Second time lucky….hopefully

This topic contains 39 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  N4M11S 8 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I started the 5:2 in January 2014 and lost just over a stone, then somehow life seemed to get in the way and within a few weeks I had fallen out of the habit of fasting. I was vaguely aware that I was putting weight back on again but when I weighed myself last week realised that I had put not only the stone that I had lost but then some as well.

    Sooo here I am again. I fasted yesterday and was fine until the very end of the working day when I suddenly got a massive headache, I had forgotten about those!

    Anyway this thread is a way of me motivating myself and remembering why I am here to get back where I was and beyond. It is so irritating to remember all that hard work all gone down the pan. But am determined not to be negative and to keep going.

    Am going to fast again on Thursday and am determined to keep it up this time until I have hit my goal weight and then go onto maintenance.

    So here we go second time lucky …. hopefully!!

    It took me 13 months to lose 44 pounds. For the last 2 months I have been in maintenance mode and doing 6:1. My one fast day is a water fast. I think there are benefits that go beyond weight loss by maintaining the fasting regime. This is a lifestyle choice that I will keep forever. It is not a diet as such.

    Good luck with it.

    Hi Jenki2,

    I’m totally in the same boat as you. This is my second proper attempt at fasting and similarly i lost about a stone, then stopped out of frustration as i plateaued and wasn’t being that careful about eating etc. I also didn’t really have a focused goal in mind so it just felt like i was going on forever. I’ve put just over half my weight back on :(. I’ve got a holiday coming up in May so feeling desperate to fell just a little bit better about myself before i hit the beach.

    Had my first fasting week last week and managed two days without too much pain at all. I fasted yesterday and i’m weighing myself every week but only taking measurements every two weeks. I’ve set myself mini goals to try and keep me motivated and so that i don’t get bogged down by the big number i’m aiming for.

    When are your fast days? How have you found starting again?


    Hi N4,

    Glad to have found someone else in the same boat – although think you did better than I did. If I am truthful I stopped due to a bit of a hectic social life and never quite started up again! Very stupid but there you go – onwards and upwards!

    I travel a lot for work so try and keep my fasting days flexible to fit in around flights and hotels. This week I am doing Monday (tick) and Thursday. I actually looked forward to fasting on Monday and found it relatively easy. I am also trying to get more or a handle on my non fasting days.

    I am also weighing myself once a week – Monday is the current day of truth! Will also measure myself on Monday as think that is an excellent idea to keep an eye on overall measurments.

    Where are you going in May? Hope it is somewhere nice to keep your motivation going!!

    Hi Jenki2,

    I definitely hear you about finding it difficult to fit fasting around social things, eating out can be a challenge on fast days and i quickly can run out of days where I don’t have social thing on!

    I think last time, i wasn’t really paying attention to what i was eating/ drinking on non-fast days and got to the point where i would loose 2 lbs and put it on over the weekend, which i’m sure you can imagine, is rather demotivating. In any case, i’m more aware of what the obstacles might be (and have written these down to make them a bit more real) and trying to think ahead and plan for these where i can.

    I’m off to St.Lucia for a family holiday which i’m super excited about, i’ve never been somewhere exotic before! It’s a big birthday for my mum so we are all going to hang out together which is is going to be amazing.

    I like to fast on a Monday too as it helps focus me for the week and i’m less likely to go off the rails if start the week out well. The only downside is that only doing Monday and Wednesday leaves the weekend wide open for mindless eating. My plan is (once i recover from my injury) to make sure i do some exercise at the weekend to balance everything, that way i won’t feel so bad or feel worried about putting weight back on over the weekend.

    I signed up for a half marathon at the start of the year as it’s something i’ve always wanted to do, and party because i told myself that it would help me loose some weight. I’m not able to run at the moment and it’s killing me because i was really enjoying it 🙁 . I started fasting again because although i was working really hard at running and doing other things, my weight wasn’t shifting and i lost 2lbs in 3 months which was excruciatingly slow and demotivating. I’ve now lost that weight and 1 additional pound in a week! I really think it’s true- it’s 80% what you eat and 20% about exercise.

