Ridiculously fussy eater!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello!
    Anyone else have problems with food? While I’m enjoying fasting I’m so limited because I have issues with food and textures. I literally don’t eat any fruit or veg.I like potatoes and marrow fat peas!
    I spend my 500 kcal on weight watchers tomato soup and cracker bread with laughing cow extra lights! Maybe some bacon and pickled onion space raiders. I have 500ml of skimmed milk too. I like chicken breast, so I’ve got that going for me!

    Hi 🙂

    Hi Vapegirl…

    I was like you as a child and then started a very few things more at 16 years. I think you have to decide to take things slowly and try more things each week…I am very much a meat eater…

    I always thought I didn’t like veg, what I mean really are soggy caulie, cabbage, sprouts and turnip…awful school things.

    I like a lot or really most things raw, carrot, spinach and cabbage, I eat as a salad veg but not cooked…which I suppose is better…my hubby eats all veg but doesn’t like celery, radish, beetroot a lot of things I eat…which I didn’t used too. The veg and fruit list is endless you must like something!

    I am now open to try things….lentils and beans are on my list to start eating really due to this forum and healthy eating…everything won’t work but I will try. I am looking at veggies in curry but a little later.

    My hubby stated a few years ago….’ if I cook it my self, I know what’s going in, I will eat it’….I never thought of it that way but he is right.

    I would say start cooking yourself…soups as the first thing a tin of WW!!…so easy to make…laughing cow..processed crap…Space invaders you are putting that into your body..processed crap…you want full fat milk and cheese…go on line and research different healthy eating…read up on Dr Fung…Robert Lustig…you have to start eating proper food to live and be healthy…

    I never liked curry everybody told me to have a korma a mild one which I didn’t like..then I found I liked the strong balti and tikka masala, madras all with extra chillies in. I never thought I would say it but I can really say I enjoy it and call it a favourite…..but I cook it all from scratch…

    I never really like food out, it never comes to expectations and again what are they putting into it.

    There is only you who can change things…only you who can be healthy and make the choices…

    Good luck

    Wow where do you get your fibre from? Your vitamins and minerals? What about an apple or a strawberry? veggies, what about a raw carrot? Cut them up into strips and dip into some cream cheese. Your poor gut bacteria must be starving to death. Not good.

    Try something new and give it a go. Youll find something you like. The alternative isn’t good.

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