saying hello

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  sueb164 11 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

  • Hi all, have ordered the fast diet book, calorie book and some nutriscales…should all arrive this week so I can get started nextweek x

    Welcome to the forum Sue,

    Good luck to your new goals.

    Thank you symba, looking forward to getting started!

    Hi Sue

    Welcome to the forum – you have certainly got yourself all organised. I’m impressed!

    I always think it’s a good idea to buy Michael and Mimi’s book because, whilst the actual rudiments of the ‘diet’ couldn’t be simpler; the arguments and the evidence provided make the ‘fasting’ part of the regime much more easy to grasp.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks for replies, can I just ask if you eat as healthily as you can on non fasting days? I’m sure you can’t eat what you want, but need to make wise choices? Thanks for any help x

    I eat as healthy as I can.

    I fast Monday and Thursday, so Friday, Saturday and Sunday have a few treats and wine and a good Sunday dinner. Then the rest of the week very careful. I never cheat on fast days at all. Try and do some excercise on fast days, which for me is swimming, a bit of walking in the week a 30 mins walk around the village, maybe three time.

    Do you mind me asking how long you have been on the plan and how much weight you have lost?

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