    Are you splitting your 500 cals through the day or just having them in the evening?


    sending you both good vibes …… I lost 1 stone 9 pounds last year, and like you lots of socialising, three holidays, Christmas and Easter there is now 10 pounds back on. After each of these events I could have lost the 2/3 I put on but couldn’t find my mojo. It’s getting near to a stone (cold panic). I really want to wear all the new summer clothes I bought last year and I kinda got used to being not fat. The white blaze of determination seems to be hard to find this time round but I’m trying. Second fast today this week, but out Thursday Friday, party Saturday night and family lunch Sunday are all gathering on the horizon and I’m trying hard not to say what the hell, I’ll start next week !

    Hi N4 & Noseinabookgirl

    Sounds like we are all in a very similar position! I too have summer clothes that I can’t fit into any more so am determined to get to the point where I might be able to squeeze myself into them in the late summer!

    @N4 I have started to go back to the gym again as well. I am doing an app that gets you running 30 minutes in 9 weeks. So far I am at the end of week 3 and really enjoying it so I feel for you re your injury. Are you recovering? Are you able to do some other sort of light exercise? I am also doing swimming and at the weekend am trying dynamic yoga…will let you know how I get on!! I save all my calories till the evening as I find it the best way for me. Have to say that I do drink far too much black coffee during the day though!

    @noseinabookgirl – love your name! I hope that the fast is going well and that you have found some sort of blaze! I totally get the socialising – but I reckon that you will be able to enjoy it more if you have gone through 2 fast days, not sure if that makes any sense!!

    How about if we set ourselves mini goals so as not to be defeated? So how about we say that by the end of April we need to have lost 4lbs? That is a pound a week so very doable? Then we can help one another get through the social and fast times! What do you reckon??

    PS N4 very jealous of St Lucia!! Sounds amazing.

    Hi ladies, (im making an assumption here, correct me if i’m wrong!)

    Yes sounds like we are all on the same page. I’ve set myself mini goals and have made myself a little spreadsheet that i’ve put up on the wall so i have something to tick off each day. I’m finding it helpful although i had a bit of a bad day yesterday and ended up having a rather large meal! I’m fasting today until 12 to balance it out though. I’ve moved my second fast day this week to tomorrow as i woke up with a migraine and its just buggered off so feel like i need to eat today.

    @jenki- my injury is bad at the moment, i’m having osteo for it each week, apparently i’ve trained my muscles to work the wrong way and its causing havoc! i’ve been hobbling along like an old lady, getting pain in my hip every step i take. Frustrating as i was running close to 6 miles before it got bad 🙁 I have decided that i’m going to do the race anyway, i’m just going to power walk it instead! not going to let it defeat me and i want to complete the race soo badly.

    What i am wondering is how people keep the weight off once they get to their goal weight? I know you have 1 day of fasting in the maintenance phase but i can’t believe that everyone else doing this doesn’t have the same problem as we have experienced! I guess we will see.

    Let’s all aim for 1lb a week, i think that seems realistic. I’m weighing myself each week on a Friday, shall we all do the same day and then share our progress? Might make me feel more motivated to be be disciplined in the week if i know i have to share how i’m getting on with you all haha!

    thank you for your supporting words – second fast day going well so far, although very hungry head is strong. I shall have miso soup with shredded lettuce and mushrooms at 5 and then my main meal when my partner gets home at 8ish – turkey and veg curry no rice no bread.

    I like the idea of mini goals and gave a sigh at the thought of a spread sheet, I used to use a Fitbit that produced a graph showing Wight loss but when it turned into gains I stopped using it. Time to dig it out again.

    Sorry you can’t run at present but power walking sounds perfect, do you guys have a weekly fitness plan ?

