Saucy and Svelte September!

This topic contains 272 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 2 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 29 posts - 251 through 279 (of 279 total)

  • Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD w/ZBC

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. Thanks @i-hate-lettuce for the advice. I did pretty well yesterday with my OMAD day. Today’s a real NFD with another business lunch, but it’s what choices I make all day long that will make or break me on Thursday (my next FD)! If I can give myself more successes than setbacks, I’ll motivate myself for the remaining few months in the year.

    Day 28, FD, Scotland

    Im just eating my vegan salad and I really wasnt looking forward to it, it tastes nice, but ive decided its now too cold for salad! Will need to switch up my lunchs to something HOT on my fast days when I return from holiday. I like the salad because its so convenient, healthy and filling, will need to find something similar which is hot!

    Pocket List

    Day 28 USA (California) NFD

    Safely here in the land of gridlock highways. UNREAL getting out of San Francisco airport to hear toward Napa. And yes @matpi dinner last evening was significantly higher priced than Illinois but very tasty.

    Thinking of you all β€” 2 meals only for me today.

    onward and downward

    Day 28 – UK – FD800

    Had a lovely day out with my visiting friend – cool in the shade but warm in the sun – lots to catch up on, a gently wander, coffee in the sun, more walking and eventually a light lunch before driving back home.

    Yoga class this evening was hard!!! have not done a dynamic one for a long time……..not sure that I’ll be going back to them…..will probably be sticking to my general class

    Now back home and enjoying a cup of tea whilst I catch up here so should complete another good FD800 🀞

    @goal10kg – looks like we are the only 2 fasting today so I’m definitely closing that kitchen door and keeping you company

    Pocket List 🎯

    Day 28 UK FD

    Yesterday’s FD800 was a bust with the addition of tinned rice pudding followed by apple and raisins. And I’d forgotten I can no longer digest dairy so it went right through me – that’s wheat and dairy now πŸ™ O well, live and learn.

    Today has been a solid FD with just baked beans and scrambled eggs for late lunch. I’d defrosted some dal but I’ll have that tomorrow – that’s a great instant warming lunch @goal10kg. I batch cook it then pull out of the freezer and into the microwave, that or hearty thick soups. If I can pull another FD or a good CD tomorrow that’ll get me to a solid month end

    I’ve still not drunk enough as got stuck into ploughing away through project work and hardly moved all day. I think that water is too cold for me and i need to switch to more frequent hot drinks/flasks of peppermint tea on the desk in place of water bottle.

    FINALLY i’ve cleared enough so that tomorrow I can mostly concentrate on writing/prep for my friend’s memorial service on Saturday. Ridiculous number of projects popping up where usually I just have to focus on the annual conference, now this year i’m holding more of the load for the conference AND picking up all these odds & ends, feeling rather behind most of the time and always another deadline. Roll on November for the quieter time again

    @penz nope, sharon fruit are normal old persimmon – only when I was typing I couldn’t remember the name! Glad you’ve got some processing happening…
    @matpi the cold is good for lots of things, but joints and getting up aren’t in there
    @at well done on your swift reset – sounds as tho you’re on a roll πŸ™‚

    Pocket List 🎯

    Day 29 NFD Aus

    So true @funshipfreddie – the longer between FDs the harder it is. I need to get back to those days when a B2B WFD were completely doable!.

    @goal10kg, depending on the ingredients, some salads do rather well when warmed up. Think chick peas, pumpkin, spinach and fetta warmed – yum. Or even a ‘normal’ salad with a warmed up dressing poured over it (one I use is sundried tomatoes, a little oil and vinegar, blitzed and heated in the microwave).

    Thinking of those in Florida (@bert1802 are you still out there?) and hoping the consequential storm doesn’t hit GA too badly, @northgeorgia.

