Ouch! Bad head

This topic contains 12 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Just finished my second week of FD . Terrible day yesterday with really bad headache and famished by 3pm! Pushed dinner back to 7pm but it was really hard. Drank lots of tea and water but nothing helped. Bed at 9pm with paracetamol and more water. Feeling better this morning and the scales showed a drop of 1lb for the week. Total 3.75lbs since starting. Did I imagine it or did I get a glimpse of a forum for small women. Can anyone put me on to this. I am just over 5 feet and think I might be consuming too many calories on an eating day. How would I know?


    Sorry only the first word of my comment came up lol if you calculate your TDEE on the welcome page on this site. That will let you know the number of calories you should be consuming on normal days

    Thanks Kirstya86. Did this when I started and TDEE was 1598 cals. Does this mean I should be eating only 400 cals on a FD? Think I will struggle to do this. I haven’t worked out how many cals I’m eating on normal days, so guess I’ll start there. Off out for lunch today so will try and keep it light! By the way just taken measurements and have lost 2″ off my waist!!! Delighted to be wearing trousers that last month couldn’t get the zip up!

    Oh well, my light lunch turned out to be a heavy one. Thought I’d ordered something light but when it arrived it was heavy with potatoes and cream! Made an effort to work out calories and adjusted things for my evening meal tonight, so with a bit of luck I have stayed within my TDEE for the day. I have noted the free app myfitnesspal with help for counting calories, so will download that now and get some help.
    Kirsty86 – hope all goes well for little Tyler – thinking of you.

    1st week completed with a 3.5lbs loss – really pleased and feel quite cleansed really. Only thing is the headaches on my fast days I’m sure I’m drinking enough 5 glasses water and 5 tea/coffee and 1 can diet pop surely that’s enough – any advice as I don’t want to take tablets as it feels good my body is having a rest from processing supplements etc .

    Hi Cookiemama, I find that if I have too much caffeine on fast days I get a headache so limit myself to a mug of tea in the morning, maybe a coffee during the day. But all other drinks are herbal/fruit tea, fizzy water with cordial and water. Hope this helps. Well done on your 3.5lbs loss, great start. I’ve just completed my second week 3 off first week but only 1 this week.

    Third time lucky, some of us on the Little Dragon thread are on the short side, maybe that is the one you mean?

    Hi Cookie and welcome:

    This will address your question: https://thefastdiet.co.uk/forums/topic/the-basics-for-newbies-your-questions-answered/

    Short answer, you need salt.

    Good Luck!

    Thanks PAG and simcoeluv
    I’ll have to crack open the herbal tea box it’s been in my cupboard for a while but pardon the pun its not my cup of tea ! I drink decaf tea and mellow birds coffee which according to my work colleagues – why bother as for salt I’ve always steered clear if possible so will have to look into that. Roll on Fast Monday – Good luck for next week

    The human body needs salt.
    Not only does salt help control your fluid balance, it also controls the way your muscles and nerves work. Our bodies automatically regulate how much salt, or sodium, there is present. If levels are too high we get thirsty and drink – this speeds up the elimination of salt through our kidneys.
    It is estimated that 75% of the salt we need is already in the food we buy. When we are fasting we do not get enough and that is often why we get a headache.


    Amazon – right on.

    It turns out that people that eat too little salt die as much (or more) from too little salt intake as those that die from eating too much salt. It appears the current low salt guidelines may be dangerous unless you have kidney disease and the old ‘eat salt in moderation’ works well: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/238164.php


    The salt police are way out of line as the body is more than capable of eliminating any excess unless copious amounts are being consumed. Every function of the body is controlled by nerve impulses and muscle movement, so the importance of salt in our diets should not be underestimated. The mantra “everything in moderation” needs to be borne in mind.

    If I have a headache on a FD, I peel a carrot, cut it into sticks and dip them in salt as I eat it. Works every time. I cook from scratch 99% of the time so my incidental salt intake is on the low side. I add it to food as I cook because I know that it makes food taste better and that it is vital for a healthy body.

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