Not ruining my fast at night- any tips?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’ve just completed my second fast day… well sort of.. not really.
    Day one was Monday, and it went alright all day, but i ended up completely ruining it and going WAY over my 500 calories at night. Its when i just sit down and relax, and just want to stuff my face!

    I’ve had another fast day today and it went so well! I wasn’t moody, and actually really enjoyed it, but its got to about 8pm, and I’m thinking “mmmm.. a biscuit would be perfect, or a hot chocolate.” I can’t fit it in my 500 calories as i’ve used those all up, and even if i did, i know i wouldn’t be able to stop at 1!

    How do i stop from wanting to ruin it at night time? Any tips?

    Hi! I did 5:2 before, about two years ago, and now I’m returning to it. I do my first fast on Monday. What helped me before was saving a chunk of calories for the evening. I just can’t go to bed hungry, so if I do that, all is well.

    I drink a lot of milky black tea in the morning and try to hold off eating as long as possible.

    I hope you find what works for you; hopefully others will chime in.

    Hi Viv,

    It takes a while to get used to fasting and change bad habits, but you’ll get there.
    With some careful planning you should be able to save 40 calories for one of those instant hot chocolate drinks which you could have in the evening. The other thing to do is hold off eating for as long as possible during the day so you have more calories for the evening. Many people following 5:2 end up only eating dinner after trying several other options.
    You also have to learn to talk yourself out of eating something you don’t need. Remind yourself why you are fasting and that you can have a biscuit tomorrow.

    Good luck

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