Oh yeah

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Hi! My name is Marta, 24, from Italy, not a newbie in the fast lifestyle but new in this forum (that I read almost everyday)

    I’ve started fasting for weight loss; then I realized how much better I was feeling in my fast days and extended it to the 16:8 method (eating in 8-hour window, sometimes I do more)

    I hope I can find the answer I need to my doubts 🙂

    Hi, Marta.
    What doubts are you having? I’ve been Fasting, along with my husband, since 2013, and we are great fans. We Fast 2 days/week, breakfasting at around 8 am and dining at 4:30 pm. Not trying to stay within a particular timeframe, those mealtimes just work out for us. We are both retired, so we could eat whenever.
    Thanks for explaining what 16:8 means — I keep seeing it on this forum and had no idea! I guess we fit that, ‘tho it wasn’t on purpose.
    I’m so glad that Fasting is working for you and that you feel healthy.
    Keep up the good work.

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