Saucy and Svelte September!

This topic contains 272 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 2 years, 5 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 279 total)

  • Welcome aboard!
    This is Saucy and Svelte September 2022… just 30 days, 1 day at a time challenge. We’ve got this!

    What are we about? Read on…

    The monthly challenge was started by @coda in May 2016 and has been growing strong and successfully ever since. Our goals can be overwhelming when viewed as a whole. But by breaking them down into small achievable pieces (monthly challenges), you’ll be able to stay focused and motivated to accomplish your goal one step at a time in bite-sized monthly challenges. Here’s how it works:

    1. In your first post, introduce yourself to the group – helps us to get to know each other, especially helpful for newbies. Perhaps say something about where you started, journey so far, what you’re aiming for or how you are benefiting from fasting. You might like to include your starting weight or your goals for the month. But you don’t have to – share only what you are comfortable sharing.

    2. Posting – This is the ‘HOW TO POST’ bit.. Start each post with the day of the month, where you are, and if you’re on a fast day (FD), non-fast day (NFD) or controlled day (CD). We’re all over the world and in different time zones so it helps us keep track of which day we’re talking about, who else is fasting with us on a particular day etc. For example, I’ll start my post (on 1 August) with “Day 01 – Monday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – FUN DAY (FD)” …. that’s if I am on a FAST DAY (FD)
    alternatively for someone else it might be “Day 01 – Monday – Ohio USA – NFD”… if they are on a Non-Fast Day (NFD)

    3. Spreadsheet – @at is going to post this month’s spreadsheet below. It’s in alphabetical order by username. If you find it helpful, you can use it to record and track your progress as well as keeping track of how others are doing. It can help with perspective, accountability or planning. And if you need help just ask – there’s always someone happy to help. But you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to. It’s just another tool you can use if you choose.

    4. Frequency – Some people post daily, others check in every few days. Some are brief, others are long and chatty. If you’re posting for a second time in the same day please head your post eg Day 01 second post.

    5. Content of your post– Comments or questions, complaints or celebration – anything you’d like to share with the forum. Recipes, tips, tricks and bright ideas are always welcome. Remember: we all have good days and bad days, days we fall off the wagon or days when we are hanging on by our fingernails, days when our mojo deserts us and days where we feel completely in control. So DON’T GIVE UP – whatever it is, you are not alone!

    6. Community – This is a worldwide forum so there’s usually someone online. We all do our best to offer advice, support and solidarity.

    7. Pocket lists –A ‘pocket list’ is a list of the names of people who are sharing the same goal on a particular day. It’s great psychological support in mentally keeping that list in our back pocket, knowing we’re not alone. Anyone can join a pocket list or start a pocket list. Typical pocket lists are for FD but in the past they’ve been used for people doing daily exercise or planks, or DTF (dry till Friday).

    8. 5:2 basics – answers to many FAQs plus top tips:

    As this month’s host, I will try to read every post. Apologies, however, if I miss a question or fail to comment on a post. If I miss it, I know someone else will step in. That’s what’s great about our little community.

    And by way of translation, we use a LOT of abbreviations. Here’s a guide to some of the more frequently used ones:
    ABBREVIATION LIST – useful for those new to the challenges
    Common abbreviations used throughout this challenge and added to on an ongoing basis:
    16:8 – 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    5:2 – 5 days NFD + 2 days FD (IF)
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc. etc. etc.…….)
    atl – All time low
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Fast Day (a FD below your goal weight TDEE, whatever that is!!!)
    DH, DD, DS, SIL, DIL – Darling Husband, Daughter, Son, SON-IN-LAW, DAUGHTER-IN-LAW
    DTF – Dry ‘Til Fri (for those limiting the booze to weekend only ………….. & aiming for sainthood!!!!)
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (we’ve all had one of those days. Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    FDW – Fast Day – Wasn’t!
    HUNGER DRAGON – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an INNER WARTHOG!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    IRL – In real life
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!………………or Sexy!!!
    LOCA – Lady of a Certain Age
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home ……………….. Covid-19 enforced!!!
    WHOOSH – after being on plateau for a while then suddenly WHOOSH the scales drop inexplicably
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Women Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    The best thing about our forum? None of us is as smart as all of us.

    Day 1 Ohio, US — NFD

    Hi all! Hope we have a great month together!

    The plan was to get this topic started a couple of days ago, but thanks to an allergic reaction to some mangoes, I’ve been under the weather. I think things are calming down a little this evening, but I’m pretty weak. So much more to talk about in the morrow!

    Day 1 Second post

    An especially big round of thanks to @linda.b for doing a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious job with hosting in August!!!

    Day 1, NFD, Aus

    Hello everyone! So good to be back for another monthly challenge. August did NOT go well for me – if anything, yesterday’s scales showed .5kg upward. But the sun is shining, I did do a FD yesterday (even though my post had a question mark as to what kind of day it would be) and I always feel in a better mood when the weather warms and the clouds stay away. September will be a good month!

    Thank you so much @matpi for keeping the challenges going (and for raging back against a mango allergy – ick!), and again, thanks to the super bubbly, cheerful and encouraging @linda.b for getting us through last month.

    Bit about me for any newbies who join us. I live in Canberra with hubby and two dogs. I have a major milestone birthday next year and while I would love to get back to my 16 yo weight, I am being realistic in wanting to drop 10-15 kg. Which is completely doable IF – and only if – I follow 5:2 properly! Whodathunk?

    Looking forward to this month with you all.

    Day 01 – Thursday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – my FUN DAY (FD) 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

    SPRING HAS SPRUNG! That is for the Antipodeans in our group at least! So hurrah 😎😍😎 for sunshine today and warmer days ahead.

    Saucy and Svelte September! 💋💋 What a wonderful name @matpi (our September host) has given us for the month. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds! Thanks again @matpi😊

    Just to finish off last month’s (August) trivia, here is the Q&A (and that’s it, finito🥳)
    ⭐Yesterday’s Trivia – Day 31 – Wednesday

    How does fat leave the body when you lose weight? ❓❓❓❓

    The correct answer is that fat is converted to carbon dioxide and water. You exhale the carbon dioxide and the water mixes into your circulation until it’s lost as urine or sweat. If you lose 10 pounds of fat, precisely 8.4 pounds comes out through your lungs and the remaining 1.6 pounds turns into water. In other words, nearly all the weight we lose is exhaled. (whatever you do… don’t stop breathing!🤣😂🤣)

    For the newbies, I started my mission on 1st February to lose overall 10-11 kg (the 11th kg is for wriggle room!) by Easter…. but didn’t quite make it. However, reached my goal on 17th June and very happy about it too! That’s 19 weeks & 3 days by following 5:2 Mondays & Thursdays and rigidly keeping to the plan.✅ Since then I’ve happily dropped another kilo to give some wriggle room on the WOL maintenance plan.✅✅