    Ps I weigh on Mondays (my heaviest day, after the weekend) are we sharing our weigh-ins. This is usually highly classified information but ………….. I can be brave if you guys are

    Hi Noseinabokgirl,

    Weighing in on a Monday (also my heaviest day), interesting… might be more sensible than weighing in on one of my lightest days but i’m worried i’ll feel demotivated if i’m not going down so for now i’m going to stick to Friday.

    I’ll share what i’ve lost so far:

    Week one (last week)
    Last weigh in: 155.9
    loss: 3.3lbs

    Exercise plan, not at the moment as i’m kinda dictated by how much my hip can cope with and that’s not very much! I’m hoping things will improve and what i was doing before was running 3 times a week and going to bootcamp on a Saturday, sometimes with yoga inbetween.

    How about you?

    Exercise – yoga x 3/4 per week, 1 or 2 in class others at home, used to run 3 times a week but lost my running buddy. I think I’ll get my fit bit out this evening and go for 10000 steps a day, with some power walking mixed in. Interested to read about high impact training and was thinking about getting an exercise bike.

    impressive weight loss – wow. If I loose 2lb I’ll be ver happy, starting weight 141 lb. Ya know that took a little while to get written down, I guess not ‘fessing up and keeping it a secret is all about denial, which isn’t helpful – even if more comfortable

    Hi all. I am very fed up. I’m 62, been on the 5/2 for ages with little effect since I’ve been on meds for anxiety and depression (albeit low doses). I have little willpower and tend to nibble and secretly on fast days (a few nuts, etc – sometimes worse!!!) and we eat out socially quite a lot, though I make those days NON fast days. I find I lose weight on fast days and then put it back on afterwards 🙁 and am desperate for motivation to stick to the diet properly. Exercise isn’t helping either as my twice-weekly gym sessions have resulted in MORE weight gain somehow! I hate exercise but stick to the gym sessions apart from holidays, Christmas, Easter and when I’m not well (as now). I don’t know what to do to lose the weight now – I have a sweet tooth which becomes unbearable late afternoon and evening so short of stitching my mouth shut, that’s a problem! Our meals otherwise are healthy; we cook from scratch, eat unprocessed food where we can, plenty of veg and fruit etc.

    I have to confess I am obese – at 5 ft nothing I am 79 kgs (so in old money I need to lose over 3 stone – a huge amount!) Good luck to everyone here on your journeys – hope we can encourage each other!

    Hi All,

    Second day of fasting this week and although it is still early so far so good. Black coffee is my friend! I also weigh in on Mondays mostly to see the damage the weekends have done!

    So as we are all being very brave on Monday I weighed in at 11.6.7 stone – I want to get down to 9.6 so have 2 stone to lose. So the aim is at the end of April to be down to 11.2. I have a big family wedding at the beginning of September and would love to be down to almost my target weight by then.

    @N4 so sorry to hear about your hip, sounds very frustrating. I hope that it gets better soon – has your osteo given you a time when you might be able to run again?

    I try and run 3 times a week and a bit of swimming as well depending on my diary. I am also trying to fit in a bit of yoga as well.

    @noseinabookgirl I have dug out my fitbit and am now slightly addicted to it! I have been known to march in front of the TV at night to make sure I hit my 10,000 steps! It really does help keep my active.

    @rowantree, I can only imagine how frustrating it must be not to lose weight. All I can really offer is the usual don’t give up and stay positive. Easy to say but not always easy to achieve. have you thought about taking up a hobby to keep your hands from reaching for snacks? Maybe knitting or crochet or soemthing to keep your hands active? Probably a stupid idea but maybe something similar.

    Hope you all have good days – off to make some more black coffee!!

    Hi all,

    Second fast day today and finding it tough today as i didn’t fast yesterday (which is my second normal fast day). I watched way too many cookery programs yesterday whilst working form home which hasn’t helped as all i can think about are the delicious cakes in that program Bake Off, Creme de la Creme- so good if you haven’t seen it, i recommend watching it, so much skill, it’s amazing.. i’m going off point, anyway.

    Sounds like we are all in a similar place with how much we want to loose so that’s good motivation for us all.

