Not well

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  • Hello everyone,
    I started the fast diet at the beginning of November last year, most weeks I did 4.3. I have always been a healthy weight just wanted to lose a few pounds. I have lost 10 pounds so far and only want a few more, around 4. I just do not get everyone who is happy on this diet. On my fast days all I think about is food, I manage it and do stick to my plan but cannot wait every fast day night till I wake up and can have my bowl of cereal. Honestly, do not enjoy it. My BMI is 20,5 at the moment and it is even harder to lose the weight since I keep on losing it and gaining it back. Any ideas how to get through this period and lose my last 4 pounds? I struggle…thank you!

    could anyone reply to me please?? :/

    I wish I could help but I’m one of the lucky ones. I can just shove the thoughts off to the side and let it go. “I’ll eat tomorrow”

    Fasting is not something I endure or struggle through. To me it has been more mental than anything else. Hunger passes. The mental issue of fasting I meet head on this is my choice and choose to feel, notice, acknowledge, and be very mindful of what I am doing and feeling. Thoughts of food would just cloud what I am feeling and experiencing. If that makes any sense.

    I choose to enjoy it and find a kind of joy and more knowledge of myself and my body. Truly it has been a learning experience and a joyous one. I think more on what I’m doing and what is happening with my body because of my choice. I just push the thought of food aside until tomorrow. Tomorrow I can have chocolate. For me it is a now at this moment to feel and not think about food.

    I just finished a 3 day water fast. Well 86 hours actually and other than a few hours on the second day I didn’t really feel hungry. I will say that last night I had dreams of a 7 course meal and woke at 4am with a rush on like someone had just scared the heck out of me. I never did get back to sleep. It is 4:30pm and I feel like I should leave work early and go have a nap.

    Good luck with your fasting and I hope you find someway to make easier for yourself

    Sonurda, I’m guessing that you are water-fasting. I’ll admit that it doesn’t sound like fun. In our house, we do the 600-calorie days which we find to be very doable. Have been at this for 6 years. We actually look forward to the foods we eat on Fast Days, as we have amassed many delicious recipes.
    I know that you and QuietOne have had success with water-fasting, but if you find it to be a chore, Sonurda, add some protein to your diet [eggs for breakfast, fish/chicken for dinner] and see if you like it better.

    Your BMI is on the low side anyway; it’s going to be very hard for you to lose more.
    I find some FDs easy, others-like today- are just a struggle & I can’t wait for breakfast tomorrow!

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