Ooo look a whole shiny site!!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  fastinginberlin 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Hello,
    This is exciting, I never knew this site existed. I’ve been doing the 5:2 diet since the Horizon programme first aired in the first week of August last year but I’d never thought to do a search on it since paying a brief but informative visit to the Schrokit’s Corner blog.
    I’m looking forward to exploring and reading all about other people’s experiences with the diet and hopefully contributing some tips, as I’m almost a year in now and almost 3 stone down.
    I didn’t initially do the diet to lose weight, as I’d resigned myself to my ‘natural size’ which I had been since teenagerdom, with very little fluctuation. However, I have lost weight (a 1st for me) and it is a very happy side-effect for me 😉

    TTFN – Tracy J

    Hi TracyJ
    glad you found us, seems we started this plan at almost the same time, fantastic to hear about your wonderful results, looking forwards to seeing you around the site x

    Hi Tracy,
    what a cute headline 🙂
    Your results are amazing, hope you’ll be willing to share your experiences with us. Congratulations!

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