No eating on fasting days

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Slimwalter 7 years ago.

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  • I find when I eat it just makes me more hungry. What I would like to know is can I have NIL calories on the two fasting days rather than the 500 calories? Thank you xx

    Some people choose to do that. If that works for you give it a try. Some people have said they drink only water on fast days, some drink only liquids.The beauty of this wol is it can be modified to fit what ever works best for you.
    I have tried water only, liquids only, sometimes I eat the full 500 calories other times I eat half of that. It all depends on how I’m feeling at the time, I have learned to listen to my body and it is working for me. I met my weight loss goal in June and I’ve been in maintenance since then.

    Yes. You will find it very effective and, as you suspect, it is easier to do. My preferred fasting routine is fluid only from supper Sunday until mid day Wednesday. The fluids are coffee, green tea or black tea in which I permit myself some milk. For that long your energy levels will be fine unless you intend to run a marathon or do some heavy physical work.

    You aren’t alone in finding that once you start eating it triggers your desire to keep doing so. For some the answer is no food, for others it’s delayed food.

    I have tried a no food FD once and didn’t like it at all. However I do delay food for as long as possible on FDs – usually I delay all the way to dinner time. Through the day I drink cups of tea and water. The only meal I usually eat on a FD is dinner. Because the only calories I’ve consumed is for some milk in my cups of tea I have more choices for dinner as I still have 400 or so calories to work with. This has become my normal routine and works well for me.

    It’s important that the way you fast suits you. So try various options, including a no food fast day and see which one feels the most sustainable for you.

    Hi, just joined and read your post, I totally agree, as soon as I start eating that’s when the hunger kicks in so only coffee all day then a low cal meal at night, I lost 6 stone over a couple of years but due to life change put 1 back on, so back on it!

    Hi.Been impressed with the fast diet and Mike Mosley on TV for years, and gradually getting into the right frame of mind.
    Last effort (last year) failed because I gradually cheated on low calorie intake. Now finding fasting 10.00pm – 6.00 pm easy (drink black tea, tea with lemon and cardamom infusion) providing I keep busy for the 2.00 pm – 6.00 pm slot. Problem is controlling intake after 6,00 pm. Need to stick to a rigorous meal on that day.
    Cut out crisps and chocolate because I can’t manage just occasional nibbles. Have upped my steps target from 10,000 – 11,000 average per day.
    So far so good.

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