Have used 5:2 previously to lose 6-8 pounds, now needing to lose at least a stone. I can just about manage my fast days but can’t get out of the mindset of treating myself on non fast days. Any tips?
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Hi Glasgow,
I know many of us struggle with this.
I got excited at first because my fast days led to me eating much less the day later: I felt full more quickly, and was craving better food.
I think I have got a bit of that still, and my tastes are changing.
However, I find my non fast days are as much work as my fast days as I try to eat ‘normally’ (whatever that is! 😉 )
A big part of it is about ‘treating myself’ after Fast Days.
My tips:
First, I argue with my own thinking. My fast days are not depriving me. Infact they are a gift. I try to make each one as good as I can, as a gift to myself.
Second: After a fast day, a normal eating day is a treat in itself. It is a day I should be able to satisfy my hunger. I should feel replete. (This is what is taking loads of practice because my poor brain and body have such confused messages about hunger and repleteness.)
Third: A ‘normal day treat’, if I am going to have one, is something that should satisfy me. I try the mindfulness techniques to think what I would really want most of all, and how much I want. And then I give my self that and eat it with utmost enjoyment, savouring every bite. If I don’t feel satisfied at the end I have to remember that for next time!
If it is very unhealthy I need to be sensible and only have it once a week (or if it is a kg of chocolate, then maybe once a month!) but make sure I enjoy it to the full each time I have it.
Fourth: ‘Normal days’ are what I want to have all the time when I have got rid of all my excess flab so I need to practice them. I want to eat a delicious healthy, normal sized portion of food for three meals a day, with a snack only some days. I need to concentrate on this between fast days. What is going on in my head to stop me? Sugar cravings? Stress? Childhood habits? Advertising? Unhappiness with my life? Time to deal with those things if needed.
I am sure you will find what works for you. Just keep searching til you do!
Hiyaas!! I started the 5.2 a few weeks ago but yesterday after a fast the day before I really seemed to over eat on things like crisps and chocolate brownies then picked all day finishing of with a Chinese so I had a whole lot of calories.. I was wondering if I can fast again the day after over indulging to make up for the failure the day before
Hi Hannahbella
Lots of people slip an extra fast day in, or do alternate day fasting.
Last time I had a horrible munchy couple of days I noticed that the next fast day put me on the right track again and so I decided if it happened another time I would move my fast day to the next day. Fortunately it hasn’t happened since.
Hey guys, I am on my third week of the fasting plan.
Had a really really bad weekend – take aways and chocolate! Trying to reset by doing three fast days this week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
I know it’s not ideal but hoping I won’t lose too much of my progress and the three days will help get me back into the right mind frame.
Problem is I was regarding Saturdays as my treat day – so anything I craved during the week I told myself I could have on Saturday which worked quite well as by the time Saturday came around, I wasn’t really in the mood for the badness afterall, just had one treat instead.
Is this a good way to proceed or am I cheating?
Get all out the “treats” out of the house just chuck them into the garbage bin. If you can’t do that because of others in the house that can indulge. Put the treats into one cupboard and put a lock on it to which you don’t have a key.
I know it sounds down right stupid. But if temptation is around invariably I would partake of it. If you can’t see it the temptation won’t flare as easily and if you can’t get at it you have time to set the craving aside.
Don’t use sugars or artificial sweeteners or drink sweet drinks artificial or otherwise. Artificial sweeteners trick the body into expecting that sugar fix, when it doesn’t receive it it will increase the craving for sweets and you can end up eating a ton of all the wrong stuff. Been there done that got the t-shirt and I don’t want another one.
The answer is more! More fasting. More water. More movement. More laughter. (Amazing how laughter increases your feel good endorphin’s) More introspection. More self awareness. More thought before picking up food or treats. “Is this going to help me on my 5:2 path or send me in another direction”.
If we forget where we started at and why we started 5:2 then forget where (and why) we are going with 5:2 then you get lost. Remember why you are doing this the deep down personal core of your belief that made you take up 5:2. (So sick and tired of being sick and tired that I was down so far I couldn’t see up from the black hole I was in.) One has to be mindful and conscious of what and especially why we are doing this. (I want to live long enough to see my 10 year old granddaughter married and have children of her own.) What ever your reason hold it close and keep the flame of desire to achieve burning it can carry you through when things feel downright awful.
Ok I’ll shut up now I sound like a preacher.
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Don’t use sugars or artificial sweeteners or drink sweet drinks artificial or otherwise. Artificial sweeteners trick the body into expecting that sugar fix, when it doesn’t receive it it will increase the craving for sweets and you can end up eating a ton of all the wrong stuff. Been there done that got the t-shirt and I don’t want another one.
I see this so often but it is not true for everyone. If I’m craving sugar I have a coke zero or pepsi max and my sweet tooth is satisfied (I know many who say the same). People keep trotting this same line out all the time and it is just not a fact! Drives me bonkers.
Read up on artificial sweeteners and insulin spikes.
If you can do it for you that’s fine. For me and everyone I know personally on 5:2 or other forms of IF. (which isn’t a great number this is a town of 2800 give or take)Artificial sweeteners are a good way to blow a day.
Your mileage may vary of course every person is different.
I think we all need to agree to disagree on artificial sweetners.
I heed the warnings on these forums and try to avoid them but if I’m really struggling on a fast day (like I did yesterday) a can of Sprite Zero saves the day. Maybe its the fizz but it completely takes away the hunger pains and gives me strength to keep going. So far the occasional sprite zero on a fast day has only ever helped me. And I have never abandoned a fast day.
Everyone’s body reacts differently
Hi Quiet:
Here is a brief outline of the research on artificial sweeteners and insulin spikes: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/artificial-sweeteners-insulin/#axzz3ykGLOdbx. I am not aware of additional studies not mentioned that have different results than those stated.
A recent study showed that foods like tomatoes spike some people’s blood sugar, so anything is possible. But broad based claims just don’t seem to be supported, for artificial sweeteners or tomatoes!
I’ve had my blood insulin levels tested previously as part of a normal fasting glucose measurement. Then in 8 different tests 1 per week consumed the servings of 4 different sweeteners and again checked every 15 minutes for two hours after consumption. Only stevia – fresh, dried, or tincture did not cause insulin spike in me (pure unrefined stevia – I don’t like pushing more chemicals into my body which is what refined artificial sweeteners contain what and how much is up for debate as these are trade secrets for the most part).
As stated your mileage may vary as to what effects artificial sweeteners has on any person. The only people I personally know doing 5:2 are 3 others here in my town. The all have issues with any artificial sweeteners causing a “more” response.
If something works for your sugar cravings then use it if you wish.
Hi, try the “lay-by” plan, put the treats on lay=-by for 1 day or 1 hour and if you still really want it, make sure its only one portion and enjoy it no guilt. If it does fail and you over eat, go for a walk or do 10 minutes plus of exercise before you indulge. You were spot on when you said “Habit” old habits that don’t have my best interest can be replaced, don’t give you, you are doing so well. 🙂
I don’t really count calories on fast days, because I know exactly what I eat on them. The other days that were my downfall when I first did 5/2, so now I count calories & aim to keep within 1800 on non-fast days.
Counting made me aware of the levels of different foods, which I wasn’t before. After a 500 calorie day 1800 can feel like a feast & keep me nibbling all day. Today I’ve had an ounce of cheese, a lot of fruit, a handful of nuts, oatcakes, sweets, an ice lolly (!) a really good dinner and trifle for pudding – and it comes to 1799. I know some people won’t approve – an ice lolly? sweets? – but treating myself like this has meant the 5/2 has been the only diet I’ve ever stuck to!
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25 Jan 16