    I’ve actually done the 5:2 in 2019 and successfully lost 11 kg in 11 weeks, maintained for a year and then failed to follow through with the 6:1 maintenance WOL. Silly me because 6:1 just isn’t that hard but you obviously need to stick with it. The upshot was the fat just came back…. it’s not rocket science 🚀and totally my own fault.
    I am a lady of a certain age (WOCA or I prefer LOCA 🥰), still working, newly single again and rebuilding my life after some significant changes. I set myself some REWARDS to inspire my RESOLVE to a) stick rigidly to the 5:2 I.F. until I met my goal, and, b) NO ALCOHOL until I met my goal and then review my relationship with alcohol at that time. In truth, after 7 months, I actually no longer miss the wine at all but do see that I might imbibe (only) socially in time to come. My REWARD for these efforts are a) NEW HAIRSTYLE b) update my wardrobe c) a TRIP somewhere, anywhere (probably a walking holiday). So far I have achieved the first reward.. a new hairstyle ✅ and am working on the next two.
    There are 121 days left in 2022 and I am RESOLVED to MAINTAIN my ATL (All Time Low) weight to ring in 2023! 🔔🔔🔔. But first, there are 30 days in September to set my RESOLVE to stay the course and this forum is the best support ever to do just that.

    cheerie dearies

    Manana – don’t feel deprived on FD … there’s always tomorrow for that treat IF YOU REALLY, REALLY, TRULY, TRULY WANT IT ⭐⭐

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Thanks @matpi for hosting saucy and svelte September 😄
    And thanks again to @linda.b for a super August.

    I start September 4.6 lbs lower than 1st August, my DH is 11pounds down, so we are doing well doing this together, despite visitors and distractions. This is holiday month though, two weeks at the end of September bimbling around in our camper, but I feel something has turned, and I feel confident that the tortoise pace of loss will continue and I am happy with that.

    I used to be a racehorse with weight loss when I first started here back in 2017, amazing how 5 years makes the difference.

    Great to join you all again for this month. No FD today as we plan to have a meal tonight, as DH off on his motorbike tomorrow to visit his mother in the UK for a long weekend……exactly a year since he first saw her since his birth. This has been a year of anniversaries 😍

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    “All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days – 1 day at a time challenge!” disappeared in a blink of an eye but despite not being successful on the fasting side I still managed to lose 1kg – must have been all the hiking I did as my regular exercise classes all stopped at the beginning of August

    I managed to end August on a positive note by completing a FD500 yesterday and was rewarded with a weight of 60kg this morning – 1kg lighter than I started the challenge but still 2-3kg above my comfortable place so I’m all in for a great September 🤞

    @linda.b – what a wonderfully bubbly, efferverscent and positive host 🌟 you were for the “All Aboard for Audacious August 2022…31 days – 1 day at a time challenge!” – looking forward to seeing your daily posts here 🤗💐🌟

    @matpi – thank you 🤗 so much for stepping up to host our “Saucy and Svelte September!” looking forward to daily posting this month – posting has a positive effect on my motivation – BTW I just ❤️the name you chose for our September challenge – would love to end it feeling and looking “Saucy and Svelte”

    Here is the link for the spreadsheet for the “Saucy and Svelte September 2022 challenge” for those who wish to use it – it can be a great motivator and also act as a positive reminder of your journey!

    A bit about myself:-
    I am a 64y.o. female living with my OH in the beautiful Lake District ⛰ having moved here when I retired in 2013. We have a married daughter who has 4 fur babies – 3 black 🐈‍⬛ and an adorable beagle called Archie 🐶
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 as I had gained weight during the last couple of years at work and was fed up with being overweight and wanted to enjoy my early retirement and get fitter!
    I discovered and joined the 30 Day November 2016 Challenge with @back2thefuture – best thing I ever did, as it got me to my maintenance weight and has kept me motivated and on track with this WOL! This December will be my 6th anniversary in maintenance and I certainly want to reach it still in maintenance!!
    Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs. Height = 164cm
    My maintenance range since then has been around 56-58kg – I’m fairly fit, doing 5 exercise classes during the week (yoga x2, pilates x1 and aerobic x2) and I also enjoy walking/hiking at least 3 times each week

    The last 6 months or so have been a real struggle with maintenance – I could put up a lot of excuses but I know that there has been a couple of dragons 🐉 🐉 lurking and responsible – namely the carbs 🐉 and wine 🐉
    and I am making a pledge to myself to be strong and fight those dragons this month 💪 and I think that the only way to do this is to restart by daily posting here as I have found it a great way to motivate myself and keep me on track in the past

    I’m out for an early 12+mile hike with a friend who still needs some miles in her legs/feet before she starts the “Cumbrian Way” challenge next week – weather looks good for it so we should enjoy our day out – coffee stops have been planned along the way……but now to be strong and avoid any pastries with those coffees

    My personal motto since losing weight and reaching maintenance has been “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 1 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD 🌱🐣

    Spring at last! ‘Antipodean’ – @linda.b – never heard that word before; meaning someone from the southern hemisphere?

    @matpi – thanks again for volunteering for September. I hope you have a speedy recovery from your allergic reaction.
    @at – thanks for setting up the spreadsheet.

    About me:- David, 60. Originally from Manchester in the UK, living in Port Elizabeth (aka Gqeberha) on the south-eastern coast of South Africa. I’ve been fasting on & off since 2014. I got serious with fasting after I retired in 2018 & realised I was gaining weight & turning into a couch potato. I’ve been more or less maintaining for quite a while now, with the occasional holiday/festive season glitches. I now follow TRE, seldom eating before noon. I do mostly 5:2 & I don’t eat before 6 pm on fast days. Occasionally if I feel my resolve waning I’ll re-watch Dr Mosley’s ‘Eat Fast & Live Longer’ documentary, to remind myself that fasting isn’t just about weight loss/maintenance, but it can maintain & improve our health in numerous ways.

    Starting off the month a little over my maintenance target, but after the last few anxiety-filled weeks that’s no surprise. I’m thinking of doing DTF this month. But, starting next week. I mean, it’s Thursday already 😅

    Wishing everyone a Saucy, Svelte & Slender September! 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍏

    Day 1 UK FD

    Thanks again @linda.b for last month Loved the quizzes and emoji’s 💐

    And thank you @matpi for volunteering this month I am truly hoping Saucy & Svelte is how I’m describing myself at the end of the month

    Glad to see you’re bobbing around @at You are an inspiration 🥾

    A little about me – WOCA – living on the South Coast of England with DH , 2 grown up sons living fairly near. Weight wise I’m what you’d call a “struggles with her weight “ I’ve been losing and gaining the same 20 lbs most of my adult life , sometimes keeping it off for years at other times it seems to creep back in the blink on an eye . Currently at the top end and I know it’s all my own fault but when restrictions where lifted and we could travel and socialise again I went a bit mad . Next holiday booked in 5 weeks time and I need to trim down if only to be able to get back in my clothes

    Have a plan worked out for September combining 5:2 Low carb lots of exercise, looking forward to our journey together

    Pocket List – Day 1 🍏

    Day 1 – UK Cam – FD – 2nd attempt at posting this!

