Oh dear

This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Nika 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Had a bit of bad food day yesterday, somehow managed to consume 3000 cals, Oooops. I wasn’t planning a fast day today but when I got up I wasn’t hungry, so decided it might be a good idea. So far so good have even planned my one and only main meal for this evening
    2 westaway honey roast sausage
    150g dry roasted butternut squash chips
    Poached egg
    And melon for pudding
    500cals the lot

    Sounds yummy. What are dry roasted butternut squash chips? Do you cook them? I love butternut.

    Hi Nettienoo

    I started the diet 3 weeks ago and lost 4lb in the first two weeks then I have put on a pound this week, I think I have taken you can eat all you want on the non fast days literally, so I am going to use My fitness Pall on my phone every day and count my calories and try to stick to about 2000 and not only on fasting days as I have been doing. I have made a lovely beef stew from the Fast Diet recipe book today even though a non fasting day, it had wine in the recipe now I have three quarters of a bottle of wine to drink. So back to a fasting day tomorrow and hopefully lose that pound quickly

    Good luck and good for you only one meal in a day, I can’t seem to manage that, I have made a big pot of Tomato and red pepper soup and hopefully a bowl of that in the middle of the day will keep me going, not managed just breakfast and then dinner still have to have some thing at lunch time.


    Hi Suzysu
    I cut the butternut squash into chip shapes and cook them in the oven with a coating of fry light, very yummy

    Hi Rita
    I use the fitness pal app as well, it’s a very good tool, it’s surprising how many calories you can consume when your not watching!!!! They just creep up on you. I’m not weighing myself because I find I get obsessed and jump on everyday, I’ve been doing this for 2 weeks now and my jeans aren’t as tight on my waist so I’m pleased with that

    Even though I say so myself, that dinner was delicious

    I also use myfitnesspal – I can’t believe how much some things are when I add them after accidentally eating them!!! It has really helped me become a conscious eater – ‘am I actually hungry enough to add that to today’s tally?’ Or it means I have a few pieces of chocolate not the whole block – I don’t want to add 1000cals of chocolate! It’s not that long since I added 1000cal of chocolate, so it’s not a won battle, but I bought a block some days ago and have only eaten half a piece so am pretty happy about that!

    I am the same about weighing nettienoo – I am having my first weigh and measure tomorrow, after a month. And will probably try and put the next one off for another couple of weeks at least. I hate it when I end up jumping on the scales first thing in the morning, every time I have a shower etc etc. it allows me to focus on winning with my eating, and trusting that the scales will move in the right direction. I don’t fit my jeans atm but I can now get them up at least!!

    Hmm thinking about pumpkin type things!! There is a big pumpkin on the bench at home. I love wedges so might just make some for tomorrow (I just looked up how much pumpkin I can have for 500 cal!!) 😀 or I could do the possibly wiser thing and make my normal fast day soup, and have pumpkin the next day. Then I could add a bit of nice oil for that extra delicious factor. Yum yum!!!

    Hey Nettie, good to hear you won’t let a bad day beat you down 😉 It almost did for me a few days ago, but when you look back after eating healthy again it doesn’t seem that important anymore, does it?

    Your last comment made me giggle… x) It’s always nice to enjoy your only food of the day!!

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