Second Week! Do you notice your hunger comes in waves?

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Second Week! Do you notice your hunger comes in waves?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  angela2016 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Just starting this and want it to work! I tend to obsess about numbers on scales, so I’m not weighing myself. I’ll try to use measurements instead.

    The first day was a breeze. The rest have been harder.
    Last week I drank a cup of hot chocolate at the 16 hour mark. That helped, but probably wasn’t the right thing to do?
    This week I am drinking a cup of broth at the 16 hour mark.

    One question: does anyone notice that their hunger comes in waves? i.e. that there are certain times of day when it is almost unbearable and others when you don’t even notice it?

    Hey! I am in my second week too. Today is my fourth fast day and actually has been the hardest so far. I have been having a cupasoup at lunch. As long as i am busy i don’t notice it as much but yes, the hunger comes in waves! Best thing seems to be to keep telling myself that when i am really hungry! It will pass! A glass of water works a treat.

    I have lost an inch around my hips already so I am chuffed!

    Good luck!!

    Wow! an inch is amazing! I definitely need to measure.

    Good to know other people feel the waves too.

    This is fast day #4 for me too! The hunger was killer at 17 hours, but a cup of broth worked wonders.

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