    Good morning everyone! Missed the last 2 days of Audacious August (family stuff) but am very glad to be with the crew for Saucy & Svelte September. Big thank you to @linda.b for being such an excellent host for August, looking forward to sharing the journey in September with @matpi as our host to guide us onwards and downwards.

    A bit about me – LOCA, retired lecturer, living with DH and crazy chocolate Labrador on the edge of the Fens in East Anglia. I love gardening, growing-my-own and quilting/sewing. Like @brightonbelle I have struggled with weight for years untold and tried loads of different diets, some with more success than others but always ended up back where I started. I joined this WOL back in June this year and am about half-way to my target weight, having lost 10lb so far. We have a holiday in 3 weeks time, off to Scotland for 2 weeks hiking and relaxing, so need to push really hard over the next 21 days to get down under 140lb.

    Usual FD today much aided by visit to dentist first thing – possible threat of major dental work due to continued niggly pain has been averted but on antibiotics for infection instead! Phew, much relief – feel wiped out so taking it easy this morning. Probably egg salad for lunch (got some new leaves in greenhouse to try out) and salmon fillet for supper – yes, same as last FD and most other Thursday FDs – it’s easier to plan that way. Big challenge will, as ever, be tonight but I will keep an apple handy for emergency use only and marmite ‘tea’ helps a lot. I have a mountain of ironing that needs tackling – may save that for evening in front of TV movie, multi-tasking!

    Really looking forward to being svelte by end of September, not so sure about the saucy! Resolve is strong, planning is the key (for me, at least).

    Pocket List

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Jumping in to say hi to all! @matpi – thanks so much for agreeing to host. I also am allergic to mangoes, so I sympathize big time! My dad was so proud of his huge mango tree after they moved to Ft. Lauderdale, FL, and every time I ate them, I came home itching like crazy, but I thought it was just sunburn reaction. But I did stop eating them. Then one Christmas vacation I tanned in their backyard under the blooming (pollenating) tree and had a horrible reaction. I learned not to do that! One daughter is also allergic.

    I am Gwynne, 74 y.o. retired music teacher – joined @coda with her challenge in May 2016 after having been on 5:2 for several weeks. This group and forum has been a mainstay for me after losing 40 pounds (90kg to 72.5kg) over about 10 months. I am happy to be maintaining pretty much since early 2017. But it sure is about as strenuous as losing!

    I volunteer at our local Children’s Museum, try to do Silver Sneakers 3x a week, on a couple other boards including our Choral Society. Live with my 75 y.o. DH in rural Illinois. Four children and 5 granddaughters are far flung having left the rural life long ago.

    This WOL works. Mostly doing OMAD now but occasional full FD as well.

    Busy days for me – must try to post more often.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 1 UK LFD

    Hello! thank you @matpi for generously stepping up to host September’s challenge – I love the title! I hope you feel better very soon

    Thanks again to @linda.b for hosting July with such energy, enthusiasm and encouragement – all very much appreciated this end

    I’m F58 living in London. I joined the December challenge weighing an all time high of 181lb/82kg after putting on weight in three stages – neuro condition significantly limiting mobility, stopping smoking and menopause. I lost 38lb/17kg over the next 9 months or so, weighing in at a comfortable 143lb. I pootled along wanting to lose another 5lb or so until I fell off the waggon after a friend died suddenly. When pandemic hit in Feb 2020 I was up 14lb/ 6kg then caught covid which morphed into long covid, bringing more longterm health issues and some unhealthy eating. After a couple of false starts I rejoined the forum at the end of the May 2022 challenge weighing 189lb, I jumped into June and have got through July/Aug by the skin of my teeth, delighted to have got down into the 170s again – just 28lb/13kg to go to my goal!

    I’m vegan but eat eggs or vegetarian who can’t digest dairy since covid and gluten-free. I enjoy cooking from scratch, rarely drink alcohol but have a tendency to eat my feelings – particularlly hard atm while supporting DD through breast cancer. I sailed through 5:2 previously but finding it all slower going atm, have just rediscovered LFDs and those seem to be easier to stick to – no food = no food! I never eat breakfast, need to make sure I don’t eat too late and remember to drink plenty of water.

    The next 8 weeks are always the busiest of my year and this year is even fuller! It’s going to be incredibly full-on and will be a mammoth effort to stay mindful with food. I may post very briefly but I’m posting daily for accountability – it’s far too easy to go off piste left to my own devices. After two successful LFDs last week my goal this month is to make every FD a LFD or WFD, get more sleep, drink more water, restart very gentle adapted yoga and meditate at least 5 mins/day. I’ve jumped in today with a mostly LFD = 2 litres water, 3 black coffees, two marmite teas and 6 black cherries – my 84yo mother came to tea today and I absent mindedly ate them alongside her!

    Reallly looking forward to travelling alongside old friends and new this month. Here’s to the joy of new beginnings and possibilities, hope backed with action to make a plan.

    Day 2, NFD, Aus

    It’s Friyay!!

    I think I’ll join you on DTF, @funshipfreddie. No, (channeling @stitchincarol), I promise you I’ll do DTF with you! The weight is not shifting and I know why.

    have a great weekend everyone!

    Day 2 Ohio, US — MFD

    About the mango episode. When I was a kid we lived in southern Florida. A friend of the family had children about the same age and they had a really big mango tree. They also lived across from the community swimming pool. So my friends and I would spend the day swimming and eating mangoes. Swim a little, eat a couple of mangoes, repeat many times a day. One day I ate so many mangoes that I got hives all over my body, and I had the scars from those hives for a long time. It’s been many years since I’ve had any mangoes, so I thought I’d try buying a package of mango chunks to have on my cereal. Apparently the body still remembers that childhood episode 🙁

    About me: I’m a retired teacher who used the 5:2 diet to get my weight down to 172 lb (78 kg). I was a regular participant on this site, but in 2020 with the pandemic I dropped away for a while. This last spring I returned and my weight has seemed to hover around a plateau of 181 lb since then. Until the end of August when it dropped down to 179 lb. I’m hoping that September will see the weight keep on dropping!

    @penz Like you, I too do better fasting when the weather is warm. January and February are the most difficult months of the year for me to fast.

    @linda.b Your goal-setting and achieving your goals are really impressive! Kudos!

    @daffodil2010 Congratulations on the great weight loss in August! And it sure is true that the tortoise won out over the hare!

    @at Thanks so much for setting up the link for the spreadsheet for this month! You are wonderful!