    @jenki2- Thanks for the support, i’ll get there eventually :). I imagine you’ll be down to 11.2 sooner than the end of April but it’s a good realistic goal to aim fo, also… Yay for coffee 😀

    @norseinabookgirl- Thanks for sharing, it’s nerve-wrecking to share that info, you’re right, it is quite private, but no judgement in here, only support and lots of championing 😀

    @Rowantree- As Jenki says, i’m sorry you’re having a tough time with it. A couple of things, i’m 5 ft too and although i’m ‘technically’ obese, that’s only according to a BMI which does not take into account body shape and bone density and may other factors. There are many other ways to measure your progress so don’t think about this, it’s just a number and i don’t think its particularly helpful actually! The other thing to consider is that if you are doing weights/ going to the gym regularly, you might be loosing fat and gaining muscle, this can explain small weight gain. Are you measuring yourself? Sometimes the scales don’t move but the tape measure shows something different…

    Perhaps you can try to focus on the fact that you are trying which is really positive, you might slip up but you are human and giving it a shot! 🙂 Don’t give up, keep going, you can deffo do it, you might just need to sit and think if there are any tiny adjustments you can make to keep you on track.

    I know when i have been loosing then gaining in the same week, it’s normally because i’m not being honest with myself about what i’m eating or doing in the week. This is where i fell down last time so i’ve been stricter with myself this time and i’m tracking what i eat more carefully. Are you using an app or anything?

    Could set yourself some mini goals and reward yourself for what you achieve? Perhaps you could also sit and think about the obstacles you might come up against and plan some mitigations for these? I’ve found that helpful but fully appreciate it might not work for you 🙂

    Happy Thursday everyone! 😀

    Hi Rowantree,

    You cant buy motivation and people cant donate you some, all they can do is offer encouragement. Only you can motivate you!! You say you eat healthy but say that by the afternoon your sweet tooth is overpowering you? So you only eat healthy part time? That’s not going to work. Get a big garbage bag and go to the cupboard. Throw anything with sugar content into the bag. Biscuits, cakes, lollies, chocolate, cereals (health cereals are a joke), muesli bars, ice cream, nutella (53% sugar!!!!! Arggg!!) etc. Then go to the bin and throw the bag away. Just do it. As a family we decided to do just this. The kids complained for a week now they don’t miss all that sugary junk at all!!

    Big bowls of salad with some protein can be made very tasteful. Use mostly green coloured vegetables rather than red/yellow/orange veggies (too much sugar). Add 100g tuna or chicken or pork + 50g cheese of your choice. Some salad dressing (try and find a low sugar one). Add apple cider vinegar.

    You say you eat healthy but I would cut out any simple carb foods like rice, pasta, bread, potatoes and be VERY sparing with how often I had them. I suspect that they spike your insulin levels which causes you to store everything as fat. One hour later youre hungry again. So don’t eat them! Limit your fruit intake as well. Bananas have way to much sugar content. If you must eat fruit go for berry type fruits, blueberries, strawberries etc as they have less sugar content.

    All you need to do is go for gentle walks if gym is not possible. A one hour gentle walk every day and you will lose 15 pounds over the course of a year, if you watch what you eat! Next time that sugar craving hits you, get up and go for that one hour walk. Drink LOTS of water. In fact plan to do it since you know when the craving will start.

    Doing 5:2 properly will probably mean that its going to be tough for about 4 weeks. It does get easier after that, because your body will have learnt to start burning fat as fuel. At the moment its just using glucose.

    Hi *bigbooty* and all,

    What you say makes perfect sense, of course, and I’m trying to address my habits. However, we don’t have lollies, muesli bars, ice cream or nutella in the house. The only cereal I eat is my own breakfast mix: rolled oats, a little bran, a few nuts and some mixed seeds – no sugar – with skimmed or semi skimmed milk. So far, so good!

