Rookie from Canada

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  dwbslp 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hello, I have started the diet a week ago. Start weight: 64.6kg /Goal: 58kg
    After exactly a week today, I have lost 400 grams. Today is a fast day for me and I found it even easier than last week. I don’t feel hunger so much, let’s hope it will continue… I look forward to reading your comments!

    Welcome and good luck. I have been doing this 5 weeks now and it already seems very natural. I have lost 5lbs so far 🙂

    Thanks!!! That’s great, 5Lbs in a 5 weeks… My objective is not only to lose weight but to keep it off…so we will see. How long do you plan to do it for?

    I lost just over 2 stone cutting down since January the last 5lbs was by adding 5:2 to my eating plan. I would like to keep going until I get as close to my ideal weight as possible I suppose! Every now and again I will do the 6:1 to maintain. I believe in keeping it real. I am not on a diet. It took me a long time to put the weight on so I don’t expect to loose it over night 🙂

    You’ve made a great choice Slaggy. I’m in my 7th week of 5:2 and have lost 12 lbs. This is probably the longest I’ve stayed on any diet and I plan to make it permanent. I can’t say it’s easy, but it is the easiest diet to follow I have ever tried. I feel great and all my clothes fit again. I’ll be going on a two week vacation in 2 weeks and have no concerns about going off and getting right back on when I return. The forums have been very helpful.

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