    @funshipfreddie It’s amazing how many Southern Hemispherites are waxing eloquent about the coming of Spring! Do you notice that it’s easier to maintain your target weight as it gets warmer?

    @brightonbelle I feel your dilemma. When life began to come back to normal, it was natural to celebrate a little. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a calorie-free way of celebrating with friends! For almost everyone it seems that celebrations mean good food, good libations, good friends and family.

    @gardenlily We’ll support you every day to help you reach your goal by the time you go to Scotland. Those dental infections can be real energy sinks, as I found out a couple of months ago. But it is so nice once the body clears out the infection!

    @songbirdme Your experience with 5:2 is really inspirational, as is the wonderful pace of your life!

    @michelinme I think some people call your style of being a vegetarian as ovo-vegetarianism. I’m an ovo-lacto-vegetarian and eggs are an important source of vitamin B12 for me. I much prefer getting that vitamin from a natural source, rather relying on supplements.

    Pocket List for Day 1

    @michelinme — LFD

    Day 02 – Friday– Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

    Dinner out 2 evenings in a row and scales maintained this morning…. happy days!🤩😍🤗

    Busy in the office so very brief today but looking forward to the weekend and may pop in again later…..

    cheerie dearies

    Enjoy your food… it’s one of life’s greatest pleasures, not a punishment… 🌻🌼🌺

    Day 2 – UK Cam – NFD
    Weigh-in day – YES!! Down to 142lb, hurrah 🙂 Sailed thru’ the FD yesterday (thanks to excellent dentist). I have set goal for this month at 140lb but ideal would 138lb so I have a little wiggle room for holidays – so, head down, best foot forward and mouth taped shut for the next 3 weeks (LOL)

    @penz – I try the DTF most weeks and drink fizzy water with a slice and ice instead – in most social situations it works and at home, I occasionally use a sugar-free squash (cordial). Lime is great (but a bit sour).

    @linda.b – I love your quote and yes, food is a pleasure – I love mine!! We have a birthday party tomorrow at the Asian Buffet – really looking forward to sampling lots of different cuisines but know I will have to ‘pay for it’ later with a strict FD on Monday.

    My motto: You only live once, make it a good life.

    Day 2 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    @matpi – I think spring feels even more special this year, because this time last year we still had so many restrictions & mask-wearing & gloomy predictions. I don’t really notice it being easier to maintain my weight in warmer weather. But then living in a subtropical climate like Durban – even our winter days are usually warm & sunny. Maybe I’ll notice a difference now I’m living in the Eastern Cape. But apparently our bodies burn more calories/fat when we’re cold?! So in theory, if we don’t change our diets we should get slimmer in the winter 🤔

    @penz – okay, DTF it is! 🍷🚫

    Did anyone else see this post from @mr-data a few days ago? He was advising a newbie, & is a long-time faster & forum member; from the UK, I think…

    “(FYI – calorie amounts assigned to different foods are averages only and, in the UK, labelled calories are legally allowed to be up to 20% out from what the food actually contains – so getting too hung up on exact calorie counting is probably a waste of time anyway. As long as you are eating a lot less on your fast days the approach should still work)”

    20%?! I didn’t know that. I wonder if that’s the case everywhere? So the fewer meals & different varieties of food we eat on a FD, the less we’re likely to underestimate our calorie intake. And probably best to avoid anything with a label.

    I’m off, to remove all the labels from my wine bottles 😜 Happy Fri-yay! 🍷

    Day 2 UK CD

    Yesterday’s LFD ended with an evening bowl of tomato soup – my stomach was grumbling so much and my brain buzzing so i knew I wouldn’t sleep on empty. I need to come up with a plan for LFD fare.

    I don’t have PFDS today tho – My weekly weigh day and first Friday reckoning since about mid August finds me down a tiny bit but measurements have gone up since last time! Oh well, this is where I begin the month and I’ll end it somewhere different. It’s easy to be disheartened and feel that nothing is really changing and I’ve been around 80kg For Ever! But regular posting on the tracker helps me to notice the tiny changes – and there’s always something changing! Today i’m going with the better brain energy which was unthinkable a few weeks ago – that’s worth celebrating

    @matpi clearly the body keeps the score! Hope you feel better now. Interesting point re ovo-veggie. I spent a year or two as a vegan then added eggs back in so vegan plus eggs feels a bit more me

    @funshipfreddie 20% is a heck of a difference! Another good reason to stay away from labels on FDs

    Day 2 UK NFD

    I’m in the DTF club too, but I’m also taking a long hard look at my weekend 🥂🍺consumption and aiming to reduce this month

    Weekends are always my downfall so I have already planned todays food and drink,I don’t think it’s an option long term but for a month I can do it

    Doesn’t surprise me about the labels @funshipfreddie I’m sure some companies are better than others but it’s a lucky dip

    Right off to do some Yoga , ecstatic that the scales have shown a tiny downward move, the first in a while

    Have a good one all

    Day 2, NFD, Scotland

    OMG ive total bombed this week!!! Ive not fasted once, and only gymmed 3 times. Having family over, and being off work, basically my routine being mucked up has totally thrown me off!!!!! Ahhhhh!!!

    Back onnit next week with absolute resolve. See you then 🙂

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    Really pleased with yesterday – 23.5km hike with 630m elevation with a friend who is getting used to long walks ahead of doing “The Cumbrian Way’ starting a week on Sunday.
    Best of all I managed to end well under my TDEE and that included a large glass of Sauvignon Blanc at my bookclub get together; which was held by our local lakeside – wonderful views and such a warm evening but we did need a jacket by the end!!

    Today a more gentle 7km with my walking group whilst the good weather holds out – we enjoyed a light lunch sitting out in the sunshine afterwards catching up with the running group.

    Lots of baking this afternoon as a friend donated a big bag of damsons – such a treat 😋 Making firstly a
    “Damson Energy Oat Bake” – it’s a layer of flapjack mixture with added hazelnuts on the bottom – some cooked damsons on top, then another layer of the flapjack mixture – OH loves these after his runs, I alternate the fruit layer with whatever I have on hand, blackcurrants from our garden (I still have some frozen) or at the moment locally picked blackberries is another favourite, a tart fruit layer is the secret for this.
    The rest of the damsons will be mixed with some apples and be made into a crumble – Subtly flavoured with star anise and topped with hazelnuts, oats and flour made from the ancient grain khorasan (which gives it a sweet nutty-buttery taste)

    @linda.b – I love your quote too and yes, food is a pleasure – as you can see from my baking today I too love mine!! Balance is the key to enjoying the food and keeping the weight in check!! Luckily for me most of the above will be consumed by my OH over the next week!!

    Looking forward to more joining us in this Saucy and Svelte September Challenge over the next week

    Day 2 Ohio, US — NFD

    The scales showed no change from last week, so it begins to appear that perhaps the weight of 179 lb (81.2 kg) represents a real drop and not just a momentary fluctuation.

