
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Muminkl 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • I have recently been diagnosed with PD and after never having been ill before, I’m reeling with the shock. I am 63 but have always been reasonably fit and active. I have not started on medication yet and am keen to delay this for as long as possible as medications only seem to have a limited efficacy. I understand there is no cure yet but wondered if anyone who has PD has tried fasting and did it improve symptoms? Thanks

    Not a perfect reply but a thought: I do not have PD, but I do have ME/CFS, a condition some researchers, patients and clinicians associate with states of inflammation and suspect of having both genetic and epigenetic influences–just as PD does. I’ve been doing a version of 5:2, actually experimenting with various iterations since late December 2016, and it has been very helpful. Slowly and in small but perceptible ways, I feel healthier as well as lighter (have shed 25 pounds in five months). If your doctor approves, I would really encourage you to give it an extended try. One of the supposed benefits of fasting is improvements in immune function, though there is still a great deal to be understood about how this works. I would welcome hearing about your experience as you get underway,including any information you turn up about the effects of fasting or other aspects of nutrition on PD, and wish you the very best! I’d also be happy to answer questions you might have about my own efforts, setbacks, basically steady improvements.

    Hi Jiffy, sorry I haven’t replied sooner. Have been doing a lot of reading about PD and diet and have decided to fast from evening meal at 7.30 until 2pm the following day. I’m going for the Mediterranean diet, cutting out butter, yoghurt and cheese but using plenty of olive oil. More fish, very little meat and lots of veg.
    Not sure it’s done much good but I’ve only been on it for 2 weeks. I have started, very reluctantly, taking Azilet as my tremors are a lot worse. Maybe I would be better doing the Mediterranean diet on a 5:2 basis.
    Would welcome your thoughts and would love to hear about your successes and failures!

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