Not lost in 2 weeks

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Melissa.1205 11 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hi. I had a good loss the first week but going into week 3 I have stayed the same. The question I wanted to ask was that I had my thyroid gland removed in 2005 and am on medication. I know the thyroid gland helps to control metabolism will this make it more difficult for the weight to come off.

    Any help would be great. Thanks

    Hi Melissa.1205, as long as you are getting regular Thyroid Function Tests done and levels remain in the normal range it shouldn’t have a significant impact. But if you are starting to feel a bit hypothyroid – may be worth getting your levels checked sooner as that would slow your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight. Good luck

    Hi Melissa. I had my thyroid removed 20 years ago and have been on oroxine ever since. I started on 5:2 13 weeks ago and have lost 20 lbs as has my husband who is NOT not on oroxine or has thyroid doctor gave me a blood test after 12 weeks and I was delighted my cholesterol had dropped from 5.9 to 4. My liver function test it was twice as good as it had ever been. However my body was now using my oroxine too well and my TSH had dropped to .o2 . My doctor dropped my oroxine by 25 mg and I must admit I haven’t noticed a lot of difference although I am losing weight slower. I am determined to stick with 5:2 even if I lose weight slowly. I am a 60 year old female. Hope that is encouraging for you.

    Thank you for your comments I will keep going as i’m not going to stop its just frustrating when you don’t see the scales move but I will get bloods checked. I also only have about 14 pounds to lose so will keep at it 🙂

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