No time like the present

This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  fasting_me 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I read about this diet properly yesterday and decided to take the plunge today and do a fast day today and another on Friday. I’ma teacher so I actually have two weeks to get my head around it and get used to it before I get back to work.

    I am obese, not overweight so my goal is to get out of the obese range and then re-assess. I am 38 and need to get this weight under control before I get pregnant.

    Good luck to you all.

    Good plan, Mrsbw. Glad you read up on it first so you understand what and how to do it. Good goal to take the weight loss in stages — get your BMI down to 25 and then see if you want to go further. I had a goal and then when I went below it, I liked that better. This plan works.
    Keep us posted with your progress and any questions. If you want any recipes, I’ve got lots. Been at this for 5 years.

    I bought the book yesterday and read it! Have had a fitbit on my wrist since September but not really used it. Decided to fast Monday’s and Thursdays and had told myself i would start on Monday,but after getting weighed i decided that there really is no time like the present so welcome to my first fast day!

    Hope yours went well😃

    Good on you. My first FD was surprisingly easy once I worked out my meals. I think a lot of the hunger pangs were psychological. I took a couple of Nytols and that knocked me out! Good luck with yours.

    Mrsbw – i started 5:2 with a BMI of 36 and i am now well under 30 and aiming for 25 (or lower!). It takes time – I average just over a pound a week of weight loss – but it is very effective.

    If you can tolerate the fast days then you are half way there. Non fast days can be tricky as you are trying to eat healthy and not diet but its easy to overeat and sabotage your fast days.

    It can be helpful to enlist the support of friends and family and ask them not to offer you cake, chips, etc! I can eat a little of these bad things but too much just blows everything!

    You may find you don’t lose weight steadily eg – you will lose more in some weeks than others for no obvious reason! Its maddening and i nearly gave up a few times but I’m really glad i stuck with it as i have lost over 50lbs so far. Prepare yourself for some mental challenges! Good luck and join the April Challenge for some extra motivation.

    Good going, Elsy, and welcome to Fasting. Glad you got started. Did you record your weight and measurements — it is wonderful to look back on them to see how far one has come.

    Wow, Cornish-jane, you have a great track record. Well done.

    Mrsbw, we are Fasting today too. Ham & chive omelette for breakfast. Wonton Soup for dinner.

    Fasting_me. Thanks for the encouragement, done two days now. Tomorrow is my third.
    Yes I recorded all my measurements and think I am going to check them monthly

    Thanks Mrsbw, got three days under my belt now! Up to press i think the fasting days are easier to control than the others. Trying to not go overboard with food is quite challenging 😢

    @Elsy W try eating very slowly. It gives your body time to tell your brain you are full. It is hard but seems helpful to me.

    Chopsticks can help — unless you are very adept. They make me eat slower!

    Fasting: Today we had egg-avocado-crab-cottage cheese baked in a dish for breakfast. Really fast and easy. Tonight we’ll have a variation on ‘mixed sushi’ with brown rice, grilled beef, smoked salmon, egg, and cucumber.

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