    Day 28 Ohio, US — NFD

    What a whirlwind (or maybe whirl-a-gig) this day has been! It got off to a very late and very groggy start because I was suffering the effects of a reaction from some cashew butter. When I finally started getting in gear to do some work, I came across a glitch in the software I use and that only took the rest of the morning to find a work around (of course, not actually to solve the problem! You never can do that!) So no actual work done in the morning. Mid-day saw my class on Zoom, and the afternoon saw a visit with my acupuncturist. In late afternoon I finally was able to do some of the work I had started on in the morning. At 6:30 there was another Zoom meeting that went for two hours. I just got off the phone with a friend who was concerned that something was wrong, because I hadn’t answered the call they had made earlier in the day. I’m hoping that tomorrow’s FD doesn’t continue the trend.

    @penz and @goal10kg One can also heat up a salad that has a little pasta in it in the microwave, as well.

    @michelinme It might be possible it’s not completely the dairy to blame. I can drink skim milk fine, but if some sugar is connected to the milk, like in a pudding or some protein shakes, it doesn’t treat the system well at all. So perhaps an experiment with dairy all by itself might be worth a try.

    @at I definitely prefer the standard Hatha Yoga routines, to the dynamic ones. For my money, the dynamic ones can lead too easily to injuries.

    @songbirdme Yeah — gridlock is one of the major phenomena that accompany the bidaily migrations of the San Franciscan commuter herds!

    @goal10kg It seems to me that soups and stews are just hot salads! All one needs to do is to steep one’s salad in broth!

    @northgeorgia I’ll be rooting for your success tomorrow!

    @funshipfreddie Great video clip of the debris field from the asteroid impact! If only the same could happen with our weight when a fly hits us!

    @ihatelettuce Do you usually get hard frosts by November where you are? And you’re right on about the importance of mindfulness on NFD’s!

    Day 29 – UK – FD

    Good morning everyone

    Thursday FD today and more garden duties! @matpi – real frosts don’t tend to arrive until November, but the cold night air sends the less robust to sleep, so sorting through those plants that are already dying back now, spread the workload.

    Take care all

    Pocket list day 29

    Day 29 – Thursday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY(FD) 🎠🎠🎠🎠🎠🎠

    Hi everyone, I’ve been AWOL for the last week+ but, nevertheless, have still been reading all the posts to keep up-to-date. You are all doing so well as we come to the end of Saucy and Svelte September and @matpi you are doing a great job as host, thank you.πŸ‘πŸ‘

    @stitchincarol .. I was shocked to read about your accident… thank heavens you all survived it….. you must have a guardian angel πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ watching over you… take care and recover soon.πŸ’πŸ’πŸ’

    Been having a ‘bit of a moment’ as trying to make big decisions re retirement, to retire or not to retire, to sell or not to sell, to buy or what to buy…. basically trying to envision the future and what is it I actually want in that future as I approach the big “0” in December ….. blue sky stuff! Overwhelming…… I put an offer on a house but not successful. Didn’t need that as I’m afraid it only contributed to the perfect storm of far too many life issues on the table at the moment that I’m trying to juggle and had a little meltdown. So, long and short of it all, is have had to pick myself up from the floor, pull back from it all and to focus again on the main game and now will concentrate on a strategic 12 month plan to put all the ducks in row. Main realisation is that I’m not superwoman (who knew?🀣) and there are only 24 hours in each day, so need to be more measured in how to move everything forward. Not actually worried about the real estate, obviously it wasn’t meant to be and missing out on the house is not a real worry as, like buses, there is always another coming along any minute. I will pull it all together but will do it without rushing and maintain my equilibrium (and find my spark… as must have dropped it along the way).

    However, one thing that is still ok (thankfully!) is that I’ve kicked off the excess weight this year (yay!)and happily able to continue to maintain with WOL routine with the inspiration of the other WOLers in our group.πŸ™ βœ…

    I see hot food is in the chat. I microwave a lot of veg to al dente and then spritz with a little balsamic and olive oil. I concentrate on dark green veg (yep love that broccoli!) with a load of carrot, aubergine, tomato, mushrooms etc and then add a little protein ie chicken sardines, salmon etc etc. Very filling and not a problem losing kg and kgs with this eating routine. Highly recommend.