    Yesterday evening some hunger pangs started rumbling around and watching my usual television fare just wasn’t acting as a good distraction from them. So I turned off the TV and settled into reading a Ngaio Marsh novel. The novel completely absorbed my attention and before I knew it, it was bedtime and the pangs had been vanquished. Getting lost in a novel has worked several times now on FD’s. So here’s a question: What things work for you to help vanquish FD hunger pangs as you’re winding down in the evening?

    @at Almost 24 km —- that is a really respectable distance! Your damson bake sounds scrumptious!!

    @goal10kg One of the nice things about this WOL is that it is so easy to resume! And we all take a week off here and there (I actually took two years off.), and the 5:2 is always waiting, ready to help us out when we get back.

    @brightonbelle Forgive me if I’ve asked this before — what kind of yoga do you do?

    @michelinme Tiny changes do add up to big ones! Since I’ve come back to 5:2, I’ve been losing weight at the average rate of about one-third kg per month. Fortunately those small changes may have added up to a permanent drop (I certainly hope so!)

    @funshipfreddie Thanks for letting @northgeorgia know where to find us. When I came on this evening, I checked the August listings and saw that you had helped him out. You’re great! When the cold weather approaches I find that a “hibernation instinct”sets in, trying to induce me to eat more and create stores of fat for a long winter. Perhaps other people experience the same. I wonder if maybe that’s why there are so many feasting celebrations near the cold weather solstice.

    The US FDA also permits a 20% margin of error in calorie labeling. On the other hand, the US NIST food reference measuements are accurate to withing 5%. So there is a government department that gives more reliable data than might exist in the retail world. Is the same true in your country?

    @gardenlily Congrats on getting closer to your goal!

    Day 3 – UK Cam – NFD
    Interesting debate about calorie labelling – over here in UK all restaurants and cafes (employing a certain no. people) are now obliged by law to show the calorie content of their food – going to Pizza Express is a whole new scary experience!!! What did amaze me was the calories in, say, a vegetarian pasty available at the local NT cafe – over 1,000 calories! Obviously the accuracy varies but it is a good indication of what foods to avoid. As a keen gardener with a large allotment plot, we tend to eat a lot of veggies but that doesn’t always mean we eat them healthily – chips (fries to those in the US), roast potatoes, Bombay potatoes …. I usually try to cook them simply but with extra flavours – creamed spinach for instance has low-fat yoghurt and nutmeg with a sprinkle of parmesan on top; and I substitute cauliflower mash for potato mash – it works really well if you add some yoghurt and seasoning. Dry roast parsnip with loads of cumin, tossed in oil and then sprinkle with parmesan, ditto carrots and celeriac.

    Tips for getting through the evenings on FDs – oh, yes please, I think we could all do with a magic wand (or time machine). I pick up my audio book, plug in the ear buds and grab some hand-sewing as you have to concentrate hard. That can help pass the time both quickly and productively, but obviously only works if you have sewing to do… I guess it would work for anyone doing work that needs concentration – monthly accounts? VAT returns? How about holiday plans – go wild and check out different destinations and costings (but don’t get depressed)?

    Today will be a difficult one as we are meeting DD at the Asian Buffet for her birthday treat. My first visit to this one so anticipating a real ‘stuff your face’ episode but will try to rein in the food monster inside.

    @at your damson bake sounds amazing – I must check to see if the damsons in the Orchard are ready. I made some banana and peanut butter bread recently to use up some well ripened bananas – not the best bake for our WOL but GD loved it so gave it to her. DH a bit disappointed as he also liked it but I pointed out, out of sight, out of mind – that made him even more worried!! 🙂

    Power and determination to everyone doing a weekend FD – we’re with you!

    Day 3 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @matpi – I hope @northgeorgia finds us soon; only 27 days left 😅

    I couldn’t find anything about a permitted margin of error re calorie labelling in South Africa. We use kilojoules too, which is annoying. So everything you see on a label you have to divide by roughly 4. 1 calorie = 4.18 kilojoules. I think Australia & New Zealand also use kilojoules.

    @gardenlily, @matpi – I find listening to music a good distraction on a FD evening. Watching TV/movies & mindlessly munching on something seem to go hand in hand. People head for the popcorn & other snacks at the movies, even at sports arenas. But you don’t really see people snacking at music venues. I wonder why that is? Maybe music has an effect on our appetites 🤔

    Here we go; my first September FD. Anyone else..?

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍋

    Day 03 – Saturday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD) 🌧🌧🌦🌧

    Rainy Saturday here but starting to lift. Hopefully it will be fine🌞 tomorrow as Sunday is actually Fathers Day in Australia and a time when families traditionally get together for BBQs, picnics, football etc. Hope my Aussie pals have a lovely day!

    I’m going (tomorrow) for yum cha lunch at a Cantonese restaurant with friends (as we are LOCAs, we are all father-less!☹).

    My problem, as always, when dining out especially at Chinese restaurants, is my GF requirements. As I haven’t been to this one before, I’ve just been checking the menu online but they don’t indicate which dishes are GF…. not good! That means I’ll have to check each dish as it arrives…. which is actually awful😬🥴😵 …. I really hate, even after all these decades, that I need to have these conversations with waitstaff at the table and holding everybody up. Hate it as I’m sure my companions do too! I really hate the fuss and wish I could just sink under the table! Sometimes I’d just rather not go. Never mind, just face it head on… my gut still hasn’t fully recovered from the catastrophe on 15 June when I was mistakenly given an ordinary pizza instead of the GF one I ordered. When I was in my 20s I would carry a little card that I would hand to the waiter to give the chef….. but these days it shouldn’t really be necessary and, beside, chefs are usually way too busy in the kitchen to stop and deal with these things. Sorry about that…just musing aloud as @stitchincarol says.

    @at…. damson? I’d never heard of them and Googled. They look delish! Love the new things I learn here.

    It’s Saturday night and I’m turning off the computer now… so hope you are all having a lovely weekend!

    cheerie dearies

    Structure your life and you’ll structure your eating … hmmm?🤔🤔🤔🤩🤩 (sounds good in theory!)

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Rainy Saturday, DH over in the UK, and I have the place to myself for the weekend! Yay! So what have I done with all this freedom?

    I was in bed asleep at 8.30 last night 😱 Woke very refreshed at 6.30am so must have needed that long sleep. I am actually doing a ZBC for first time in months (I like my brekkie), and pondering when to break my fast and with what.

    The rain has stopped plans for the garden, I don’t want to waste my free time doing housework….so I think I might do something that I rarely do anymore (except on holiday) and curl up with a book!!!

    This will thus be a weekend of relaxation and ME time.

    Happy Saturday everyone.

