Question about non-fast days

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • I just finished my first fasting day! It wasn’t so bad. But – the reason I have abandoned other diets is because I hate constantly counting points or calories. It’s tedious and time-consuming. Do I have to count calories on non-fast days? My TDEE is about 2000. I eat a pretty healthful diet most days, with the occasional small helping of chips or dessert. I think my weight has been creeping up because I eat a little too much healthy food. Should I start out by just trying to be “reasonable” on non-fast days? What has worked for others?

    I don’t count calories. I concentrate on having normal portions of good healthy food. See how you go. If you do 5:2 for a while and you are not losing weight, it might then be worth checking exactly what you eat on non fast days incase you are slipping in more calories than you think. (But I got down to my healthy weight without counting calories or weighing myself, so it is possible!)

    Congrats on your first fast day, and welcome to the forums!

    Cinque, you once wrote something that has especially helped me on my way. You once mentioned that during FDS you will ponder or consider what you are going to consume on your upcoming non-fast days. …Why I’ve find this helpful is that I’m often in a very clear space with regard to my relationship with food on my fasting days. Considering what might best suit me to eat from that perspective has been very helpful for me in making healthier choices when I arrive at my non-fasting days. So that’s been a great tip for me, to carefully consider, plan and even sometimes prepare what I’m going to eat on non-fasting days, from the clear space I find myself in on FD. Hope that makes sense!

    Thanks so much, Cinque and Lael. One other point – does anyone else enjoy a daily glass of wine? Should I eliminate those for all but the weekends? I’m going to up my exercise to the moderately active level but will never have time to exercise hard every day.

    Hi CG,

    That’s completely up to you. A 250mL glass will have about 200 calories, so you need to take it into account. Two and a half glasses on a fast day and you’ve reached your 500 cal. Alcohol has 7 cal per gram. Alcohol can not be used as an energy source. It must be processed by the liver and stored as fat. On the assumption that you only have one glass per day that’s 1400 cals per week going to fat storage. So one of your fast days goes to counteracting your glasses of wine for the week.


    Nothing is forbidden on 5:2 and if you really enjoy a glass of wine have one on non fast days but make sure it is only one. If you are being mindful of what you eat and trying to make healthy choices you’ll weigh but be aware that the average loss forwome is only around 1lb per week.
    There are many on this forum who enjoy a glass of wine and lose weight. That includes me and I’ve lost 68lbs.

    As for exercise, it is great for fitness and toning but contributes very little to weight loss, maybe 5%, the other 95% is down to calorie restriction.

    Good luck 🙂

    That sounds like a very doable strategy. I might downsize the glass from 5 oz. to 3 oz. And you’re right about exercise, I just want to get all the health benefits from it that I can — plus, I enjoy a few sports a great deal, so it shouldn’t be difficult. It’s just very hot and humid here right now. Thanks for your thoughts.

    Hello again, Good point Lael. I don’t do scales and calorie counting, but I am big on being mindful and analysing myself as I go along!

    Maybe no wine on fast days Chicago girl? You will enjoy it so much the next day!

    best wishes

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