    Tomorrow is the last day of September and I hope you have all kicked some of your goals this month. Stay focussed and enter into next month with renewed verve as we tootle along towards the end of the year. Let’s all stay on track with this! πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚

    Just think you can, just think you can, just have that understood
    And very soon you’ll start to say, I always knew I could
    I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could
    I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could, I knew I could

    cheerie dearies

    Pocket list day 29

    Day 29 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs (boo, hiss)! Didn’t really do the things I promised myself other than limit myself to two meals — but still way too many carbs at both meals. I did say no to my mom’s potatoes last night, but ended up downing one of her brownies and a hot chocolate (seriously?)

    I need to turn the trend around in October. I may expand my OMAD days to get me disciplined.

    Oh, nothing from the hurricane yet in north Georgia. We should see the winds by tomorrow morning and rains not long after that. Seems to be tracking towards South Carolina more at the moment.

    Pocket list day 29

    Day 29 UK FD

    Nearly another month gone and I’m still faffing around – putting on and taking off the same 2lb all month , I too must turn things around in October @northgeorgia

    Pocket list day 29

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    I took a pain pill on Tuesday night–left over from foot surgery several years ago–and I guess I shouldn’t have, LOL. 17 hours of sleep later… Amazingly enough, I was still able to sleep last night for a full eight hours; bodies are quite amazing. So instead of posting yesterday morning, I was sleeping. The nice thing was that I did an OMAD with no effort since I slept right through lunch, and wasn’t hungry for several hours, as is my usual approach to food when I first wake up, although I didn’t know that’d be true if I didn’t wake up until 1pm! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I’m reluctant to get on the scale this morning, but perhaps I’ll find the courage when I go get dressed shortly.

    @at It’s nice to have you back. ❀️ Here’s a thought for your consideration: when I first “met” you, you were posting every day, often quite long posts responding to everyone; you were also doing a stellar job of staying within target. Is it possible persuading your body to eat in a manner to stay within target is as simple for you as posting every day? Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be working for me, so I may be nuts, but I’ve wondered.

    @penz I loved your eloquent phrasing here, when you said what I’ve often felt, and others have as well, I’m sure: “Sorry have not been commenting on others’ posts (feeling too inwardly focussed at the moment) but I am reading them all and celebrating your successes and commiserating with your challenges.” You do what you need to do; we simply love hearing from you!

    @matpi Wow, allergy medicine year ’round, and merely reduced in January and February? You do have them bad, don’t you? Our SIL does as well, which is how he was able to have Covid, and spread it to all of us, and no one realized it wasn’t spring allergies, LOL!

    @i-hate-lettuce Where are you going this trip?

    @funshipfreddie “It actually feels tougher for me if I have a bigger gap between FDs.” Such an obvious statement, and yet I forget sometimes what a truth it is.

    @northgeorgia Thinking about David’s comment about bigger gaps making it tougher, and remembering just recently when I told someone I wasn’t eating because I was fasting that day, and they accepted it as easily as if I’d said no thank you to a cup of coffee, I wonder…could you ever attend a business lunch and not eat, saying that you were fasting that day? It would sure be tough to eat nothing while others do, but remember the “hard is not impossible” quote. Or, just eat a huge salad? There are lots of calories in all that dressing, but skipping the carbs will make the rest of the day easier. Just some thoughts, but I know you know best what’s possible and reasonable.

    @goal10kg I get how a salad can feel too chilling; when I’m fasting I get cold from lack of calories, which is lovely on a hot summer day, but not so positive on a cool fall day!

    @michelinme I fully understand and sympathize on the “ridiculous number of projects popping up where usually I just have to focus on the annual conference.” My life has also been full of a ridiculous number of commitments, and I think a lot of it is people figuring covid is here to stay, like the common cold or influenza, and so there are activities galore in contrast to the time of lock-down. Dunno if that’s it, but I’m rather tired of all the commitments, LOL.