    Day 3 UK NFD

    Still makes me smile that it’s late Saturday night for you @linda.b whilst I’m just gearing up for the day 😀It must be dreadful for you having to go through the whole procedure ever time you want to order a meal , here in the U.K. it is now common practice when entering an eating establishment the first question you are asked is – allergies/special dietary requirements- so let’s hope things improve

    Small victory yesterday in that I stuck to my plan , hoping to repeat today

    We seem to be missing a few regulars – hoping they find there way here soon Have a good one all

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs.

    Sorry! I couldn’t find the forum for a while. I’m in for September. I’m a 48 y/o man in the north Atlanta suburbs trying to get to a healthy weight. I’ve been on a plateau all this year, which is better than saying I gained 30 lbs in a year 🙂 I’m down about 70 lbs since I began this journey in May 2020. My goal since April has been to get to 206 lbs. The weight crept on a bit but has stabilized around 213 lbs as average. If I can get back to seeing 208s and 209s regularly this month, that’ll be a happy goal for me.

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD500

    Hi, all! DH and I got home yesterday and I’m still in vacation mode, mentally, but have a list of things I must accomplish before the Husker game at 2:30 today. The good news is that I only gained two pounds, and I’m hoping to dispatch some of that as water weight with today’s FD. We had a grand time and ate reasonably, but had beer or wine with lunch and dinner both, so those two extra pounds are not a surprise. And my piano students’ recital last Sunday went wonderfully, and it turns out someone I’ve known slightly for fifteen years is the grandma of one of my students–such a small world!

    I’m hoping to be back to posting regularly soon, but it’s a holiday weekend, and right now I’m headed out the door. Nonetheless, it’s so nice to be back in communication with you all!

    Day 3 UK NFD

    Thursday’s LFD seems to have kicked in a day late bc the scales were down 2lb this morning! Bodies are weird

    Today is a mix of rest and prep. I had a lovely lazy morning then an afternoon reading church council papers ahead of a Monday evening meeting, setting up some social stuff on social media and getting ready for tomorrow. I’ve also done some meal planning for the next week, and started to prep veg so I can pop them in the oven to roast when I get back home tomorrow. It’s time to start my autumn term routine of batch cooking lovely dahls and soups ready for FDs or speedy suppers/lunches on full days.

    Lunch was leftover cauliflower, sugar snap peas, avocado and mango; supper was vegan fish (pea!) fingers, potatoes (a treat – my first in a fortnight!) fresh tomatoes, followed by baby strawberries and black cherries. There’s nothing like a bowl of fresh fruit in bite size portions to stop evening snack cravings

    @matpi Great idea to share evening snack deterrents! Things that keep my mind busy and/or my hands occupied work for me. Knitting is good, if I can get myself to settle down long enough so that usually involves also watching TV or audio book, tho i’ve been known to knit and read! Pottering – sorting out a drawer or a cupboard shelf. Planning – garden, Christmas. Writing physical cards or chatty emails to friends. Duolingo – keeps my hands and brain busy to practice Italian. Giving myself a pedicure/manicure/leisurely soak in the bath with lavender and epsom salts….

    @northgeorgia welcome over to Saucy and Svelte September – glad you found us 🙂
    @stitchincarol welcome back! Sounds like you had a lovely time 🙂
    @daffodil2010 hope you have a LOVELY weekend

    Sending strength to today’s fasters!

    Pocket List – Day 3 🍋

    Day 3 Ohio, US — NFD

    All in all a reasonable day here. Lots of pop-up showers, so I couldn’t get my walking in, but I did do my regular yoga practice this morning.

    Hey everyone — should I report that post from healthmaster as spam?

    @michelinme 2 lb! That is a respectable drop! Italiano! Sei una brava studentessa!

    @stitchincarol Labor Day weekend is the start of mid-America’s obsession season of football (i.e., not soccer). It seems as though the entire state of Ohio and also that of the next-door-neighbor state of Indiana are now focused on the Ohio State-Notre Dame game this evening! Having attended both universities (at different times of my life), my loyalties are amazingly evenly divided.

    @northgeorgia Being on the cusp of a plateau (I hope), I can empathize with you. The only things that keep me going are the thoughts that even if I never lose another pound, this WOL is keeping metabolic chaos from taking over and also the realization that unlike diamonds, plateaus are not forever.

    @brightonbelle Hope you kept on target and stuck to your plan!

    @daffodil2010 A weekend of relaxation sounds heavenly! Enjoy!

    @linda.b As a person with multiple food sensitivities myself, I know how tricky it is to dine at a restaurant. It often feels like rolling dice, but for me they seem to come up snake eyes more often than not. At a Chinese restaurant I usually go for something they call Buddha’s Delight around here. It’s basically just vegetables and rice. And as long as they don’t put soy sauce or onions in it, I’m good to go.

    @funshipfreddie Maybe people don’t eat at music events, because if you eat something crunchy all you can hear are the crunch noises in your mouth and you lose out being able to listen the music performed. I just can’t imagine chomping on crunchy toffee and listening to Mozart’s Requiem. On the other hand, for Heavy Metal music, it probably doesn’t make any difference 😉

    @gardenlily Hope your daughter had a great birthday dinner!

    Day 4, Definitely a NFD, Aus

    Had to deal with a work emergency so I thought, since I’m on the computer anyway, why not check in with my 5:2 friends?

    Yep, they are kj in Aus. I prefer thinking in calories because it seems there are fewer of them per food item!

    I had to google damsons, @at, never heard of them! But they look to be a versatile little fruit. Ah, seeing @linda.b also had to google I need to do more research to see if we even have them Down Under.

    Rant away @linda.b!!! Gluten intolerance is hardly a “new” issue these days so I am sorry to hear it is still such a drama asking venues to accommodate your needs. I took a girlfriend out for dinner last night for her birthday; I’d remember to let the restaurant know in advance that she is also GF and it was no issue at all. That’s how it should be, especially in a day when medical science has shown that people truly cannot eat certain foods and it’s not just ‘fussy eater’ syndrome.

    I was pottering around the local shopping centre recently. It has some lovely crafty stores and artists’ co-ops, one of which had a bench and bowl of knitting outside the store. There was a sign that read “sit! Stich a few rows. Relax.” I am NOT a knitter, but I thought this was such a lovely idea. I certainly appreciated the sentiment behind it.

    That’s enough for a weekend post.

