Note for those unable to log in

Welcome to The Fast Diet The official Fast forums Site stuff Bugs and errors
Note for those unable to log in

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  fastdiet 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Our server had a hiccup where it decided that we should all be locked out for 24 hours. This has now been resolved and please be reassured that no one tried to hack your account. If anything, your account was safer than ever because no one (not even me) could log in.

    The hosting company has now sorted this and I apologise for not realising it had happened sooner, especially on a Monday when I know a lot of you are fasting.

    I have a lot of emails that I will reply to – thank you for emailing in, that’s how I knew to check.

    Sorry again!

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