    @linda.b We’ve missed you, and it was lovely to read your long post; thanks! Bummer on the “perfect storm of too much on the table,” and I hope you’ve found your equilibrium now, but how wonderful that you’re still at your goal weight!

    @brightonbelle Same two pounds on and off all month long? Yeah, you and me both, honey, except for me the swing is six pounds. πŸ₯΅πŸ₯΄πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ˜ πŸ€¬

    Pocket list day 29
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 29 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – FD

    Popping myself on the list; better late than never, right? Trying to do it with my phone, cos the cat’s asleep on my lap and I don’t want to disturb her πŸ™„ The power these creatures wield over us… πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

    Pocket list day 29 πŸ‹
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 29 UK FD

    Managed a solid FD yesterday after digestive upset following tinned rice pudding.My OMAD late lunch of scrambled eggs and baked beans came in at 450 calories which will do me. Not a particularly balanced diet tho one day won’t do me too much harm. I’m now tackling my reluctance to drink water by making a flask of ginger tea and drinking that alongside water – still feeling thirsty but getting more down me

    Woke up wiped out in the post-allergy way, feeling thin and out of sorts. I’ve just ploughed on with project stuff, clearing a pile of emails and getting out everything I need to get done before next Monday. The next few days are full on – high profile meeting in town tomorrow, my friend’s memorial service on Saturday, and off to Bournemouth for an event and a couple of nights with lovely friend. Travel is pretty challenging around the train strikes, but I can work from there on Monday and come back Tuesday morning in time for mother & meetings.

    I still need to write prayers and tribute for my friend’s memorial by the end of today. I’m finding it hard because it’s hard, and because I struggle to write until I’ve cleared the mental clutter away. Finally done that and it’s 5pm already!

    I’ve not eaten yet but planning a solid FD as I need more energy to get up and out tomorrow morning. I defrosted a beetroot and kale dal yesterday and will add some mushrooms, quorn chicken and spinach plus another tired persimmon.

    @matpi you may be right about sugar/milk coming together to be harder to digest, tho I’ve not been able to tolerate dairy – and a few other things – since I had covid. The tin was lurking at the back of the cupboard – none left now!

    @linda.b lovely to have you back again. i’m sorry everything has attacked you at once. Well done you for stepping aside to focus on a 12 month plan and recognise what is possible. And yay for all you have achieved on this WOL too πŸ™‚

    @stitchincarol that is EPIC sleep! (I have serious sleep envy) I hope you are feeling better for it and continue to heal gently

    Okay, on to food and then settling down with my thoughts and laptop…

    Pocket list day 29 πŸ‹
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 29 – UK – FD800

    Busy day so quick post before bed to say 4th B2B FD completed successfully – weigh in tomorrow morning 🫣

    Pocket list day 29 πŸ‹
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 30, NFD, Aus

    Last day of the month!??! Thank you so much @matpi for your excellent hosting.

    Sharing in the sleep envy, @stitchincarol. Your body must have needed that long time-out opportunity to help heal.

    Good luck with all those big life decisions, @linda.b, and good for you giving yourself 12 months to plan it out. Sometimes, the brain miraculously arrives at decisions in the background, when you mentally step back from something. Hope that works for you.

    Long weekend for us, so will not be checking in until Tuesday. Do we have an October host lined up? (And no, I’m not volunteering!!)

    Day 29 Ohio, US — MFD

    The fasting has gone well on this “re-tooling”day. The day after an acupuncture I usually take it easy, getting a fair amount done, but not pushing myself. The body needs time to absorb the effects of the treatment.

    @penz Have a super weekend!

    @at Truly an impressive way to finish off the month!

    @michelinme In the States a train strike was just averted. The workers wanted a more normal work schedule. They usually work 24/7 with only 10 days off a year. That compares with workers on 5-day work weeks who get 100 days off a year, not counting vacation time-off. Is that why people are making this a long weekend?