    Day 04 – Sunday evening – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – (NFD)🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄

    @gardenlily.. hope your Asian buffet went well and your daughter enjoyed her birthday.✨✨🎆

    @penz… you’re right as with most restaurants it’s not too hard to find GF dishes or dishes that can easily be modified to GF by the chef. Problem is with yum cha (dim sum) that you don’t actually order the dishes, they just arrive at the table on trolleys and you either take it or leave it followed by trolley after trolley with more offerings. My experience is that most of the yum cha offerings definitely have gluten with very few GF offerings available. Indeed that is certainly how it turned out today as well, so I didn’t participate in the yum cha with my pals. Workaround was that I actually ordered a single meal off the menu (beef, veg & cashews with no soy …. soy is often thickened with gluten… & GF please.) with steamed rice. Done. But then of course the restaurant was chaotically busy and my meal didn’t arrive for ages after everyone else had been tucking into their yum cha delights for 45 minutes. Ahhh.. such is the life of a coeliac. Additionally two of the guests were Muslim so they had their ‘special requirements too’ ie couldn’t eat pork and they had to check each yum cha dish before it was put on the table. None of this would have been a problem on a normal day but the restaurant was madly busy for Fathers Day and you could hardly hear each other talk let alone have discussion with the waitstaff who were run off their feet. Never mind, it was just so good to catch up with this group of pals and the food was really just a minor part of the occasion, so no dramas.
    Loved the story about the bowl of knitting outside the store!…. It’s just relaxing to think about it 😊😊.

    @stitchincarol… glad you are back and sounds like you had a fabulous little holiday! Your story brings to mind the ‘6 degrees of separation’ theory …

    Re.. how to keep the dragons🐉🐉🐉 at bay in the evening? Clean your teeth after your evening meal… works a charm for me. 😁😁😁
    Also, if it’s not there, you can’t eat it 😊😊😊

    cheerie dearies 💐🌸🏵🌺🌻🌼

    Day 4 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    PFDS on a Sunday morning! 😇

    @northgeorgia – welcome to Saucy & Svelte September 😅 I have a feeling you’re going to nuke that 208 low this month 🔮

    @matpi – I reported the spam post. I usually do if & when I spot them. They’re so annoying 😒

    re music & weight loss, I may be on to something! I found this old article from In a nutshell – music has the ability to release endorphins (‘feel good’ hormones). These endorphins have been shown to greatly reduce appetite.

    Happy S🌞nday!

    Day 4 UK NFD

    Mostly stuck to my plan yesterday- and I’m taking it as a win Rome wasn’t built in a day

    Welcome back @northgeorgia and @stitchincarol
    Enjoy the holiday weekend

    See you on the list tomorrow 🌈

    Day 4 – UK – CD
    Day 3 – NFD

    Yesterday was my lazy day and a rather indulgent one too – but rather enjoyable too!!!

    Back to it today with a good CD and a 10+ mile/16.25km hike with some friends – we were expecting rain but ended up with a warm and overcast day with some sunshine once back home this afternoon….

    @matpi and @gardenlily – OH seems to be enjoying the flapjack and I did have some of the crumble which was 😋
    @linda.b – damsons are a subspecies of plums and are spicier and more tart, making them better for cooking. They’re a popular pick for jam making too

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and that we are all back with our fasting mojo intact to start the new week and it would be lovely to see some of our regulars who have been missing back with us too 🤗

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just saw an inspirational film “Gigi & Nate” at the movies, and that meant buttered popcorn was my only “meal” so far today. Since I love flavored salt to put on it, I know I will gain water weight today. Oh well. It does go.

    All your talk of damsons made me remember the first car we purchased as newlyweds: a 1969 damson plum TR6. I hope that link still shows the right photo. Since they seem to only be available in Britain, we just muddle through with normal plums for eating. Lately for me it has been lovely peaches made into crisp for dessert.

    @matpi – yes, football is strong for us over in Illinois too. Even though we don’t have the reputation of a Notre Dame or Ohio State, we still enjoy it. We do have 2 U of Michigan alum children, so the Buckeyes are quite a rival.

    @stitchincarol – glad to read you’re back safely. I have meant to mention we have a trip end of this month to Napa Valley, CA then up into Oregon to finally get our 50th state. Sorry to say we won’t have a lot of time up there — Crater Lake, Kalmath Falls, and a junket over to the coast in the south are about all. We do have several days in Napa including the Wine Train and another vineyard visit.

    Happy Labor Day to all you Americans!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 4 – UK Cam – NFD
    Just a quick check in – running late. DD birthday went very well, the Asian buffet was AWESOME – I tried all sorts of different food, some was amazingly good, some not. I fell down at the dessert counter with profiteroles and some little chocolate gateau thingy but didn’t overdo it generally (considering all the food choices available). No doubt the scales will reveal all on Friday but, hey that’s 2 x FD away so I hope I can shed any excess gained!

    Today has been another family day although considerably less food involved! I did sample the birthday cake though … Tomorrow will be a good FD – volunteer gardening will keep me fully occupied and I shall be tired out so an early night we avoid the evening munchies.
    @stitchincarol – glad you have had a good break.
    @brightonbelle – well done with sticking to your plan!

    Right, off to bed – need a good night’s sleep before long day tomorrow.

    Day 5, FD, Aus

    Had another bad night’s sleep. Seems to be my pattern on a Sunday night waking at around 3 and thinking about the things that need doing at work. Because I know I will be tired and discipline correspondingly low, I’ve brought along a small container of homemade mushroom soup. There is some cream in the soup but it should be pretty low cal and compatible with a FD, so if I need to eat something today I have that in reserve.

    Lovely looking car @songbirdme!

    Day 05 – Monday – Gold Coast Queensland Australia – my FUN DAY (FD)🍆🍅🌶🍄🥑🥒🥬🥦🥕🥦🥑
    PFDS.. Maintained 60kg on the dot over the weekend and this morning, so very happy with that. Still focussing on the day to day maintenance as I work out what really maintains vs what pushes the scale up…. and, if so, to bring it back immediately before it’s entrenched. So far, so good.
    So today will be FD800 or thereabouts. I actually don’t mind FDs at all…. I have my lovely fresh veg at hand and the routine of it means I don’t need to think about it at all…. just follow through and do it. Done. ✅

    Won’t be loading up my meals with tomatoes🍅🍅 though as they hit $14 kg this weekend. Have no idea why there are shortages as the floods were months ago. Actually they were $13.90 which really annoys me that the shops don’t just call it $14 and be done with it…. good grief! Does $13.90 sound cheaper? Really???😦 7 tomatoes roughly equal 1 kg so my usual 2.5 kg a week then becomes $35 … just for the tomatoes. So instead of a whole tomato (which I love😋) I’ll be reducing to a half tomato for each meal for a while and then fill up on the broccoli and mushrooms etc. It seems we are being held to ransom with artificial ‘food shortages’ and not entirely sure it is not just a ploy to increase prices. @gardenlily I envy your home grown veg and my tent might be popping up in the back of your garden soon!

