Rejoined After Baby!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Debrae 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello!

    Yesterday was my first fast day since my son was born. His first birthday was last week. We are still breastfeeding but I waited until a year so that if my supply is now affected its not that big of a deal.

    He’s my second and I waited until 2 years with my daughter. At a year with her I was really afraid fasting would dry up my supply and wasn’t ready to wean. But by two I was like if I dry up, I dry up… But I didn’t! So I told myself next baby I’ll start the 5:2 back at a year.

    I am one of those who gain, gain, gain during breastfeeding. I didn’t gain much at all during pregnancy. Lost all the weight by the time they were a few weeks old both times… Then started gaining, gaining, gaining. I hadn’t lost all the breastfeeding gain with my daughter when I conceived my son. I am currently like a hundred pounds overweight. So definitely in it for weight loss, but also am looking forward to feeling the fasts shift the way my body works. I feel different when I’m fasting.

    Anyway, so I’m back! And I’m trying to get my husband to join me. I tried to get him to a few years ago, but he couldn’t get under 800 calories… Back when he was supposed to be at 700. Now they say 800 is okay! So I am like come on, try again, it’ll be easier this time. 🙂

    Hi my son is just about to have hisfirst birthday too!
    Ditto on the breastfeeding.
    Im tandem feeding my preschooler too.
    Not noticed any drop in supply..
    Im exactly like you
    Gained i think half a stone whilst pregnant added 2 stone since to adx to the stone i never lost breastfeeding my son now 3!
    My hubby is doung it with me too.
    Im 4 weeks in 1 ½ stone lighter and 3 inches of chest waist and hips
    Im astonished!
    Hubby being less strict than me but had lost ½ stone and looks great.
    Wpuld be good to share the journey with another breastfeeding mum.
    I havent managed 500 calories its always 600 but im fasting 3 days a week mon wed fri when my eldest is in nursery so we can eat breakfast and dinner together.
    Hope its going well for you too?!

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