    @funshipfreddie I suppose that with the battery the laptop is nice and warm — perfect for a nice nap! Something like this?

    I just re-read your post and it’s dawned on me the you weren’t just using a short form of the word “laptop.” I’ll leave the above in, because it’s such a great picture! In the words of Emily Litella, “Never mind…”

    @stitchincarol Sleep is good! After the acupuncture treatment I slept 9.5 hours last night! It is good to go with the body’s wisdom!

    @brightonbelle With any luck, I’ll wind up this month with the same weight as I started it off — so am definitely in the same boat!

    @northgeorgia From the latest projections of Ian’s trajectory, it seems that you might escape the storm with only a little rain. Nothing like mid-Florida!

    @linda.b You attaining maintainence and keeping it going is an inspiration for us all! Thanks for all you contribute to this forum!

    @ihatelettuce Here the cold night air seems primarily to drive the spiders indoors. Not my favorite house guests!

    Pocket list day 29 πŸ‹
    @stitchincarol WF

    Day 30 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Glorious sunrise this morning, but … forecast heavy rain by 11am, so quick call in as I’ve some outdoor stuff I need to finish!

    @stitchincarol – Next trip, 3 weeks cruising round the Greek Islands, quite a treat Mrs I-h-l is on the countdown πŸ˜‰

    Re OMAD – I’ve tried and failed with OMAD (along with just a liquid FD day) I discussed it with DR D-I-L who is very keen on diet and exercise. She suggested I have very small meals on FD’s to help keep my energy level balanced. She likened it to a fire, it needs fuel to keep going, put all the fuel on the fire at once, it burns well until the fuels gone then fire goes out!
    With small meals it helps to keep the energy level balanced. Found it works for me, don’t feel tired or hungry the same as when I tried OMAD.

    Take care all

    Day 30 UK CD?

    Yay for yesterday’s solid FD making 1 x LFD & 2 FDs this week. Finally weighing in the day after a FD after my experimental month and have hit 172lb, down to where I was in July 2021 – a whole year’s gain gone πŸ™‚ I’m 3.5lb down on the month, an inch off my hips and 0.5 from my waist, BMI 27.8. Steady progress albeit slower than it might have been if weekends had been less AWOL πŸ˜€ My next goal is 168lb – matching my weight from November 2020

    @matpi this outlines the UK train strike. Tomorrow will have very few trains running, this evening they finish early and Sunday they’ll start later…

    Dashing off for meeting at Lambeth Palace. Well going now so that I don’t have to dash and can arrive unhurried and focussed…. It’s a beautiful sunny morning here tho crispy cold. Precisely that in between weather that is so hard to dress for – particularly when last year’s clothes are slightly hanging off me now and the older clothes are still a size away!

    Wishing you all a good day, whatever shape it has.

    Do we have a host for next month/tomorrow? Sorry I can’t – my busiest month of the year. If someone could start us off I’m sure we could look after each other x

    Day 30 UK NFD

    Just heading out for the day – October if nobody else fancies it I’ll set up next months challenge , but the hosting will be on the light side , I’ll see where we are this evening

    On a positive note 2lb down this month

    Day 30 – South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ – NFD

    @brightonbelle – yes please! πŸ™

    I know I’m well overdue taking my turn. But just can’t do October. Just spent an hour at the Dr’s, being poked, probed & prodded.

    I’ll post again later, & I promise I’ll host November.

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. September was a disappointing net gain of a couple of pounds. Anyway, going to do ZBC this morning and extend the fast a bit longer. I can tell I would not be disciplined if I were to do breakfast this morning (I only have 15 minutes before leaving anyway).

    @stitchincarol Sometimes that works, and sometimes not. A lot of these events are special banquet meetings prepared for guests and I try not to embarrass the higher ups at the table if eating is expected. Now of course, I don’t have to eat everything LOL! Those aren’t as big a deal as what I do “when no one is looking” or with family. That’s when portions and choices can really get ugly if I throw caution to the wind.