    We do eat bread but it’s wholemeal stoneground or a complex carbs variety with rye flour and seeds. I think I should cut down on it but there are B vitamins in bread so I’m reluctant to cut that out entirely. Potatoes – don’t eat much but they contain nutrients. I eat them in their skins but again, should and will cut down on those. White rice is a no-no but OH doesnt like brown. I want to substitute barley, quinoa or another grain if possible.
    I don’t have salad dressing very often and when I do, it’s homemade with no sugar. I do bake cakes and flapjacks though and when we eat out, they are my downfall! We’re going out to visit a lovely garden tomorrow which has a great cafe, so it will be a big test of my resolve NOT to pick a sugary cake at teatime. Impulsively buying sweets or chocolate is another pitfall I need to address and I’m certain I use food as a comfort thing at times. Drinking plenty is something I do need to be more aware of too. I also want to experiment with making different salads using raw veggies. The mediterranean diet is meant to be very healthy, but I’m not sure what aspect of it is particularly so – after all, they do also drink quite a bit of wine and I’m sure that’s not the healthy part!
    I know I have a long way to go and many improvements can and should be made. It’s sticking to them I find difficult and I hate my OH telling me not to eat things – it HAS to come from me. I’m going to keep trying and not give up – there’s too much at stake!! Thank you for all your suggestions and input.

    @Jenki – funnily enough I DO have hobbies like that – have unfinished knitting in the form of baby sweater for my new grandchild so I need to get on with that!! It’s not a stupid idea at all. Also I’m really keen on learning to crochet – need to look on You Tube for demos!
    @n4m11s – actually I don’t measure myself at all – not sure whereabouts to put the tape measure as there are so many folds and wobbly bits!
    Setting small goals sounds a good plan – will have to work out a few and see how that goes. You’re right that I might be kidding myself about how much I’m eating on non-fast days. I’m going to re-read my calories book to remind myself what’s what. It gives photos of various portion sizes too which is helpful.

    Thanks to all for the encouragement and hope you all have had successful eating day!

    Well you’ve answered what you need to do. Cut out the impulsive sweets and comfort foods and be mindful of the quantity of healthy foods you eat. You say you eat out often. If I use my own experience of dining out it is very rarely healthy, especially in a social setting. If you eat twice the amount of healthy foods that you need to, then paradoxically that’s not healthy eating. That’s just eating to excess. Once again only you can motivate you.

    Good luck. 5:2 works if you want it to. I lost 44 pounds (20 kgs over the course of a year). I now do 6:1 to maintain my weight. It works if you give it an honest attempt. Im 55 yo male so my no means a spring chicken. 5:2 is do-able!!

    Hi all,

    @rowantree glad you have found come encouragement in what we have suggested. Good luck!!

    So… jumped on the scales today and… nada 🙁 no weight loss, no change in measurement. Feeling pretty disappointed but (excuse the graphic explanation) I just had my first period in a decade this week as i came off the pill last month and i’m pretty sure i’m holding onto some water or something. I’ve felt bloated all week so i’ll just see where i am next week. Trying not to let it get me down and just focus on next week.

    In truth, i weighed myself last Sunday and had put on two of the pounds i lost over that week so i’ve probably lost those two pounds. Too many factors to consider so just going to forget about it for now, not worth dwelling on and just need to find some positivity if i can. I’ve written it all down and putting it into the tracker regardless… one step forward, two steps back! haha

    This week i haven’t counted my calories properly so i’m going back to being strict next week. I haven’t gone mad but it’s not been the best week all round tbh!!

    Onwards and upwards! 🙂

    Hi all,

    Second fast day completed yesterday but didn’t have the energy to go to the gym so gave it a miss. Am working tonight and tomorrow but going to try and get a run in tomorrow night. The only good thing about working weekends is that it limits the socialising!

    @n4m11s sounds like you have got the right positive attitude – ignore the blip, I am sure you are right and its just from being bloated. Once your body settles down hopefuly you will be back on track. Feel that it is often 2 steps back and 1 step forward but as long as you are creeping forward that is all that matters!!

