Non-Fasting Day

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  bellla 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Today was my second non-fasting day. I am doing the AFD’s and started Friday with a fast. Although I do plan to alternate Thursday with Friday this week (…because I am a realist and no way am I going to stick to 500 calories on the 4th…) I was surprised this morning to wake after yesterday’s fast and not feel paticuarly hungry. A banana (100 kcal), a cup of yogurt (90 kcal) and a granola bar (100 kcal) and I was good for the entire day.

    By 5:00 I finally felt hungry and fixed my “feast”. A cup of cheese-filled raviolis (boiled-250 kcal) topped with homemade Alfredo sauce (1 teaspoon margarine 70 kcal, 2 tablespoons light sour cream 35 kcal, 1/4 cup shaved parm 110 kcal, dash of garlic salt 0 kcal) A tossed green salad with lemon juice and pepper (20 kcal) and a small piece of herbed Italian bread (100 kcal) For afters I microwaved 1/3 cup of Raspberry pie filling (110 kcal)

    For a total of 985 calories for the entire non-fast day! And don’t feel in the least “deprived”…and still have more than enough calories for Pim’s and tea before bed. (2 Pim’s only 100 kcal)

    Tomorrow is a “fast”…and exercise…and “Health Day” Looking foward to my first weigh-in on Saturday! Feel wonderful. Best diet ever!

    (Although eventually I will get away from counting calories on the non-fasting days…my M.O. was a 900 calorie lunch plus breakfast and a hearty dinner. I need to re-set my norm. When I actually stopped and realized how many calories I was eating every day…it was no surprise I could never stick to my IBW.)

    Hi Carla, I have a question if you don’t mind me asking. How many calories do you get on non fast days? I at only 740 calories yesterday on my non fast day and I found myself not hungry for dinner. Now it says I am suppose to have at least 1400 on non fast days. I have never eaten 1400 cal in my life. I find it very hard to eat that amount of calories. It seems you as well are not a big eater? Do you think it will work not eating enough cal on non fast days?

    I am limiting myself to between 1200-1500 cal on a non-fast day. I am going to count and try to stay within that or slightly below until I get this 30 pounds off…and no…actually I tend to be a high caloric eater…love sweets, sauces, dips, and especially love new recipes and to cook. When I look back on my caloric intake it was nothing to whip up a 1200 calorie lunch…or eat out where the average lunch count was 800-900 calories. The whole premise of the Fast Days seems to be just that…to reduce the calorie count (and therefore lose weight).
    Your body needs a certain amount of base calories though just to function properly. I would hesitate to go below 1200 calories on a non-fast day. I even added a granola bar last night to bring mine up a bit. Also, and this is huge for me…if I feel “deprived” in the least bit…this would end up being another diet attempt fail. That is why (for me) other programmes never worked. Because I enjoy good food.

    Sorry Carla just saw that you answered my question here. Forgive me for my repeat question. Not sure how I will incorporate 1200 calories never mind 1400. HuMM

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