Portion size

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  BurritoQueen 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • What is a ‘portion size’ or serving? 8oz, 1 cup or? Like when I have a bowl of reducing soup, is a portion 1cup?

    Since I’ve only seen the video & gone on-line for help, I can’t say what the book says is a portion size, but counting calories, most packages say what a portion size is, or there are some guidelines available from many sources, including on-line ones. A cup of soup from dried soup mix is what Michael ate during his fasting days, so that was his portion, though I think he went to the minimum end of things to stay way below the caloric limit of 1/4 of daily calories, for the purposes of testing out the diet. I turned to spinach and onions cooked, as it was tasty, more filling and yet low calorie.

    OK thanks

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