Restart!! Liquid only Fast Days….

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  PaxEst 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Good Morning from America! I’m from Long Island, NY originally, now residing in Charlotte, NC. I’ve had some success with this woe in the past, but always seemed to veer off track and sabotage my losses with some other “plan”. I’ve lost around 20lbs in the last few months by switching to a gluten free diet and just moving more. I’ve found that my w/l has stalled a bit and to kick it into high gear I will be committing to the 5/2 plan for the foreseeable future. I still love to eat gluten free, as it keeps the bloating and “wheat belly” at bay. However, what I feel caused me to fail at fasting before was the consumption of solid foods on my fast day. I know this is not true of everyone, but once I start chewing, it is difficult to keep under 500 cals. I usually eat around 1200 cals a day, and that has been working well for me, but to speed up my losses I will add two fast days a week to my plan. I don’t usually count much on the weekends, although I try to keep it under 2000 cals. I have purchased 100 calorie high protein ready to drink shakes and they keep me very satisfied for hours. I figure I will have 4 of these on my fast days, spaced out around 3 hours apart, and a couple of cups of chai tea or coffee sweetened with stevia and a bit of fat free half and half. I can have 5 cups of either to bring me to 500 calories. This is my first FULL liquid fast day and I will see how it goes, but I am totally committed to making this work. I used to work out a lot, but that has slowed down as well. I am waiting on my new elliptical to arrive today, so I will add that into the mix also. So my overall diet plan is this…5/2, fasting on Monday/Thur, 1200-1400 cals on Tues, Weds, Fri and under 2000 on weekends. Also, I only eat between the hours of 9 am and 7 pm, while it is not quite a 16/8 plan, it is more of a 14/10 plan which they say is beneficial for women (at least as much as 16/8 is for men) and at least 30 mins of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) on my elliptical 5-6 days a week. Good luck to everyone (including myself) and I look forward to hearing about your successes and journeys!

    I totally agree that it’s hard to eat a small meal when you’re hungry. I find liquid fasting much easier.

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