Not really expecting to lose weight

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Amajen 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • I’ve been on too many diets and my body defends my fat – no matter what I do, after three or four months the weight starts creeping back on. So I’ve decided I’m not going to weigh myself and get upset and obsessive over it, I’ll measure my waist and that’s it. I’ve also binned the 5oo cals a day idea because I tried that way last year after the Horizon program and actually gained weight. I find it a lot easier not to eat anything at all than start and stop after only a small amount of food. I also don’t feel so ill and weak that way. I normally do three martial arts classes and two 47 minute runs during the week – the first fast day I did a taekwondo class for an hour in the evening and felt fine.
    My big problem is eating too much on non-fast days – I’m going to try avoiding carbs during the week, and only eat what I want at weekends. So far I’ve had one week with two days’ fasting – not too difficult although I went to bed early the first day and woke at 2.30 am and couldn’t get back to sleep again.

    It’s me again – I’ve done another two fast days, having just water and black tea for a day. On Monday I felt really tired and awful, had to keep going to bed for a nap, felt breathless and sleepy, then did a martial arts class in the evening and felt much better. I suspected still high insulin levels from the day before might have been zipping my fat cells shut (see Robert Lustig: Fat Chance for more on this). So on Tuesday I made sure I didn’t eat any refined sugar or wheat and on Wednesday had a really easy fast day, finishing with a martial arts class during which I managed to turn down biscuits and a curry dinner!I also went for a walk early in the day to try and winch those fat cells open and that seemed to help too.

    Hi, old lag (Is your full name here an accurate description or more tongue-in-cheek?) – It’s great to hear of your experiments – what works and what doesn’t. You seem to be putting in a lot of determined effort so I hope you are starting to experience some benefits. All best wishes to you in dealing with those uncooperative fat cells, feeling well and enjoying your activities.

    Hi! Just wanted to say that I started doing this “diet” combined with a low carb lifestyle and I have seen results. I think getting rid of processed foods is necessary in what ever way you choose to lose weight. It can be difficult passing up the bread basket but you will find that its worth it when you see the results. Good luck!

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