    @rowantree I really hope that things get better for you and that you start to move forward.

    @bigbooty – congratulations on your weight loss – its very insipriational to hear success stories so thank you!

    Am going to weigh myself on Monday so will let you know the results. Slightly apprehensive about next week as have a lot of flights and staying in hotels which never makes fasting or going to the gym easy. However think I have worked out a plan so just need to stick to it now! Hope you have great weekends 🙂

    I know how it feels to ‘lose touch’ with the fasting and put the weight back on. My problem is, I think, that I get complacent. I should know better! I got married last year and intermittent fasting got me to a 13 kilo weight loss (about 26 pounds, I think) in 8 months or so. I looked fabulous. But then I lost touch with fasting and it all went back on and I”m about where I was before I started fasting last year. SO frustrated with myself. But I have to get back on my feet and keep going. I started fasting coupled with reducing fructose / refined carbs a few weeks ago and was going swimmingly…then Easter came, and husband’s birthday, and I’ve gone backwards again. I will keep on trying to choose the ‘path of less suffering’, which is maintaining my fast days. The hunger is nowhere near as hellish as the way I feel mentally and emotionally when I’m not fasting and I put the weight back on. I wish us ALL luck and success – and isn’t it nice to have this support from around the world!

    Morning all – I’m posting a weight loss of 1lb for last week. In many ways not good but does follow a truly epic weekend (my sisters 50th birthday party, all day family lunch the following day etc) but celebrating the positives I would usually have put weight on. Anyway I’m going to take this as a win but will now try for 4 weeks of ‘NO EXCUSES’ and try to loose 7lb – I can do this.

    @jenki – got my fingers crossed for you, 2 stone is achievable and will make a huge difference, I’m strapping on my fit bit.

    @n4m11s – today’s another day and another week, as they say the past is gone and should be forgiven. I think part of a successful diet for me is not beating myself up about less than perfect results, just focus on the now and be positive.

    @rowantree – you are so right in saying you have to own this, support from oh is great but can feel like monitoring, which personally drives me the other way!

    My intention for today is a good fast day, I am going to fast until 4pm and then have home made broccoli and spinach soup and then may main meal will be mince (little) and veggie (lots) casserole with cabbage and cauliflower.

    Who else is setting intentions for today?

    Morning all,

    Well done @noseinabookgirl – its a start and after a good weekend even more impressive! I also have a 1 pound lose this week and am just grateful to begin to see the numbers going down! I am fasting Tuesday and Thursday this week and haven’t quite worked out yet when I will have the opportunity to go to the gym.

    I did dynamic yogo on Sunday – am slightly feeling it in my stomach muscles! I hope you all have a good day and the fasting goes well for those who are doing it!

    Successful fast day yesterday, so feeling quite pleased with my self. I’m serving in our community cafe today between 12 – 230, lots and lots of home made cake 🤓 I have a plan involving a late breakfast and an apple in my handbag, because eating cake/sugar can send me into a feeding frenzy (Not a pretty sight). Sending positive vibes to those who are fasting today – it might be miserable, raining and grey but think how you feel slim and lovely in the summer.

    Hi All,

    I have to admit that I have had a slight blip in the last couple of weeks. I was away for work and staying in a hotel working crazy hours so didn’t do very well with the fasting at all. However I tried to be careful with what I ate and walked for miles and when I weighed myself this morning I was the same as when I left which was a relief!

    Am determined to get back onto it this week so am fasting today and Thursday and am going to get back into going to the gym regularly.

    How is everyone else getting on? Hope that if you are fasting today it is going well!!

    Hi all,

    Good to hear from you Jenki. I’ve had a similar experience. Last week completely went out the window. I had an event on Wednesday/ Thursday and then a big party on Saturday which meant that i just didn’t watch what i was eating and drinking at all. The end result to all of this, after weighing myself this morning first thing, is that i’ve put on all the weight i’ve lost a few weeks ago 🙁 …This may be because Monday will is generally my heaviest day after the weekend and i don’t think i will have put on 5 odd pounds over the weekend- i didn’t go that crazy!I have’t weighed myself on a Monday before but i was curious to see as i had not weighed myself the week before.

