NZ Newbie & a little lost

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  • Hi there, I’m Ange, 35yrs old from NZ, mum to a 2yr old & my doctor has referred me to this diet due to not being able to lose my baby weight & my high blood pressure (blood tests normal, just haven’t had the time or energy with working fulltime & having a sick baby – excuses I know!).

    I plan to fast on a Monday, so I’d start my fast Sunday night at 7:30pm and finish my first fast on Tuesday at 7:30am. Then my 2nd fast day would be on a Thursday so start at 7:30pm on Wednesday and finish on Friday at 7:30am. Is that right?

    Bit stuck on what to eat on my fast days, I can’t stomach breakfast so I usually have a Up & Go premade drink which I presume isn’t the best, usually starved by lunch & get something from the cafe next to work and then pick most of the night from the time my son goes to bed to when I go to bed & as you can imagine the picking can be really terrible choices… What are some easy, not a lot of prep meals that total 500 cals I can have for lunch & dinner? BTW we are a egg-free, nut-free household due to allergies.

    Hoping someone can help me out here so i can get started on this on Monday.

    Hi Angehogen,

    Your fast times are good but you must plan what you are going to eat,

    Maybe , couple pieces of fruit or dish of berries for lunch.

    For dinner…. a piece of meat ( pork chop, or lamb chop, a breast of chicken, cooked ham, beef or some fish,( prawns, salmon, tuna steak) about 100g/ 4 oz in weight with a large mixed salad or vegetables no potatoes. A splash of salad cream.

    Choose something you like and enjoy, drink water to fill, or tea

    Good luck

    You got the timing right.

    symba is giving you some good advise. PLAN IT BEFORE YOU EAT IT.

    I recommend adhering to the diet for 2 months before making changes or tweaking it to suit you. At least that’s what I’d normally say. Now having tried the experiment of adhering strictly to 5:2 as written for the month of Feb. (my 13 month on 5:2) My advise now is “AS quickly as possible move to zero calorie fast days. Water only!”

    I found and have been reminded all this LONG month that a little food is worse to handle than no food. It’s so much easier to handle just taking another glass of water. But then that’s me and your mileage may vary.

    So if you’re going to eat 25% of TDEE on fast days plan everything ahead of time. When, how much, and make sure you actually have what you need at hand. Especially if you are out of the house when your meal time strikes.

    Good luck on your 5:2 journey. You’re not going to believe yourself in a year. You’re going to be totally amazed!!

    Hi ange and welcome:

    Here is some information that might help you get started and be successful on 5:2:

    One of the hard parts of 5:2 is you can eat any foods you want. However, many find that eating one evening meal high in fat with moderate protein on diet days works best. Eating carbs, especially early in the day, will make you hungry and make it difficult to get through diet days. I agree with Quiet that you should try to get to eating no food on diet days as quickly as possible, but it does take time for your body to get itself acclimated to this new way of eating.

    Good Luck!

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