    Today is Friday, and that’s typically a family dinner at a restaurant. Whether or not that’s true, it means I need to calculate the majority of my calories will come from that meal. So I’ll do ZBC this morning and have to reconsider “lunch.”

    I think this gain has come from EE. My father’s brother passed away last week and his memorial service is tomorrow. And a few days ago, I found out in addition to recovering from the bypass surgery, dealing with continuing a-fib and diabetes, now my father has stage three kidney disease. I think all that information is weighing more heavily on me than I thought.

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    Yesterday’s WF was textbook…didn’t even need a stick of gum to “tide me over.” This morning, I’m hungry (gee, what a surprise, LOL), but will wait until noon, as per my normal; a couple cups of coffee will soothe the complaining stomach.

    Tonight, DH and I go out to dinner, and I’m hopeful I can find lovely options at the restaurant so that I end up with a moderate amount of food/drink even while having the treat of a meal out. Until then, it’s a busy day with preparations for two big meetings this weekend, one on Saturday morning two hours away, and the other on Sunday after church, 30 minutes away. THEN my major obligations for these organizations will be nearly done for the year.

    And, just for the record, that was not sleep because my body knew it needed it, but was drug-induced from that pill I took…and I’m not sure I felt all that good after all that sleep given how drugged I felt (it was a poor choice to take that pill!), so you all can throw your envy straight out the window! πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

    @michelinme I’m so sorry for your loss of your friend, and the emotional upheaval you’re going through with the memorial service tomorrow. I pray it’s a healing time for you all.

    @at I’m so impressed you managed 4 B2B FDs!! Well done.

    @i-hate-lettuce Ooohhh! What a lovely trip that will be! We look forward to details and updates as you’re able and care to share!

    @brightonbelle Thanks for stepping up to at least start October, if not “actively host” it! 😜πŸ₯°

    @funshipfreddie We’ll hold you to your promise to host November, but what’s up with the doctor’s appointment?????

    @northgeorgia Yeah, I sure understand the danger of “when no one is looking” or with family. I used to not eat except when hungry, and that was only twice a day, or less. I miss those days, LOL!! But as to your family sorrows, my condolences on the loss of your uncle and your father’s ongoing health issues along with the new diagnosis of stage three kidney disease. We’ll do our best to hold you up so you can hold up your family as they deal with everything. ❀️

    I was awake early this morning, and after a useless effort to go back to sleep, got up and got started on my day’s long list. It will be busy, but I have the dangling carrot of dinner out with DH tonight, so I’ll be full of delight anticipating it!

    I hope your days are all filled with delight and anticipation. I’ll be gone to my meeting by 7am tomorrow, and then gone to another meeting Sunday afternoon, so probably won’t post much until Monday, but I’ll definitely be part of October!

    Day 30 – UK – NFD

    Ended up September with 4 B2B FDs and woke up this morning with a 59kg – 1kg lighter than at the start of the challenge – in view of my dismal efforts throughout September until this week I’m a happy πŸ’ƒ

    Dismal day here – very wet but not particularly cold………we have a seafood meal delivery for tonight and I will enjoy it with a glass or two of a lovely Chablis but planning a more controlled weekend so that October does not start off on the wrong foot!!!!!

    @matpi – thank your for the encouragement and for your excellent hosting in September πŸ€—πŸ’ sorry for my poor attendance!
    @i-hate-lettuce – 3 weeks cruising πŸ›³ round the Greek Islands is definitely quite a treat to look forward to in October
    @stitchincarol – I certainly needed a lot of RESOLVE to end the month on a more positive note. Thanks for your “thought for your consideration” – I’m taking it on board and will host October hoping that you are right πŸ€—
    @michelinme – you will be in my thoughts for your friend’s memorial service tomorrow πŸ€—
    @brightonbelle – well done on that 2lb drop for the month, same as me πŸ˜€ I am happy to host next month as I need the motivation to keep going with my efforts of this past week 🀞
    @funshipfreddie – thank you for offering to host November πŸ€—

    I have now set up the October Challenge and spreadsheet – see “Super October 2022 Challenge” and I do hope that you can all join me from tomorrow!

