Overweight unfit mummy :(

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  annette52 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,

    I have finally decided to take the plunge and start this plan. I have always been overweight and after the birth of my baby who is now a toddler I have been putting on more weight not lossing any. Plus I have a malfunctioning valve in my heart which cause’s me to collaspe from breathless. My doctor says I need to lose weight before they operate so here I am. So any help, advice, suggestion’s and support is much appreciated.
    From a anxious mother.

    Have a look at the FAQ’s at the top.Under ‘resources’ then at the bottom of the drop down list is ‘BMI calculator’ if you click on that you can see what your TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure which is the number of calories that you need to stay the same weight. So if you consume up to your TDEE on 5 days and fast to 500 calories for the other 2 then you should lose weight.
    I found it quite an eye opener to learn what the calorie cost is of the food that I like to eat and then to deduct that from my TDEE. I have learned to make informed choices that allow me to lose both weight and inches.I suggest that you measure your vital statistics/weigh/try on clothes once a week so that you can see your progress.
    I imagine that less weight will help with your day to day life until you are slim enough for surgery. Do have a look at the other threads, they are full of top tips and ideas, meal ideas etc.

    Hi there Annette,

    Thanks for your advice. I eventually found the TDEE and have done all my measurements and and it has gave my my TDEE calculation. So this is what I can eat on normal days? And 500 cal on fast days?
    Is there anything else I need to do?
    Thanks for your help.

    Yep. Anything that you want to eat and drink up to your daily TDEE and then up to 500 cals for 2 fast days. You will discover that there are some foods that you currently enjoy that are costing a lot of your TDEE, so the question is, do you have it every day? Or do you make some changes or substitutions?
    I am not a fan of vegetables, but make my own vegetable soup(parsnips are sweet) and blitz it with a food processor and then freeze in 1 person portions(found some take away boxes with lids in the £1 shop) I just throw some vegetables in a pot of boiling water until they are soft, then strain over a bowl so that you can use the vegetable water to loosen the mix. As you have a small person you could also feed her some too if it is a bit thicker with some bread.
    Choose things that you really love to eat on a FD that are protein and leaves. I like prawns or salmon fillet and have it with vegetables or salad. Tins of soup are very useful and have the calories on them too, so you can compare which ones to choose.
    You don’t need to do any exercise but as you have a toddler you are probably on the go anyway!Just stick to the figures and you will see the difference.

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