questions about if you can only drink water during fasting time

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questions about if you can only drink water during fasting time

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  knelson 6 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I have heard different things. Wondering if you have to only drink just water during fasting times. I really do like the “true lime” drinks that are flavored with stevia or sparkling fruit flavored water. But if this will throw off my fast then I need to learn to just do without. Has anyone who has drinks like this had success. I don’t want to give these up if I don’t have to. Thanks for any advice given.

    On the 5:2 plan you can drink anything you want as long as you count the calories.

    thank you CalifDreamer.

    I suspect it will make the task of weight loss a lot harder for you. See what happens. If it doesn’t work for you, change things up.

    Knelson, you are aware that 5:2 allows for 500 calories on fasting days? …Or 25% of one’s Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which can be calculated via this website.

    Lots of coffee in the morning for me with a splash of milk. In the afternoon, maybe miso soup or an oxo.

    Thanks. I have been looking on the Delay Don’t Deny fb page and it is very strict as far as what you can drink. I don’t drink coffee, but like to have water with a little flavor. what I drink, usually sweetened w stevia, totally works into the fasting/500 calorie days for me. Looking forward to learning more. Thanks everyone.

    Good luck in your journey, knelson.

    Thanks everyone. I have lost about 26 pounds so far and every one of them is a battle. I have 6 kids (all from me) and volunteer a lot with our church, help with our 2 vet clinics, and run the kids all over the county. My last 5 pounds have come off easily with fasting, but looking for which schedule works best for me without feeling deprived or too tired. Needing to lose 15 more and will be at goal weight which is NOT on the light side of my ideal weight, but that is ok. Thanks for all of your help.

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