    Needless to say it sent me into a bit of a spiral but i think weighing myself on a Monday is a more ‘true’ weight so i’ll continue to do that. Fasted today which was fine, enjoyed giving my body a break and looking forward to having something delicious for dinner this evening.

    Just trying to forget about it for now and just get through a day at a time without feeling too discouraged. Thursday will be my next fast day as i’m giving blood tomorrow and out for dinner on Wednesday.

    Hoping i can loose some more again this week… let’s see how it goes!


    Morning – week 4 of my quest to regain my waist. I’m motoring along ok, I’m fasting 2 days a week and having a vegan day once a week as well. I haven’t been weighing myself, ‘cos if it doesn’t go as well as I would like it collapses my enthusiasm and will power. I guess what I’m learning is you don’t have to be perfect all the time, just get it right on balance 🐈

    Hi @noseinabookgirl, Good to hear from you. Interesting idea, i guess not weighing youself means that it becomes more of a way of life rather than a ‘thing’ you’re doing. I find i need something to keep me motivated and weighing myself helps keep me focused, admittedly sometimes it can make me go a bit crazy but swings and round abouts. It also means that stop myself when i’m not feeling so controlled but like you said, i guess the key is keeping the balance between restricting and knowing when it’s ok to let go.

    Good luck for the rest of the week!


    Good to hear from you both. My fast yesterday went well and like you N4 actually enjoyed giving my body a break. I always weight myself on a Monday as well to see how much damage the weekend and think that it is probably my heaviest day as well. Generally because it is a few days since I have fasted.

    I really hope you don’t get too discouraged by it and keep going and that you have a good week this week. There are always ups and downs depending on what you have been doing bloating etc so hopefully next Monday will see a much better figure!

    @noseinabookgirl – that sounds very sensible indeed! How is it going with you – do your clothes feel looser if you aren’t weighing yourself.

    Am fasting again on Thursday so N4 glad to have the company!! Onwards and downwards!!

    Hi all,

    On my second fast day of the week and so far so good. Luckily I have had a lot of meetings and work to do which has kept my mind off food. Going to aim to go to the gym on my way home tonight for the first time during fasting and see how that goes.

    Now all I have to do is not to go too mad over the weekend and hopefully will have a good result on Monday!

    @N4 how are you getting on today with your fast? Anyone else fasting today?

    Best get back to work …

    Hi @Jenki, hi all,

    I actually fasted yesterday as a tactic to not eat too much when i went out for dinner with some friends. It worked a treat actually! I told them i was fasting, only drank water and we went to PHO where 90% of the meals are under 500 cals so it felt great!! We went to two pubs and all i drank was soda water so a super cheap night and no hangover to boot! Result.

    Yesterday was tough and i had to keep telling myself ‘just today, just today’ to try and get me though but i managed it. Even if i did go slightly over my calories, i’m not worrying and i feel like i’m getting back into the swing of it.

    The tricky part for me at the moment is having to re-parent myself to stick with what i’m doing despite the social things i’m doing and find workarounds. Off on holiday next week and planning to fast Monday and Wednesday before i go and i’ve made the decision not to fast unless i really feel like it but try to exercise everyday for 30 mins in the gym/ pool if i can to keep things ticking over. Not like i’ll be doing anything too strenuous otherwise!

    Some other good news, my hip is starting to feel better and I have better mobility in it than i’ve had for quite some time so might test going for a gentle run this evening… wish me luck!

    Good luck with the rest of your day Jenki


    Hi N

    Wow I am very impressed! To go out to dinner and the pub and stick to your fast is seriously impressive! Also great news about your hip – take it easy this evening and don’t push it in case you start to go backwards.

    Right best get back to work just had to respond re you fasting and going out to dinner which possibly answers many questions about my own social life…..


