. I have tried many different weight loss regimes in the past and although I can really get into the zone and lose weight, I always put it back on. However, I am now at an age where my health is just as concerning as my weight. Both of my parents died in their 50’s from heart disease and one older sister and one older brother have undergone heart bypass surgery. Our family builds endogenous cholesterol as we get older. I am a registered nurse and a registered midwife amd educate patients daily on the importance of good nutrition. I need to apply the education to myself again, but this time I really want it to be a lifestyle change and not just a diet. I am addicted to sugar although am not a binge eater. My cholesterol and triglycerides levels are climbing as is my cholesterol. I also suffer from eosphogitiis and would love to get off the medication I need to take for acid reflux. My blood glucose levels have been ok, although I can get the shakes a little if I go too long without food. This is my concern about intermittent fasting. Another concern I have is the fact that I work shifts over the 24 hour period. I am on night duty right now in fact. I am wondering if there are any other nurses/midwives out there who have successfully done the 5:2 plan? I would love to hear how you have coped with fasting and shift work?
    I would also love some good tips for kicking the sugar habit?

    I forgot to mention the most important thing!!! I just finished my first fast day today!!! I have only fasted for 24 hours though. Is that enough? It is so hard with shift work. I are a meal at about 9.30pm the night before then I slept all morning, ate an apple around 2pm; 2 boiled eggs with a small piece of rye toast at about 4pm, a couple of cups of black tea and then had a frozen “lean Cuisine’ meal of chicken risotto at about 9.30pm here at work. Trying to drink lots of water and am sipping on a peppermint tea now. I have a small bowl of oats with blueberries to have for an early morning snack here before I drive home to go to bed in the morning. Does that sound ok for a start? I will do my next fast day on Wednesday which will be my day off. I think I will be able to plan it better on a day off. Or should I stick to the same days each week? I’m not quite sure how to do this yet? 🙂 Would appreciate any advice from you experienced 5:2 ers out there. I am so hoping I can drop about 6 kgs as well.

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