Read the book, joined the forum and doing my 2nd FD

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Read the book, joined the forum and doing my 2nd FD

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone, it’s good to be here!
    I’m a 68 yr old guy, 6’0”, 229 lbs, BMI of 31, with T2 non-insulin diabetes and hbp. And enough is enough! I’ve finally decided to take control of my health.
    I read the good doctor’s book on Sunday and began on Monday with my first fast day.
    Sticking to the 600 cal cap, had smoked salmon and some fruit around noon, and a cup of lentil soup along with carrot sticks and hummus for dinner.
    I found it easier than I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed the hunger I felt at 10pm that night while watching TV…like repairs in my body were beginning.
    I woke up the next morning, down 3 lbs, and really feeling ok. I truly wasn’t hungry and didn’t eat breakfast until noon. Plus, my fasting sugar was 126 (I decided to take my full dose of metformin to see how it would affect me).
    Anyway, I’m in the middle of my 2nd FD and feeling excited about the positive changes to come.
    Great forum!

    Well done m426!

    Welcome to 5:2 and welcome to this wonderful international forum.

    Like you, I read the book 1 day started the next and 3yrs 9months later I’m maintaining, still 5:2ing because I really like living fasting 2 days a week. I’m late 60’s, lost 21kgs I put on through ill health. Being a normal weight now has meant I’ve been able to go off blood pressure medication, my heart is operating better without the added load, I’ve been a normal weight for quite some time now, and I’m so grateful for 5:2 and this forum.

    You have discovered 2 of 5:2’s secrets already:
    1. It’s not as hard as we thought to do Fast Days (FDs) and
    2. We’re usually not hungry the next morning.

    I suggest you find one of the bigger threads of the forum that seems a good fit for you and get to know a few of the regulars. You’ll find answers to your 5:2 questions, encouragement, and companionship along the way.

    Best wishes to you,

    Thanks much for your feedback, Merry. Very inspiring!

    Another one who read the book from cover to cover and started immediately. That was 23rd April, 2016. Hit target in the September following, then lost another 7lbs. Been maintaining easily since.

    Awesome, Pollypenny! I can’t wait to get to the maintenance stage, but I’m only a week in and have about 30 lbs to lose. So after a week and little real-time experience, it seems that eating about 600 cal/day on fd’s isn’t difficult for me at all. I actually like feeling hungry…weird, I know. Plus, I feel guilty on nfd’s If I snack or eat a little too much, like I’m taking 2 steps forward and 3 steps back. Anyway, I’m looking forward to my next FD tomorrow.

    Well done, Mike! No moaning, no procrastination, no dithering — you just did it. I’m sure you will succeed at this. My Husband and I have been Fasting for 5 years and still do it twice a week to maintain our weight loss. Felling hungry is a good thing, isn’t it? I especially like sitting down to a meal when hungry: no point otherwise, is there?
    Keep us posted with your progress.

    Congratulations Mike! You’re 5:2ing really well.

    Ah, another 5:2 secret you’ve discovered – one of the ‘weird’ secrets along with not being very hungry or hungry at all the next morning when we thought we’d be ravenous.

    Secret 3. FDs can be enjoyable.

    Many of us long-termers look forward to our FDs, because we know our bodies feel better from having our 1 or 2 FDs /week, and we enjoy the somewhat hungry feeling on FDs. Not the same as those who deliberately undereat continuously. We are healthy eaters on our other 5 days.

    Secret 4. We adjust our nonFD food to a healthier way of eating.

    5:2 seems to have an inbuilt psychological componant that has us examining our nonFD food and drink.

    I agree with Pollypenny – it is lovely to sit down to a meal and really enjoy it.

    You’ve got a great attitude to this Mike. No fads; no having to do it faster than anyone else; no focus on deprivation daily. Well done on your good well rounded attitude,

    Onwards and Downwards,

    Thanks guys for your kind and inspiring words.
    I’ve just started my second week, with a FD yesterday. I weigh myself once a week, on Tuesday, the morning after my Monday fast and so far after 1 full week and 3 FDs, I’ve lost exactly 2 kilos (4.5 lbs). The issue I have is, believe it or not, I think it’s TOO easy…like, I should be suffering more to lose this kind of weight, especially from fasting.
    And Merry, you’re correct about this diet forcing you to examine your non-FD eating habits. One’s entire dietary dynamic changes for the better…very quickly and, IMO, without much effort. Bad habits (eating just because) are replaced by good habits (drinking more water, among others).
    All of that said, I’m still a newbie and sure that there will be many bumps in the road.
    Looking forward to my next FD.

    Don’t fret about this being too easy — that is one of our well-kept secrets! And there will be some difficult days in your future. Good job on the weight loss, Mike.

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