    “Take it all in, enjoy every moment, hold on to the experience that is October. Abundance… beauty… LIFE.”

    2nd Post – Day 30

    Finishing the month half a kilo down; but the desired wiggle room still eludes me. But watch out Super October!

    @at – thank you! You’re a ⭐️. And thank you to @matpi for hosting September πŸ™

    @stitchincarol – re the doctor, long story short. I woke up during the night with – not pain exactly – but an uncomfortable feeling in the lower left side of my chest. Then soon after going to the bathroom I felt really nauseous for a while. Thought I was a goner. Then I woke up at 8 am feeling okay. But I thought I should get checked out. Passed the ecg stress test with flying colours, but my blood pressure is too high πŸ˜’

    @penz – don’t enjoy that long weekend too much; remember we’re doing sober October! πŸ˜…

    See y’all over the page πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ

    Day 30 USA (California) NFD

    Oh wow, yesterday on the Napa Valley Wine Train had so much good food and FAR too much wine! The idea of a β€œtasting” at different wineries as well as on the train were about 5 swallows of 3 different wines. This will be quite a vacation to recover from. Tomorrow we drive up to Oregon, and i hope to be able to eat more carefully, and walk more.

    @matpi -your hosting has been stellar. Thank you so much!

    Onward and downward,

    Day 30 2nd post

    @at thank you for hosting October! Well done with your flurry of B2B to finish the month down a whole KG

    @brightonbelle thank you for offering to start us off

    @funshipfreddie thanks for hosting November! Glad you passed your ecg and hope your BP comes down gently

    I’d be happy to host December. And now we are set for the rest of the year πŸ™‚

    @stitchincarol well done on your WFD & good luck with your full weekend

    @northgeorgia sorry for loss. It’s a lot to be carrying, with your father’s illness x

    finally – @matpi thank you so much for being an epic, attentive, encouraging host in Saucy & Svelte September!

    Day 30 Ohio, US — NFD

    Well, my prediction for the results of the today’s weigh-in were right on target: No change! So the last three weeks have seen the same weight. Hopefully there will be downward movement in October!

    @michelinme Hosting December! A cornucopia of thanks! May your day tomorrow be filled with peaceful memories! And thanks for the link about the strike. Even the Guardian really didn’t have much to say about it, so the information is very helpful.

    @songbirdme The last time some friends and I did a wine tasting tour, all those little swallows added up and none of us were in a shape to drive home. So we stayed the night in a motel near the last winery!

    @funshipfreddie Glad everything came out okay with the ecg stress test! Hope you sleep better tonight!

    @stitchincarol I keep forgetting that “out West” (that is, from Ohio) longer drives are just a matter of course. It almost seems as if the country gets bigger the further west one goes.

    @northgeorgia Please accept my heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your uncle. And the continuing health problems of a family member can certainly add up to “stealth stress” —- it just keeps adding up and you hardly notice it. With all that, I think that you are doing phenomenally well!

    @brightonbelle Thanks for being willing to start off hosting October! And congratulations on the 2 lb loss this month. I think you and @at and @michelinme win the “Svelte Award” for best weight drops of the month!

    @ihatelettuce Cruising the Greek islands! That is brilliant! Are you going to see Santorini? This last year I started to learn some Modern Greek, with the dream goal of spending time in Greece. Hope you have a fantastic time!

    Thanks everyone for a very enjoyable and Saucy September!

    U.K. NFD

    Thanks for the brilliant hosting @matpi I’m very pleased to have reversed the trend a 2lb loss is a great result for me see you in October πŸ’

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