    Morning All,

    Had my weekly weigh in yesterday morning and dropped another pound so slowly but surely the weight is coming off. I also fasted yesterday and found it really easy despite being a bank holiday. I am fasting again on Thursday but might also fast on Saturday as have a feeling that the rest of this week could be fairly messy and far too social.

    Hope you are all well and be great to hear how you are getting on.


    Hi Jenki and all,

    Glad to hear your fasting days are going well and that the scales are going down, always so motivating! I fasted yesterday too. I found it quite hard as my partner and i were both in and we had to go out and about to run errands. I walked for nearly 4 hours yesterday getting everything done! I did need a sit down and a coffee to keep me going at about 3pm but apart from that I managed to stay strong till 6.30 when i had my dinner.

    Did a 30 min Taebo video this morning and that’s the first time i’ve done any exercise really since my Osteo said i should stop running. Felt good to be moving although i was worried i was going to do some damage, guess we’ll see tomorrow…Fasting tomorrow which is going to be another challenging day but i have plenty to do before i go away on Thursday so hopefully i’ll have enough distraction.

    Weighed myself on Monday and good news, i managed to loose everything i put on last weekend and 1 pound more so i’m getting there. Weighing myself on a Monday seems to be working better for me because it feels like a more ‘true’ weight. It also means i’m not stressing about it come Friday. I weigh in on Monday and if it’s not what i hoped, i just resolve to try hard for the week ahead.

    I’ve decided that i’m not going to fast whilst i’m away on holiday. I’m just going to take each day as it comes and try to do something active for at least 1 hour of the day, whether that’s walking or swimming or even dancing! I’m going to try and get into the habit of getting straight down to the gym in the mornings and do a 20 min work out before breakfast so at least if i do nothing else but drink cocktails and eat everything in sight (which i’m hoping won’t happen) i’ll have tried to balance it by doing something.

    Good luck for the rest of this week everyone. I may check in before i go to let you know how tomorrow’s fast went but after that i’ll probably be silent for the next 2 weeks. Catch up when i’m back!

    Stay strong fasting buddies!!


    Hi N4

    Your plan sounds very sensible and I hope you have a wonderful holiday. I am fasting again today with a really heavy cold which is not helping.

    If it becomes really difficult then I will start again tomorrow or Saturday when I am feeling better.


    Second fast of the week today and so far so good. I have had such a bad cough and cold that I haven’t had much appetite which has been the only positive. Starting to feel a bit better now but feel like it has been dragging on for ages!

    I also haven’t been able to do any exercise as can’t breath! Really frustrating as I was really enjoying running and now feel like I will have to start again. I really hope that in a couple of days I can go back to doing a gentle run.

    Anyway will weigh again on Monday but my clothes are definitely starting to feel looser! I have a mini goal of losing 7 pounds by the end of July so hopefully the scale will keep dropping!

    Hope all the fasters have a good day!

    Hi I’m a bit late to the party but would love to join! I’m second time round as well. I am actually heavier now than I have ever been and weigh 11 stone 5 pounds, can’t believe that’s me !! So I’m starting again today. My problem with fasting is that I get ridiculous stomach acid ( although my son starts his gcse’s today, so that might be something to do with it ) so I’m going to try eating an egg in the morning then 400 calories in the evening and see if that works !!

    Hello all!

    Back from holidays and back on it! Fasting today (and finding it reallly hard) and managed to do one fast day last week after recovering from jetlag etc.

    Holiday was a total blow out… food was around all day everyday but didn’t eat everything in sight, just had a lot of pudding- with breakfast, lunch and dinner, haha! Not feeling too down about it though as i managed to stay really active and i’ve not jumped on the scales since i got back. Waiting till the end of next week i think.

    I’ve also resolved that i’m not going to do my race as i’m still having issues with my hip but feeling like that’s the right thing to do and although i’m sad about it, its just given me more enthusiasm for it and made me feel determined to sort it out so i can do myself justice and run the whole thing next year.

    How is everyone getting on this week? Any losses to report?


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