
This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  LucyLovely 10 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi! I started the Fast Diet in 2013 and lost 20lbs. It was the first time I’d ever lost a significant amount of weight on a diet. I find it easier to stick to than other diets because you don’t have to do it everyday, you’re not constantly depriving yourself of the foods you love.
    I haven’t fasted in quite a while, I probably did it last around this time last year for a few months. The weight slowly crept back, but not terribly fast until after Thanksgiving of course!
    Now I’m back on the wagon, doing 5:2 sometimes 4:3, and eating as healthy as possible on the off days. I’m trying to lose 20lbs by March 18th, when I leave for a vacation to Hawaii!
    The thing is, a lot of people seem to have a really negative opinion about “fasting”. They think I’m starving myself, and that I’m just going to over eat on my off days. And use the fact that I gained back weight as proof that it doesn’t really work. It took me 2 years to gain back the weight, and I didn’t regain it all. I try to tell them watch the documentary, and about all the other health benefits, but they have already developed their opinion and write it off as quackery!
    It makes perfect sense to me! That’s why I do it! Certainly it makes more sense than a lot of other diets out there!
    Anybody else get this reaction when you tell people you’re fasting?

    Hi spotter the only people i have told about 5.2 is family im new to this way of eating and plan not to tell anyone else unless they ask. My family tho are very supportive altho prob because i explained to them that its not a diet its a lifestyle change i of course was told yea you will lose weight but as soon as you stop it you will put it all back on again my family and i dont believe in silly fad diets. When i explained that its a way of life has health benifits and will change my whole attitude on food they understood and are on board with me doing this. Hope this helps a little

    I told a few people that I was “thinking” of it and the reaction was “it’ll never work” and gave all sorts of reasons why it would make things worse. “It will reset your metabolism because you’re starving yourself”. “you’ll gorge yourself after” The naysayers were adamant and that was everyone I tried to discuss it with including a dietician, though not one person had tried it or read up on it.

    I took info to my Dr. and had him look it over (as I have a number of health issues) and he did over the course of a week to 10 days. He said that from all he had seen and read it made sense scientifically and he couldn’t see any medical reasons I couldn’t do it and he didn’t have any issues with it. That with my medical conditions I’d have to be cautious and if anything went awry from dizziness, heart palpitations, bowel or urinary issues to headaches to stop and see him immediately.

    My Dr was most helpful and encouraging, without his ok I probably won’t have started. He did base line blood work and took my measurements, chest, stomach, hips, bicep, and thigh. These will be used to measure progress or lack of. The blood work is what I think is going to tell the tale. I’m doing this for health more than weight lose.

    I’m just keeping it to myself. Let people wonder.

    Yes, unfortunately there is always going to be uneducated people putting forth their uneducated opinions on 5.2. I’ve read the book thoroughly so I am armed with all the scientific evidence that I need to answer their questions. Don’t let people sway you and good luck.

    Who cares what others think? Fasting is as old as the hills, is benEficial to long term health, and most importantly for the majority of us, it is an effective weight loss tool.
    Don’t give it up this time, continue to your goal and then maintain it. That’ll keep them all quiet 😉

    I haven’t started yet, but I am not really planning on telling anyone. If what I have read so far is correct you can have 500 calories on a fast day, for a woman, so just make sure your co-workers see you eat something. Doesn’t have to be a donut! I plan on having a very low calorie soup (homemade) at lunch, and no one will question me. It’s not their business anyway, but this way I won’t have to deal with any negativity.

    Lucy lovely I havnt started yet either. I am going to fast on Thursday and Fridays. I don’t think people at work will notice but if they do they probably won’t say anything, don’t care what they will think because your doing something that will make you feel great. I just weighed myself and didn’t realise how heavy u was looking forward to losing it now.

    I mean didn’t realise how heavy I was lol

    Lol, I didn’t realize how heavy I was either!!!!! I think my fast days will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can’t wait to get the book.

    Hi guys, I started the diet today and stuck to under 500 calories. (Monday – yesterday that is now) i’m 18, 11.7 stone and 5’5/6.. Any idea how much weight I could probably lose in 2 weeks?

    I have no idea, I am very new to this. Sorry.

    I didn’t mention it to anyone until about 2 months in. I was doing it for the health benefits and didn’t really expect it to affect my weight beyond the few lb of visceral fat I expected to shift (as Michael did in the documentary). It was only when I noticed my trousers were fitting better and decided to weigh myself that I started mentioning it to friends or family members. None of them had noticed that I’d lost more than 1 stone in 2 months but I couldn’t blame them, as I hadn’t noticed myself. However, a few people had noticed my clearer skin already, so whenever someone made a comment I would tell them why I was looking better and about the 5:2 lifestyle, the health benefits associated and to hammer the message home I had that extra stone ‘no longer’ under my belt as ‘proof’.

    It does sound stupid to most people because they have decades of rubbishy ‘fad’ diets rattling around in ther brains and lots of false assumptions about having to eat to keep your blood sugar levels etc. in check. You’re not going to cure them of that in one conversation and unfortunately you’ve harmed your argument a bit by leaving the lifestyle once already and regaining some weight as a consequence. All you can do is say, “This works for me and this time I’m going to stick at it – you’ll see!” mean it and do it. Don’t see it as a diet – it’s not – if you take up 5:2 then you have to accept that this is it – your lifestyle forever. You might one day go down to 1 FD per week or you might up your calories on your FDs a little once you get to maintenence (whatever works longterm) but you’ll have fasting as a part of your life forever and that is how you keep the weight off longterm. This lifestyle is not for everyone. Many would see fasting as part of their forever lifestyle as a massive never ending nightmare but for those of us who are up for it, it’s an ‘easy’ fix to our longterm weight struggles.

    Tracy J, Well said!

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