    @penz mushroom soup sounds delicious and mushrooms are so low calorie… even with a splash of cream. 😋 I had same problem with sleep (or lack thereof) last night too. What is it about 3.00am? In the end put on the tv to the cooking channel and numbed the brain with Rick Stein floating down the Canal Du Midi …..eventually drifted back to sleep but the problem is that, when the alarm goes, I’m tired and have brain fog albeit without the excuse of COVID. 😴😴😴

    @songbirdme … it must have been hard parting with that car! Bet you had a lot of fun adventures in it. ✨🎇

    cheerie dearies

    ✅ Ask yourself, “Is what I’m doing today getting me closer to where I want to be tomorrow?” ✅
    “poco a poco” – little by little, bit by bit, slowly, gradually

    Day 4 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. After discovering that all Labor Day weekend plans are ruined down here because of the incessant rains, we just picked a day to cook indoors, and that will be that. As of yesterday, the feast day will be tomorrow (Monday), which means today I can fast.

    I am quickly becoming lactose intolerant — at least with drinking straight-up milk. I’m still OK with cheeses, creams, ice cream, yogurt, and even hot chocolate. But drinking a glass of milk yesterday almost destroyed me. The good thing: I haven’t had any breakfast cereals in milk in ages and probably never will again 😉

    Day 4 Ohio, US — NFD

    This morning there was church and this afternoon was the Polish reading group. Usually after reading Polish for two and a half hours I’m very much wiped out. This evening the energy is flowing well. That’s the good news. The not so good news was that I did a spot of shopping after church. I should know better than to shop when I’m very tired. I went looking for some seedless raspberries. The store didn’t have any, so I had to make do with a piece of triple decker white chocolate cheese cake and an orange-cranberry muffin, both of which I downed for lunch. Fortunately, I ate a little less for supper than I usually do, also fortunately tomorrow will be a FD.

    @northgeorgia I saw scenes of the flooding in Georgia on this evening’s news. Hope you didn’t have major flooding where you live! I find that I can’t tolerate milk with butterfat in it, but I can do reasonably well with skim milk.

    @penz and @linda.b I too find that the 3:00 am hour a wake-up time. But in my case the cause seems clear — the people in the townhouse adjacent to mine get up then and the noise they make wakes me up.

    @linda.b Are canned tomatoes as expensive? Some nutritionists recommend canned over fresh tomatoes because the lycopene is more bio-available. That said, I still prefer the fresh on my sandwiches!

    @gardenlily Family time and birthday celebrations make life worthwhile! Without them, life would be a little flat, even with FD’s to spice them up!

    @songbirdme “Gigi and Nate” sounds like a truly nice movie. I’ll look for it when it comes out on the streaming channels. The TR6 looks delightful! I hope you really enjoy your Oregon trip. I lived there for 21 years and really love the countryside and the people there.

    @at A 16 km hike can take care of quite a lot of indulgences! Since Monday is a big holiday in the US, I wouldn’t be surprised if many people choose Tuesday as their FD. Monday goes by the name “Labor Day” in the US, and traditionally it marked the end of the “summer season”. That meant that elementary and secondary schools would have to go back to school, it would be a fashion faux-pas to dress in white, and people in offices had to go back to wearing long-sleeves. Of course, none of that holds now.

    @brightonbelle Sticking to a good plan is, I believe, one of the secrets of making NFD’s sustainable. Good job!

    @funshipfreddie Thanks for taking care of that spam. I’ve seen on other websites that if they are not taken care of immediately, they can proliferate rapidly. Sort of like spiders in the bedroom. That’s a great article about the use of music to help with weight loss. I’ve read someplace that fast-food restaurants play music that leads to the opposite effect — eating more faster.

    @linda.b One thing I picked up at the store today was a product that I hadn’t seen before. It’s called “Pomfu”and is a tofu look-alike that’s made completely from pumpkin seeds. It’s got 17 grams of protein per serving, so it’s a reasonable tofu replacement. Vegan sources of protein aren’t all that many, so I thought it might be worth a try adding this to my culinary repertoire.

    Day 5, FD, Scotland

    Hi everyone, im back ! And focussed. 4 weeks tommorrow im jetting off on holiday! So ive the vegan salad for lunch and piri piri chicken for dinner with mange tout mixed through. Body attack after work.

    Lets do this Monday fasters !

    Pocket List

    Day 5, UK, FD

    Good morning all! I have had a weekend of indulgences after a very impromptu trip to the coast and family get togethers. I loved every minute of the weekend but now feel very heavy in my body. So I’m pressing reset today with a lovely fast day. As per my trip to the coast, I woke up this morning having not planned a FD but after logging in here and reading the posts (especially the PFDS mentioned earlier in the thread by @funshipfreddie), I’ve made a snap decision to go for it.

    I’m also slightly spurred on by a pair of jeans I bought at the weekend which looked like they’d fit fine when on the hanger, but when I got them home they were way too small. I then raided my drawers to try some other jeans and all but one pair are way too small. So I’m using those as my gauge. I love those jeans too and really want to wear them this winter.

    Have a wonderful day all!

    Pocket List

    Day 5 UK FD

    I’m off 4 weeks Wednesday @goal10kg it really is spurring me on 💪

    @songbirdme back in the 80s we had a triumph spitfire – it was so low I was practically horizontal when driving and reaching the peddles was a challenge but it was good fun

    Pocket List

    Day 3 – UK – FD

    Good morning from an unexpectedly sunny Lake District – I have to wait in for the chap coming to do the yearly service to our boiler this morning…..said they would be here mid morning….

    Woke up feeling rather positive after yesterday’s hike and controlled eating so will be joining @goal10kg @babs_b and @brightonbelle on today’s FD Pocket List

    My regular Yoga classes restart this evening – so looking forward to it, although I may feel it tomorrow🙏

    @songbirdme – the car looks fab and loved the colour – There is a body of anecdotal evidence that damsons were used in the British dye and cloth manufacturing industries in the 18th and 19th centuries – certainly my crumble has a fantastic colour – would love a jumper in that colour as it would cheer up any wintry day

    Pocket List – Day 5

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 5 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    @babs_b – I wasn’t planning to have a FD today either, but I’m inspired by everyone’s positivity. And the list is growing nicely. Peer pressure & all that 😅

    Stronger Together 💪

    “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” ~ Jim Rohn

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍒

    Day 5 USA (Illinois) FD

    Jumping in with others for a FD today:

    Pocket List – Day 5 🍒

    Onward and downward.

    Day 5 – UK – OMAD
    after a semi disastrous August that got completely de-railed by a holiday, I’m back and have planned September. Aug was only semi disastrous as I didn’t gain any weight, I stayed the same, which on the whole is ok….. (given the holiday).

    Good luck everyone…


    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 213 lbs. We’ve had a good amount of rain, but nothing like in the other corner of the state, where they had the major flooding. It comes suddenly and quickly these days, which is so deceptive. You may be out doing your weekly shopping, when out of no where, the bottom falls out and the parking lot turns into a river!

    Happy Labor Day to us here in the US (Labour Day in Canada), and balance out your feasting today 🙂

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