Nine months in & feeling fabulous…

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  wildwater 11 years, 7 months ago.

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  • Greetings to all fasters. I have lost 23 kg in nine months and feel healthier and better than I have since I was kid – I am now a very zippy 63 yr-old woman. Began this WOL to address health issues, after reading MM’s inspirational Telegraph article. My pre-diabetic blood sugar level, high blood pressure &and high cholesterol have all dropped back to normal. Have gone from buying 2XL clothes to S or even XS, and bra size from 16GG to 12DD. All this is extraordinarily transformational. In fact the weight loss really is a secondary benefit – I am so delighted to be able to run and climb up mountains. (Seriously – am living in the Andes!) Am following a wonderful 5:2 forum on UK Mumsnet but thought I’d check in here too.

    If you are reading this MM &and Mimi. – THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your wonderful contribution to the health of the planet!!!!!!

    fantastic results! im now heading for my 1yr mark, still losing weight and gaining the health, fitness and confidence that this way of life has brought to me. xx
    today is my 47th birthday, and the best present ive had is stepping on the scales this morning and being lighter than ive been in over 20 years x

    Brilliant for you both. Hope to follow in your footsteps. Started the programme just 2 weeks ago. Agreed to be weighed by our practice nurse each month so don’t know if I’ve lost anything yet. As a 60 year old, hope my health problems are helped as yours have been wild water.


    What a wonderful post! I just restarted today. I am 60, and it’s so good that our “age” doesn’t stand in the way of us losing on this plan. What an inspiring post!

    Thank you lightoftheworld…yes it is good to not be too hung up about age. I still feel like a teenager inside, even if my wrinkles ((more apparent now the fat isn’t rounding them out) tell another story!

    Great to be able to easily communicate with like minds, esp. when battling with necessarily learning another language (Spanish) which can be quite exhausting.


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