Savoury 0 calorie drinks …. any ideas please?

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Savoury 0 calorie drinks …. any ideas please?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Cararomy75 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Started today. Evening is the hardest time of day for me as I normally graze while preparing food and watching TV etc. .. hopefully I can last the day on the fast!

    Does anyone have suggestions for 0 calorie savoury drinks. When I was on other diets I have had marmite with bovril. But marmite is 10kcal per 4g so I guess I shouldn’t have it throughout the day…. there’s only so much black tea/coffee/herbal tea/diet soft drinks and water I can stomach and sometimes I crave a savoury taste rather than bland or sweet.


    Hi Cararomy 75
    What about doing some internet searching on chai blends? I know that most commercial chais are loaded with sugar and milk, but I’ve been using a chai tea blend without adding those. It makes an interesting, satisfying warm drink, and I know that some traditional chai blends are quite spicy. It could be worth a look!

    Are you wanting to do “zero” fast days? I do “zero” fast days but still have 2 cups of coffee with skim milk per day. So probably having 50cal?? per day. Try water with a squeeze of lemon juice. I used to do 2 consecutive fast days and would be truly into ketosis by the end of the second day with my two cups of coffee with milk. Even one day (36 hours) gets me into ketosis.

    Hi thanks for suggestions. I’ll look at the chai tea – i’ve had it once before in a tea shop and like you say it was very sweet and milky but can try it without the additives. I have been trying to just have a 250cal bfast and a 250kcal evening meal so I have at least 12hr stretches of complete fasting but it sounds like it worked well for you with the 50kcal within the fast so maybe the odd Marmite drink won’t harm. I guess I’ll have to experiment once I start seeing some weight/measurment losses. 🙂

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