Re-starting after successfully losing 30lbs

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  • Regained all my weight and an additional 5. I am looking for support and tips to jump-start the diet and to curb my insane craving for sugar. I know the craving goes after a bit of time but is there a suggestion to ease into this without creating havoc?

    Hi teresamack and welcome:

    Your addiction to processed carbs (sugar) is just that – an addiction. Until you appreciate that, you will have little success in beating it.

    Unfortunately, the only way to beat an addiction is complete abstinence. You have to cut the addictive substances from your diet and never let them return. The havoc is that for about 3 or 4 days you will feel miserable. But after that, you will feel great!

    The way to do it is to eat a ketogenic diet for about two weeks. A ketogenic diet is a diet where you eat 20g or less of carbs of any kind each day. After that, you will have to constantly be on the lookout for foods that cause you to crave and binge, and eliminated them when you find them. You are already aware of your sugar issue, but there may be more foods that cause the same problem.

    I know how hard this will be for you, but I also know you can do it.

    Here are some general tips for doing 5:2:

    Good Luck!

    Sims right about the addiction side of things. Sugar is addictive. It makes you feel good. There is no easy way of doing this. It will take about a month to detox. I don’t think you can sort of half do it. They wouldn’t tell an alcoholic at an AA meeting that its OK to only have a little bit of alcohol. Wouldn’t work. If youre addicted to sugar I don’t think having a metal state that is saying I can just have a little bit would work.

    Personally I found that I started chewing gum like my life depended on it. Also when you have that craving feeling come over you go for a gentle 30 minute walk. Walking releases dopamine. Exercise makes you feel good!!

    I gave up added sugar and drastically reduced refined carbs when I started 5:2 because I recognised that they were my problem.

    I similarly lost 30lbs. Once I’d reached my goal I had some chocolate I found in the house (left over from Xmas, and this was mid April…unheard of previously!). It wasn’t as nice as I remembered.

    Now, over two years on, I’ve maintained my weight loss. And while I do eat refined carbs and sugars again now, this is pretty much only at weekends and much more moderately than pre 5:2.

    A treat is something you enjoy on an occasional basis and that brings great pleasure. I therefore don’t think eating cake/biscuits/chocolate on a daily basis constitutes a ‘treat’. It’s a habit. And of course sugar is not a treat for your body, it’s a little shot of poison and empty calories.

    I made the conscious decision that being slim, fit and healthy was more important to me than getting a sugar fix every day but being flabby and less healthy…

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